Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Women Who Lie About Rape


President Obama has promised he will veto HR 3, a bill designed to deny federal funding for abortion on the grounds of any but "forcible rape". Critics of the bill stress that this would in effect change the definition of rape, which currently includes statutory rape. Of course there is more, much more, to it than that.

Also excluded would be alleged, so-called "coercive" rape, such as when women are "taken advantage of" by giving them drugs or alcohol. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that when one of them gets me so high on drugs or alcohol that they seem to look a hell of a lot better that night than they do the next morning, that would be a kind of rape as well. Poor things, they have unleashed my inner cad. It's not their fault, they just wanted another drink, and someone to talk to. Maybe some money to pay the rent. And there I go, insisting on a piece of ass.

Can you really blame them for lying and saying they were raped? I can't. But should the federal government pay for it, meaning the tax-payer? No, no, a thousand times no. That kind of thing just encourages girls to be irresponsible with their bodies, and encourages me to make damn sure the women I fuck are well into their forties.

That's all right, a few drinks and I swear, they do look like they're in their twenties. Bonus points to the ones with dentures.

Monday, May 02, 2011

In His Last Moments On Earth, Bin Laden Hid Behind A Woman

In other words, even Osama Bin Laden, at the very end, celebrated National Offend A Feminist Week.

Then again, he celebrated it every day. In fact, most Muslims, even the alleged moderates, live their lives in a way that most feminists would certainly find offensive if their acts were committed by non-Muslim Americans.

As it stands now, most American feminists will probably not feel as offended at Bin Laden's last cowardly actions at hiding behind a Muslim woman as they will feel absolute outrage that one of our soldiers killed the unfortunate woman in order to get to Bin Laden. The fact that Osama was himself armed and certainly capable of firing off rounds from behind his human female shield of choice would be as irrelevant to them as the prospect that the female shield might well have been a willing participant.

But there you have it. The 800 pound gorilla in the room is that modern American and European feminists are not offended by the actions of Muslim males towards their women folk, except in those situations where it becomes politically expedient to express such outrage.

And that, my friends, is seldom if ever.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

May Day Gift-Bin Laden Dead

No links yet, no verification, that's just what I've been seeing on Twitter. If true, great. If that's not reason to extend the dance around the Maypole a few extra days I don't know what is.

UPDATE-I'm going to go ahead and call it authentic. According to Ace, it was a firefight outside a mansion in Islamabad, Pakistan, that resulted in Bin Laden dead with a bullet through the head. What's more, the US is in possession of the body.

Joy and cheers all around. Kudos to whoever got the honor of ending the worthless scums existence. May he be followed by millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions more, if that's what it takes, until all the radical Islamist scum are eradicated from the face of the earth.

Keep Your Hands To Yourself

Yep, Happy Beltane.

What A Real Woman Should Be (Hint-Not A Shrieking, Leftist, Feminist Harpy)

National Offend A Feminist Week begins on May 2nd. What better time than Beltane to announce support against a movement that wants to twist the traditional definition of womanhood into something it was never meant to be and to turn women into shrieking harpies of leftist progressive castration fantasists.

Here is what a real woman is. This is what a woman should be proud to be, or at the very least, render deserved respect unto the women who are secure enough in their femininity to be-well, real women.

In honor of National Offend A Feminist Week, I hereby announce as my official blog policy that the phrase "Ms." is officially banned from my vocabulary. If you are a married woman, you are a "Mrs.". If you are a single woman, you are a "Miss".

And if you are a feminist, well, you are probably a "Cunt".

Saturday, April 30, 2011

May Day Festivities-Don't Let The Unions Tell You Who To Support And Not To Support

Tomorrow, for May Day, labor unions are pushing for a nationwide boycott of businesses that are known to have supported Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, going so far as to urge their supporters to go into grocery stores and place stickers on products produced by the offending companies.

Including in this attempted boycott drive are Coors Beer, Sargento Cheese, Johnsonville Brats, and Angel Soft toilet paper.

