Saturday, May 20, 2006

Conjugal Lewdness

The Christian conservative views concerning abortion, marriage, and birth control are really nothing new. Going back to 1728, no less a personnage than the author Daniel DaFoe, author of the novel Robinson Cruesoe, authored a tract entitled "Conjugal Lewdness: or, Matrimonial Whoredom", which was a treatise warning about the scandalous state of marriage in his day. He later changed the name, at the suggestion of is editors, to "A Treatise Concerning The Use And Abuse Of The Marriage Bed". In the course of this book, he told of a young woan who turned to a neighbor for aid in preventing childbirth. The woman was aghast at what she considered the evil thing the woman was tryingto involve her in, which she assummed to be the seeking of an aborton. But the young married woman responded that no, it wasn’t an abortion she needed, she desired to prevent pregnancy to begin with, and continued to imploe the woman if she knewof any potions that might prevent conception.

DaFoes warning to the English society of his day involved what he considered the degrading effects of such a scourge upon the institution of marriage. it was, he considered, tantamount to a man, if he encouraged such practices, using his wife as no better than a whore. It was such attitudes as this, in fact, that eventually gave rise to the prudishness of the so-caled Victorian Era in English society, a strict code of morality which enlisted growingnumbers of adherents on both continents of Western society.

And this is pretty much what we are seeing today with the Christian conservative movement, in regards to objections to not only abortion, but in ever increasing cases to contraception and to any kind of reasonable, sensible and moderate sex education in public schools as far as anything other than an insistence upon the practice of abstinence. Also in regards to censorship, to intrusions upon art in television, movies, and literature.

And it also explains a good deal about such phenomenon as protests over portrayals of religion in literature and the cinema. It is related to why Christian clergy the world over, in Greece, Italy, Russia, and even India, are up in arms over The DaVince Code, so much so that the movie is for now yet unavailiable for viewing in India, and in other places outraged clergy are asserting that any who see the movie should be killed. A Vatican official has now gone so far as to insinuate that Dan Brown, the author of the novel The DaVinci Code, should be sued for insulting the Church. Scary beyond words.

Finallt, it is also the reason why religious leaders to such a large degree are insisting they be preeminent in all areas of life, including even in the teaching of Intelligent Design-just another euphemism for creationism-as a viable scientific theory as to the origins of life and the universe. Which is, of course, as any halfway sane person understands, insane.

But how else can you control peoples minds, if you cannot control first their educations. Only then can you control their morals, and through them, by way of guilt, the people themselves. It’s the same old story that caused heads to roll in Russia in 1917. And,if they ever get that degreeof power again, I am confident that they will fail to grasp the lessons of hisotry, and so eventually, as they become more and more pervasice, and corrupt, eventually their heads will roll as well. But not in a span of time that is suitable or acceptable to me.

If anybody wonders as to the whys and wherefores of the so-caled culture wars here in America, realize that it doesn’t really matter which side draws first blood. The only thing that matter is the rivers of blood that might well eventually result. And it is all really so very, very unnecessary.


Anonymous said...

Hello Patrick,

I have a treat for you, hope you enjoy it. My writing style may be rough at times but the content will cause the earth to quake and stars to fall...

Pay close attention, profundity knocks at the door, listen for the key. Be aware, scoffing leads to blindness...

There is a way to verify the truth...

There's a bit more to the story of the Vatican's reaction than most are yet aware of. Read my missive below to understand what they truly fear. It's not the DaVinci Code or Gospel of Judas per se, but the fact that people have been motivated to seek out the unequivocal truth about an age of deception, exactly when they expect me to appear. The Gospel of Judas and DaVinci Code controversies are allowing people to take new stock of the Vatican/Papacy and the religions Rome spawned.

Remember, "I come as a thief..." ?

Yes, the DaVinci Code novel is better than the movie. Both are no more accurate as a literal version of history than is the New Testament. In other words, none of them is the literal truth, which is a key fact of the story and ancient history. The primary sub-plot is about purposeful symbology being used to encode hidden meanings, exactly like the Bible and related texts. Arguing about whether the DaVinci Code, Gospel of Judas, or the Bible are accurate history is a Machiavellian red herring designed to hide the truth by misdirecting your inquiry away from the heart of the matter.

Want to truly understand why we can't let the Vatican succeed at telling us what to think about ancient history? There is a foolproof way to verify the truth and expose centuries-old religious deceptions. It is also the common thread connecting why the ancient Hebrews, Yahad/Essene, Jews, Gnostics, Cathars, Templars, Dead Sea Scrolls, DaVinci Code, and others have all been targets of Rome’s ire and evil machinations. What the Vatican and its secret society cohorts don’t want you to understand is that the ancient Hebrew symbology in all of these texts purposely encodes and exposes the truth about them. Furthermore, the structure of ancient symbology verifiably encodes the rules to decode messages built with it. This is what they most fear you will discover.

