Thursday, May 29, 2008

What Will You Do For Carbon Belch Day?

Carbon Belch Day? Shit, I celebrate that all the time. Every day around here is carbon belch day.

The way I look at it, Mother Nature will eventually even things out. She has a way of restoring the balance of nature more effectively than we ever could, which would make it a win-win all the way around. Well, unless you like the idea of being one of eventually twenty billion or more tree dwellers reduced to fishing for termites as a delicacy. Me, not so much.

Why worry? Fire up that barbecue grill before it costs you a month’s wages. Treat yourself while it isn’t illegal.

In the meantime, I nominate Lexington Kentucky for the honorary title of “Carbon Belch Capitol of The World”.


Anonymous said...

I have a feeling this has something to do with boosting the economy.

SecondComingOfBast said...

That might have something to do with it, but it's mainly a protest against the Goreball Warming histrionics being both accepted and perpetuated by significant wings of both the Republican and Democratic Parties, in addition to the far left environmental extremists.

It's primary focus is to express disenchantment at the prospect that if John McCain is elected, his position on this (and many other) issues is but a few inches removed-if at all-from that of his Democratic opponents.

In other words, this is an issue in which there is no significant choice insofar as the coming election goes, and this is a way of sticking our thumbs in all their eyes and making our voices heard.