Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mitt Romney Makes Serious Gaffe Against The Democratic Party's White House Lawn Jockey

Since we are now into the Beltane Sabbat, this might be an appropriate time to look to see who is for now the most likely nominee to lead the Republican Party against Obama next year. So far, there is no clear front-runner, but it could well be that there is one person we just might be able to eliminate from contention-former Massachusetts Republican Governor Mitt Romney, who says we should hang Obama with his policies.

He then backpedaled from that, insisting that he was talking metaphorically. He knew he had just stepped into deep shit, but as one wag so eloquently put it-

Mitt Romney was backpedaling after suggesting it was time to “hang” President Obama. Actually, Romney meant to say Obama’s policies were the linchpin… no wait, he should have said Obama must to be whipped into shape… that is, Americans shouldn’t be slaves to the Obama administration’s… um, or maybe Obama is a cotton-picking… oh, never mind.

As far as I'm concerned, Romney's only mistake was in referring to Obama's policies as a rope. That fucking rope would be so damn long there's no way you could hang him with it, unless you hung him from the top of the Empire State Building.