Saturday, May 17, 2008

Special Announcement

The last chapter of Radu I expect to publish sometime early next week. Actually, I could have done so early this week, but since it is the final chapter I want to take special pains with it to insure that it is everything a last chapter should be, regardless of the fact it is a first draft. Well, also, I noticed I made a mistake regarding the time line of a certain event, involving when Marlowe met Cynthia the Vulture. I mistakenly have Marlowe musing about how she came to him after his escape from the hospital, when of course she actually helped him escape from Johns Hopkins, by feeding him the regurgitated remains of a human infant.

At any rate, for those of you have may have followed the various installments, I think I can safely promise you that you will be very much surprised at how certain things turn out. Hopefully I haven't given too much away, as I fear I might have done regarding the actual identity of Mircea. I intend to correct that in the rewrite, alone with other weaknesses of this first draft.

For those of you who have not read the novel, nor will read it, your torture is not quite yet over. Note that I said the last CHAPTER is upcoming.

Then comes the epilogue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.