Monday, April 11, 2011

Former Muslim Terrorizes New York State Senate Hearing With A WMD Called "The Truth"

When a person leaves Islam, he or she will do so secure in the knowledge that there are numerous former fellow Muslims who will exact a most terrible judgement, by taking the person's life. This is a well-know fact, and as such, you would think that when a person such as that has something to say, their words would be worth listening to and giving all due consideration and respect.

Such a person is Nonie Darwish, the director of Former Muslims United, who spoke at a New York State Senate Committee hearing recently, and who raised eyebrows when she said that, as a Muslim child, she was taught to hate America, as well as Israel and the West. She also raised some voices, one of them a New York State Senate Democrat, who while brandishing a Koran, blared that she was spreading "hate and poison", that her presence was offensive to the hearing (which was ostensibly held to discuss how prepared New York is for another potential terrorist attack), and that "this is not our enemy", apparently referencing the Koran.

Miss Darwish continued her train of thought, insisting that not only what she said was true but that it was not a secret, which made the New York Senate Democrat, Eric Adams from Brooklyn, even angrier. He was interrupted by a couple of Republicans who mainly insisted he stop playing to the cameras and let the woman speak. One Republican commented, in an apparent effort at compromise, that Miss Darwish spoke only for herself and her own life experience, and not for the many good Muslims in the US and the world.

And so it goes. Politicians either want the truth or they do not. The truth should never be manipulated, or hidden, to spare the feelings of constituents or to ease their fears. Far too many politicians want to avoid the truth, or outright deny it. Or they want to compromise with it. Even when it comes to this deadly serious issue, once that might well put many lives at risk, they can't stop the games and political correctness. That is because they think they cannot trust you-we, the people-with the truth.

And it is like that throughout the corridors of power, from state legislators to those who hold the highest national office. A case in point here would be Lindsey Graham, who recently proposed that there should be limits on free speech when it amounted to offending the sensibilities of the many Muslim thugs who make up at least a large minority of the Muslim world where moderation and tolerance is discouraged and is in fact seen as a weakness, and even as evil, possibly Satanic.

In fact, Muslim moderates, if they exist at all, say very little in opposition to the radicals, for the very good reason they don't want to come home one day to find their families slaughtered. Not by some relatively small group of thugs, but by any number of devout mainstream Muslims just carrying out the fatwas of their local religious leaders.

It's a very real hazard, and for a bunch of corrupt politicians to denounce a woman who went out of her way to testify about the reality of these dangers and at great personal risk to her health and life, is beyond the pale.