Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rebecca Black-Death Threats

When you're fourteen years old, the last thing you think about is the possibility of receiving death threats. Yet, unbelievably, YouTube video sensation Rebecca Black, pictured above, has recently experienced this. Not once, but twice, she was recently threatened with death unless she desisted in posting her music on the internet. The Anaheim police are taking the threats seriously enough to put this kid under protective surveillance.

I will not link to her video, "Friday". I did listen to it one time, just to see what all the controversy was about. Frankly, it is indeed an execrable piece of work. Once was more than enough, and I would frankly discourage anyone from viewing it. Just as I can do that in good conscience, anybody else can opt to not listen to it at all. You can take my word and avoid the experience all together, and you can damn sure choose to not view it a second time. If you persist, you have only yourself to blame.

But death threats? Aren't there plenty of crappy adult artists you could threaten? Come on-she's a fucking kid. What the fuck kind of people exist in this world that think its all right to e-mail death threats to a teenage girl just because they think her music sucks?

Frankly, if I were that low down a person, I would hope somebody would intervene, maybe convince me that if my life was that shallow, that worthless, maybe I should just get it over with and shoot myself in the head.

Once in the temple, once in the forehead, and once through the roof of the mouth.