If the Bible represented the literal truth or even accurate history, there would be no need for faith in the assertions of deceptive and duplicitous clergy and their ilk. Wisdom and faith are opposing concepts, because wisdom requires the unequivocal truth where faith obfuscates and opposes it. Religion is therefore the enemy of truth and wisdom.

It is undeniable the New Testament is framed by ancient Hebrew symbolism and allegory. The same is evidenced in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic texts, biblical apocrypha, DaVinci Code, and other related texts. All ancient religious, mystical, and wisdom texts have been shrouded in mystery for millennia for one primary reason: The ability to understand their widely evidenced symbology was lost in antiquity. How do we finally solve these ages-old mysteries? To recast an often-used political adage: It’s [the] symbology, stupid!

It is amazing the Vatican still tries to insist the Gospels are literal truth. It is beyond obvious they are replete with ancient Hebrew symbology. Every miracle purported for Jesus has multiple direct symbolic parallels in the Old Testament, Apocalypse, Dead Sea Scrolls, and other symbolic narratives and traditions. This is the secret held by the ancient Gnostics, Templars, and Cathars, which is presented with dramatic effect in the DaVinci Code. None of these narratives or stories were ever intended as the literal truth. That is a key fact to unraveling ages-old mysteries.

Likewise, the following Washington Post article ( The Book of Bart) describes how many changes and embellishments were made to New Testament texts over the centuries, unequivocally demonstrating they are not original, infallible, or truthful.

It's no wonder the Vatican fears the truth more than anything else. Seek to understand the symbolic significance of my name (Seven Star Hand) and you will have proof beyond disproof that Jews, Christians, and Muslims have long been duped by the great deceivers I warned humanity about over the millennia. What then is the purpose of "faith" but to keep good people from seeking to understand truth and wisdom?

Now comes justice, hot on its heels... (symbolism...)

Not only do I talk the talk, I walk the walk...
Here is Wisdom!!

Revelations from the Apocalypse

autogato said...

I scoff at that - man not wanting to use his wife as a whore. I'm sure that some men would not want that, but to me it seems like just a thin argument meant to disguise the fact that what the man really didn't want was for the woman to have the power to control her own body. And oh wait, men are still debating that to this day. But I could go off on this for a long time. I'll spare you. At the moment....

SecondComingOfBast said...

Well, who wouldn't want to use his wife as a whore? To his way of thinking, if you enjoyed sex with your spouse, without the intent of producing children, then that to him was what it amounted to.

Frankly, I think that a good lot of the people who started this line of thought were incapable of enoying sex, and tried to enforce their affliction on everybody else, and this is just as true today, in a lot of cases. More often than not,though, I think it's just a hypocritical way of trying to control people through fear and guilt.

Rufus said...

Women are sexually superior- that's always freaked out some men and delighted others.

SecondComingOfBast said...

That kind of makes you wonder, don't it? Maybe at one point in the distant past women evolved to be able to satisfy the needs of multiple male partners. Then the species might have been strengthened by the prospect of the strongest sperm overcoming the others. Still, men, who needed to do the heavy lifting, could at this point in time have their sexual needs satisfied and then go on out a kill that wild boar or whatever.

SO therefore this might well be a holdover from this time.

Rufus said...

The clitoris really is an evolutionary miracle. I think if you look through history, you see a tremendous amount of widows actually. Certainly it was the norm in the middle ages. Men generally died well before their wives. It might have something to do with that. Or, having no real refractory period might just be nature's way of encouraging multiple partners and upping the chances for conception.

SecondComingOfBast said...

Well, I don't see how the death rate ofmen would play a factor, unless it was so womens sexual needs might have been deep down so insatiable that they wouldn't waste a lot of time in grieving. But that doesn't seem to be the case, if anything its the males who sexual appetite seems to be the most insatiable-at least openly so.

Another benefit of this is that a relative handful of women would be able to satisfy the sexual needs of large numbers of men while in the prcess of hunting for new land to migrate to, which would necessitate the larger number of women being left behind temporarily.

Then, suddenly, these women are attacked by an enemy whose presence in the general vicinity was not detected. In this case, their sexual stamina might offer them a degree of protection from multiple rapes, to a point.

Or it might just boil down to the fact that women have always been dominated by males, and therefore have always had to be the ones who have had to please. Over te generations, this just became a natural trait.

The clitoris is actually a very small penis, by the way. When a transexual undergoes his final operation, his penis isn't actually surgically removed. Without letting this become too compicated, it is simply reduced to the size and functionality of a clitoris, after which folds of fat and skin are extracted from a fleshy area, such as the thigh or buttocks, and folded around it to form the outer parts of what is now a vagina.