Saturday, April 30, 2011

May Day Festivities-Don't Let The Unions Tell You Who To Support And Not To Support

Tomorrow, for May Day, labor unions are pushing for a nationwide boycott of businesses that are known to have supported Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, going so far as to urge their supporters to go into grocery stores and place stickers on products produced by the offending companies.

Including in this attempted boycott drive are Coors Beer, Sargento Cheese, Johnsonville Brats, and Angel Soft toilet paper.

Aside from the fact that this is wrong on so many levels-and probably illegal to boot-there is something you can do if you celebrate May Day and are a conservative, a Republican, or for that matter just a decent American. Instead of sitting back and doing nothing while these companies are targeted by union thugs, you can strike back. You can go out of your way to patronize these fine companies, as I decided to do for Beltane. But don't limit your patronage to just May Day. Continue your support in the weeks and months ahead. Show the union thugs that you do not approve of them, their goals, and their tactics.

So for May Day tomorrow, enjoy a nice meal of Johnsonville Brats, washed down with some good Coors Beer, along with a nice after dinner snack of Sargento's cheese.

Then, at the end of the day, when it comes time to take a healthy shit, make sure you wipe your ass with a heaping helping of Angel Soft Toilet Paper.