Sunday, May 01, 2011

What A Real Woman Should Be (Hint-Not A Shrieking, Leftist, Feminist Harpy)

National Offend A Feminist Week begins on May 2nd. What better time than Beltane to announce support against a movement that wants to twist the traditional definition of womanhood into something it was never meant to be and to turn women into shrieking harpies of leftist progressive castration fantasists.

Here is what a real woman is. This is what a woman should be proud to be, or at the very least, render deserved respect unto the women who are secure enough in their femininity to be-well, real women.

In honor of National Offend A Feminist Week, I hereby announce as my official blog policy that the phrase "Ms." is officially banned from my vocabulary. If you are a married woman, you are a "Mrs.". If you are a single woman, you are a "Miss".

And if you are a feminist, well, you are probably a "Cunt".