Thursday, May 25, 2006

An Inconvenient Reality Called Life

An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gores new movie that deals with the dangers of global warming, seems to have conveniently ignored an inconvenient problem with its major thesis, and that is the very real aspect of the problem of overpopuation. Not having seen the film, of course, I can only assume this to be the case, as so far all I have heard commented on is the need for alternative energies and the very real dangers of CO2 emissions from industrialized and developing third world countries.

And it is very true of course that all these problems desperately need to be addressed in a comprehensive way. Yet, if the now politically unpopular notion of dealing with overpopulaton is not addressed, it will all be a useless endeavor.

This is the way nature works. The more peole that are born, the more land they will need. The more land they acquire, the more as a result will be the diminution of the rain forrests. The more the rain forrests diminish, the less cabon dioxide is recycled into oxygen, yet the more carbon dioxide is recycled into the atmosphere, which is now accumulating in overabundant quantities.

In time, it is possible this overaccumulation might well begin depositng itself on the polar caps, an alltogether different problem as a lot of this will eventually begin to enter into the nations oceans and seas. This could cause incalculable harm to the oceans eco-system.

From this point on, any reductions in CO2 emissions will be incidental and actually negligible. Suddenly, it will take far less of these emissions to do the same amount of damage to the environment, or more. Back to square one.

Conclusion-this problem of overpopulation has to be dealt with. If we do not deal with it, Mother Nature, in her coldly practical way, will. In fact, is, but to a small, small degree in comparison to what is coming some years down the pike. What it all boils down to is a harsh but firm choice. Billions of people have to be prevented some way from being born. Or, billions of people will suffer needlessly, but inevitably.

I know what my choice is, and what it well should be. The ony thing that is left to answer, is how?


autogato said...

You know what's scary? Muffin DOES NOT BELIEVE IN GLOBAL WARMING. This is WRONG. Now that recycling is WISE. Or the importance of FUEL ECONOMY.


SecondComingOfBast said...

Don't feel bad, he's not the only one. A lot of people think the weather is just going through a cycle thatit goes through ever so often. And, that might well be the case. However, that cycle might, ifthe truth were known, just happen to coincide with explosive growths and attendant consequences of the human population.

When this happens, human beings become less and less like the evolved ape he actuay is, and becomemore and more like a virus. When that happens, Mother nature will take action to cure herself of the "flu", which usualy results in a "bottleneck" in human population, i.e. a "thinning of the herd".

Actually, in the long term this has lead to improvements in the overall human condition, genetically speaking, as the strongest are the survivors.

Unfortunately, if the trend isn't reversed, we may be approaching another bottleneck. If so, I don't feeltoo good for my chances.