Friday, April 01, 2011

The Truth Hurts

When a former CIA analyst talks, you listen out of the sheer sense that there's a pretty good chance he might just know what's he's talking about. The video below is notable for far, far more than the way Michael Schuerer criticizes CNN's Christine Romans for "carrying Obama's water". Notice how he explicitly states that the American involvement in Libya is the work of Hillary Clinton, and-John McCain, two people who just can't seem to help wanting to intervene in the affairs of foreign nations. McCain is a doddering old fool who, had he won the election and lived, would have done incalculable damage to the country, which would have likely been permanent in lieu of the irreparable harm he would have done to the Republican Party, which remember at the time was already practically on life support.

Now he is in the Senate insisting that we need to do something about the situation in Libya which we should have kept at far greater than arms length from the start. Arizona made a grave mistake by returning this crusty old RINO to the Senate. For all his flaws, J D Hayworth would have been a vast improvement.

As for Hillary Clinton, she's always been arguably a bigger snake than her husband, and twice as venomous.