Saturday, May 20, 2006

24-An Explosive Finale

The coming season finale of 24 is promising as usual a big surprise, so of course as a 24 fanatic and mystery addict, I’m geared up,and keyed up, for what could be hopefully the best season ending ever. So far, the show has not dissappointed, despite several incidents of dubious and unlikely circumstances.

Okay, for one thing, Russian military submarines are unlikely to be docked at US ports. For another, how exactly is it that civilians make their way onto diplomatic flights in a city that has beenunder martial law for the course of eight hours? More importantly, how is it that an ex-Preisdent, receiving information pertaining to the illegal acts of the curent President, trust said current presidents wife to keep him abreast of events, when he should have every reason to be aware that said First Lady is a few cards shy of a full deck.

Okay, despte all these obvious flaws, the show is gripping, and I still have hopes that First Lady Martha Logan will turn out to have been in the throes of Multiple Personality Disorder when she first turned to David palmer, and then betrayed him, leading to his assassination. For now, it looks like her and shining armor encrusted knight Aaron Pierce will somehow manage to escape with their lives intact within minutes of the shows season ending.

That ending wil come, I predict, when Jack Bauer has President Logan cornered, asserting that he will face justice. Jack may well actually assassinate the President, knowing full well this will put him in the historical company of John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvery Oswald, when suddenly the ending will come. A missile fired from the Russian sub docked at the LA port, recently taken over by Russian (Chechnyan?) terrorists, will hit the Presidential compound, within a minute after jack gets word that one missile was fired before the terrorists could be halted. Logan will be killed by the blast, as will all or most of everybody else within the LA based Presidential retreat. We will have to wait until next season, in January, to learn that jack Bauer has survivd the blast-or will he?

Yes, the show has been renewed for next season, in fact it has been tentatively renewed for three seasons. Yet, there is no word for certain whether Keifer Sutherland will return to the starring role of the drama, and he certainly isnt guaranteed to be kept on forthee seasons.

So, assumming I am right, what clued me in on this scenario? Well, when Jack discovered the Russian sub was being targeted for cpature by the terrorists, the first thing he asked was whether the missiles on the sub were nuclear. He was informed that they were not. Now, thought I, this is quite odd. Why would the writers not have the sub armed with nuclear missiles, instead of ones which were yet deadly enough, Bauer was informd, to take out several city blocks?

Answer-well, a nuked LA would be just a little too much, even for a television show such as 24. So therefore, obviously at least one missile is going to be sucessfully launced, which means-ergo, the Presidential retreat. Goodbye, President Logan, you were fun while you lasted. Great villain. The shows writers sure as hell had me fooled.