Saturday, April 30, 2011

Is Donald Trump Trying To Be The Post-Modernist Harry Truman?

I don't think even "Give 'Em Hell Harry" would call the Chinese motherfuckers. Certainly not in public, while making a speech and openly mulling a run for the nomination of his party for President. Incidentally, I'm still not convinced Trump isn't, like Truman, a Democrat at heart. He once considered running as a Democrat (I think this was in 2004, but it might have been earlier) and he has a habit of donating to Democrat causes and candidates. I think he's basically a limousine liberal, maybe more of a Blue Dog Democrat. Granted, anything would be am improvement over Obama, but I just don't think Trump is what most of his supporters think he is. Just too much doesn't add up. For one thing, despite what Trump says, the Birth Certificate issue is not that important to most Tea Party people now, nor was it ever. I think he just assumed it was based on media charges. Also, his angst over the Chinese and the Saudis is boilerplate populism that you're just as likely to hear from a Democrat as from a Republican. Remember, unions are upset over the loss of good paying jobs, to the Chinese, and most liberal Democrats resent our ties to the Saudis, who they see, with a great deal of merit, as an oppressive regime that has kept up bound to oil. If we could ditch the Saudis, we would have no choice but to move toward green energy, to their way of thinking. Also, if we left the Middle East, we would have no vital reason or interest to be involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict-something else Trump has been strangely silent about.

I'm starting to think Trump is not to be feared. Over time, he will show his true colors. He probably knows its useless to try to take the Democrat nomination from Obama. Otherwise I have no doubt that he would go that route. But since he probably feels that is a lost cause, his only options are either to run as a Republican, or as an independent. The good news is hopefully that after a few weeks, and months, have passed, it will be much more clear where he's coming from. And, if he does run as an independent, I think there's a pretty good chance he'll pull much more votes from the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party-the moderate to conservative and Blue Dog wings-than he will from the GOP.