Aside from the fact that this is wrong on so many levels-and probably illegal to boot-there is something you can do if you celebrate May Day and are a conservative, a Republican, or for that matter just a decent American. Instead of sitting back and doing nothing while these companies are targeted by union thugs, you can strike back. You can go out of your way to patronize these fine companies, as I decided to do for Beltane. But don't limit your patronage to just May Day. Continue your support in the weeks and months ahead. Show the union thugs that you do not approve of them, their goals, and their tactics.

So for May Day tomorrow, enjoy a nice meal of Johnsonville Brats, washed down with some good Coors Beer, along with a nice after dinner snack of Sargento's cheese.

Then, at the end of the day, when it comes time to take a healthy shit, make sure you wipe your ass with a heaping helping of Angel Soft Toilet Paper.

We Have A Winner

Herman Caib Wins 2012 Presidential Forum In Manchester New Hampshire

So says 69% of the respondents in the poll which saw Tim Pawlenty finishing a distant second, while Mutt RomneyCare floundered and flubbered.

Although I'm still basically a Palin supporter at heart, I have to admit it would be poetic justice if the failure Barak Obama, Presidential White House Lawn Jockey of the race-baiting Democratic Party, was replaced in the Oval Office by Herman Cain, the black Republican who would go on to the be the howling success as President he has been in every other area of his commendable life and career. Not as a black President, but as an AMERICAN president who just happens to be black. You know, the way it should be.

Whatever the future holds, one thing you can be sure of-Herman Cain will be a factor, and an influence in public life and the affairs of the nation for some time to come, long after Barak Obama has retired to a private life of deserved relative obscurity.

Making Lemons Out Of Lemonade-What Else?

This has got to be one of the all time great commercials. Sure, the premise is silly. In between the time dad leaves for work in the morning and comes back home apparently that same evening, little Susie gets funding from venture capitalists for her lemonade stand business, and in the space of a few hours oversees the construction of a multi-story skyscraper for her new business headquarters. By the time poor dad makes it back home and asks where Susie is, he's asked if he has an appointment by a little boy Susie has hired as her secretary. It ends with Susie standing in front of her completed headquarters with a triumphant expression. All of this made possible because dad let her use his Verizon smart phone.

Its silly, but at the same time, its upbeat and positive, as well as funny. The look the little boy secretary gives the father when he asks if he has an appointment to see Susie is priceless.

Unfortunately, in real life, Susie would be in a world of trouble, with the FDA, the EPA, the Labor Department, and God only knows what else. And of course, by the time the fucking IRS was done with her she would wish she had just stayed in her room and played with her dolls that day.

I Want Candy

Mitt Romney Makes Serious Gaffe Against The Democratic Party's White House Lawn Jockey

Since we are now into the Beltane Sabbat, this might be an appropriate time to look to see who is for now the most likely nominee to lead the Republican Party against Obama next year. So far, there is no clear front-runner, but it could well be that there is one person we just might be able to eliminate from contention-former Massachusetts Republican Governor Mitt Romney, who says we should hang Obama with his policies.

He then backpedaled from that, insisting that he was talking metaphorically. He knew he had just stepped into deep shit, but as one wag so eloquently put it-

Mitt Romney was backpedaling after suggesting it was time to “hang” President Obama. Actually, Romney meant to say Obama’s policies were the linchpin… no wait, he should have said Obama must to be whipped into shape… that is, Americans shouldn’t be slaves to the Obama administration’s… um, or maybe Obama is a cotton-picking… oh, never mind.

As far as I'm concerned, Romney's only mistake was in referring to Obama's policies as a rope. That fucking rope would be so damn long there's no way you could hang him with it, unless you hung him from the top of the Empire State Building.

Blind Date

I love this commercial. It's cool as hell, but its also just creepy as fuck. I love how "Todd" shows up at the end driving past the woman's home, like some thug cruising for a piece of ass. One hand on the stirring wheel, one hanging out the window-and one on the rear-view mirror.

Is Donald Trump Trying To Be The Post-Modernist Harry Truman?

