Saturday, April 30, 2011

We Have A Winner

Herman Caib Wins 2012 Presidential Forum In Manchester New Hampshire

So says 69% of the respondents in the poll which saw Tim Pawlenty finishing a distant second, while Mutt RomneyCare floundered and flubbered.

Although I'm still basically a Palin supporter at heart, I have to admit it would be poetic justice if the failure Barak Obama, Presidential White House Lawn Jockey of the race-baiting Democratic Party, was replaced in the Oval Office by Herman Cain, the black Republican who would go on to the be the howling success as President he has been in every other area of his commendable life and career. Not as a black President, but as an AMERICAN president who just happens to be black. You know, the way it should be.

Whatever the future holds, one thing you can be sure of-Herman Cain will be a factor, and an influence in public life and the affairs of the nation for some time to come, long after Barak Obama has retired to a private life of deserved relative obscurity.