Thursday, April 07, 2011

Get 'Er Done-Or, Shut 'Er Down

It looks like we are heading for a great big ol' gubmint shutdown here in a day or so, unless the Republicans and Democrats can come to an agreement. Wouldn't that just be a crying shame? Just think-no EPA, no FDA, all the other government agencies and cabinet departments we Americans have come to trust and depend on to keep us all honest and keep everything aboveboard. How could we ever survive?

Well, in my opinion, I think we can muddle through somehow. In fact, I think we might just discover that we never needed the motherfuckers to begin with. And that's really the last thing the Democrats want, so there's no way they want to shut 'er down, but they're in between the proverbial rock and a hard place, because they know they're going to have to give up something, otherwise they'll never be able to proceed with their plans to collapse the nation under a mountain of debt. That of course would be a requirement if they intend to forge ahead with their plans to "spread the wealth".

After all, once we are collapsed into bankruptcy, what choice will we have but to accede to their demands to tax (soak) the rich, for the benefit of all those cute little Democrat special interest groups-international organized labor and their blood brothers the Muslim jihadists, along with Latinos and other illegal immigrants, the progressive black voting bloc, the gays, the feminists, and of course and all their other internationalist partners in crime.

So what do they do? They respond by accusing the Republicans of "ideology" Ha Ha Ha.

The only thing the GOP is doing that is slightly wrong is putting too much emphasis on ending federal funding of abortion. Not that they shouldn't end it, but they should make it plain that their objections to government spending goes way beyond that, because otherwise the Democrats will try to define them as acting against abortion rights-excuse me, I mean "women's reproductive freedom"-and all of those poor impoverished children and the elderly the GOP will put on the chopping block.

The Republicans need to stick to their guns and stay on message, and remind the people that, if they really do want to reduce the size and scope of the federal government, worrying about the government being shut down isn't the most sensible thing in the world to be worried about.

In fact, it should be something to look forward to.