I don't think even "Give 'Em Hell Harry" would call the Chinese motherfuckers. Certainly not in public, while making a speech and openly mulling a run for the nomination of his party for President. Incidentally, I'm still not convinced Trump isn't, like Truman, a Democrat at heart. He once considered running as a Democrat (I think this was in 2004, but it might have been earlier) and he has a habit of donating to Democrat causes and candidates. I think he's basically a limousine liberal, maybe more of a Blue Dog Democrat. Granted, anything would be am improvement over Obama, but I just don't think Trump is what most of his supporters think he is. Just too much doesn't add up. For one thing, despite what Trump says, the Birth Certificate issue is not that important to most Tea Party people now, nor was it ever. I think he just assumed it was based on media charges. Also, his angst over the Chinese and the Saudis is boilerplate populism that you're just as likely to hear from a Democrat as from a Republican. Remember, unions are upset over the loss of good paying jobs, to the Chinese, and most liberal Democrats resent our ties to the Saudis, who they see, with a great deal of merit, as an oppressive regime that has kept up bound to oil. If we could ditch the Saudis, we would have no choice but to move toward green energy, to their way of thinking. Also, if we left the Middle East, we would have no vital reason or interest to be involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict-something else Trump has been strangely silent about.

I'm starting to think Trump is not to be feared. Over time, he will show his true colors. He probably knows its useless to try to take the Democrat nomination from Obama. Otherwise I have no doubt that he would go that route. But since he probably feels that is a lost cause, his only options are either to run as a Republican, or as an independent. The good news is hopefully that after a few weeks, and months, have passed, it will be much more clear where he's coming from. And, if he does run as an independent, I think there's a pretty good chance he'll pull much more votes from the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party-the moderate to conservative and Blue Dog wings-than he will from the GOP.

Friday, April 29, 2011

You Just Can't Be Too Careful

It looks like the wedding of Prince William to his bride Kate Middleton was a howling success, thanks in no small measure to the security steps taken which resulted in more than fifty arrests.

The Brits certainly had their work cut out for them. There were of course the usual concerns regarding Islamic terrorism, but in addition to that, they are always mindful of the sizable percentage of natural born British citizens these days who are leftist radicals. They run the gamut from Islamic sympathizers to environmental extremists. It would be a simple matter for them to mix with the crowd and wait for the most opportune time to work their mischief.

In fact, one of them was spotted fairly quickly. Here he is pictured below.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Obama, The Shoe-Shine Boy

Obama's Birth Cerificate, Reproduced In Full

I just don't see what all the controversy is about. It looks authentic to me. Well, put it this way, it looks as authentic as anything else that's ever come from Obama. You be the judge. If you can buy his health care bullshit, his immigration nonsense, his taxing and spending atrocities, and his environmentalist abominations, you should be able to accept anything. If you can't buy into any of that stupid leftist horseshit, then this should come as no shock either.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Guess Who's Been Receiving Death Threats

Sila Shain, pictured above, is a Turkish Muslim actress from Germany who recently posed for Playboy.

This isn't even the best picture of her. You can find that one here.

Oh, and those death threats? Unless you're a leftist or a Democrat, or some other snake who's been living under a rock for the last twelve years or more, its probably not even necessary for me to have to tell you where they're coming from.

Obama Born In America After All

As if there was any legitimate question about that in the first place. I will give kudos to Donald Trump for making Obama move to have his long-form birth certificate released by the state of Hawaii, which deserves the lion's share of the blame for this shit to begin with. It is a state law that long-forms can't be released. The state's position is that the short form is standard procedure for attaining driver's licenses and any other matter than requires personal identification. But this should have been an exception from the beginning. It has been a federal law from the foundation of the country that a person who runs for the presidency must provide proof of birth in the US. Period, end of story. What constitutes proof in Hawaii need not be accepted readily outside the state.

But anyway, its over now, so its time to put the Birther BS behind us and focus on real, legitimate issues. It was always a distraction at best. When the best is a distraction, you should know right away nothing good is going to come of it.

Now it's time to concentrate on putting an end to Obama's leftist progressive, big government agenda, hopefully forever.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Boeing Boeing

I've been steaming about this for a few days, and I still don't know what to make of it. How can Obama, and the National Labor Relations Board, possibly justify filing a lawsuit against a top employer like Boeing because they are planning to open a new plant in South Carolina, which is a right-to-work state? It's not as if they are closing down a plant with union workers in order to open one there. And by the way, even if they were, there wouldn't be a damn thing anybody could legitimately do about it. Companies relocate to friendlier business climates all the time. But its beginning to look like Obama plans to put a stop to that for good.

Nevertheless, this is not the case here. The company's plant in the state of Washington is still going strong. Actually, I think it just expanded recently, or not too long ago. No workers are being laid off. The plant in South Carolina is meant as an expansion, not a replacement. So what gives?

As if that were not enough, the new plant in South Carolina will, or would, make use of green energy in the form of sixty acres-yes, I said sixty acres-of solar panels on the roof of the plant. The way Democrats carry on about environmental issues, you would think they would hail this development as an example to emulate. But of course, the corrupt labor unions, one of the special interest groups to whom Barak Obama is nothing more than a mutually owned White House Lawn Jockey, are adamant. South Carolina is joining forces with Boeing in an attempt to hurt the unions, and union workers. Therefore, the NLRB is also filing suit against Governor Hayley and several of her appointees and other government officials on the grounds of-get this-violations of the First Amendment guarantees of Freedom of Association.

Nikki Hayley, the newly elected governor of South Carolina, is incensed at the NLRB's latest action and is going to fight it, as well she should. But let's face it, its going to take more than politics and the courts to settle this nonsense. The only thing that's going to put a stop to this kind of egregious, over-the-top abuse of the free enterprise system by an increasingly monolithic and dictatorial government bureaucracy is one thing and one thing only.

The citizens of the US need to go on "strike". I recommend a boycott on any Made In America product that is made by union labor. "Shop At Walmart" and "Buy Chinese" should be the orders of the day. Not only would that hurt the labor unions and their political lackeys where it really hurts, but it might forestall the latest threats by the Chinese to dump the two trillion dollars in US debt that they currently hold.

Sometimes you have to be willing to surpass the enemy when it comes to dirty, sleazy tactics. Yes, it would add to unemployment and cause grave overall damage to the national economy, but let's face it, we are on the way out now anyway. We are teetering closer to the edge of insolvency, of bankruptcy, and possibly a great Depression like nothing we have ever seen before. Democrats either don't get it or, as I actually suspect, want it to happen so they can impose a more socialist vision on the rest of us, in a way that would be impossible to forestall or resist.

By boycotting union products, we could not only destroy the unions and their stranglehold on our nation and its leaders and bureaucrats, we could actually bring Obama's rotten Administration crashing down to the ground before it brings the whole damn country crashing down with it.

"Look For The Union Label".

Then, buy something else.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Crazy John McCain Conducts His Own Maverick Brand Of Foreign Policy

John McCain has gone to Libya to meet with the rebels opposed to Qaddafi, calling them his "heroes". For now, I'm going to contain my response to a copy and paste of the comment I made at Weasel Zippers-

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they were to kidnap McCain and hold him hostage with demands that we go all out to depose Qaddafi? After that, they could keep him and demand we get the hell out of their country. Then demand billions of dollars worth of foreign aid, etc. McCain's only hope of ever being freed might be through the Israelis. Of course if they kill one civilian doing so, they'd be harangued by this White House. And probably by McCain.

I urge you to go to the linked post at Weasel Zippers, not so much for the post as for the other comments. Like this one-

I hope McCain is captured and tortured..

muslims will soon find out that real Americans wouldn’t trade McCain for a bag of chips… not that muslim terrorist prisoners are worth more than that..

But here's probably my favorite-

John McLame, a man whose time has passed. Why don’t you just switch parties and get it over with Johnnie. The cat’s been out of the bag for awhile now. Take off your burqua of Republicanism and be what iy is that you really are: a stupid liberal Dhimi-rat.

BTW, I’m sure that the folks who served in Iraq will be real happy to learn that a fellow vet is doing all that he can to aid and abett the very people that were killing them in Iraq.

Those are just two of many comments (21 so far) that express similar sentiments about Crazy John McCain. And this is a conservative blog. More importantly, these are conservative commenters.

There's a lesson there, or should be, for the National Republican Party.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rebecca Black-Death Threats

When you're fourteen years old, the last thing you think about is the possibility of receiving death threats. Yet, unbelievably, YouTube video sensation Rebecca Black, pictured above, has recently experienced this. Not once, but twice, she was recently threatened with death unless she desisted in posting her music on the internet. The Anaheim police are taking the threats seriously enough to put this kid under protective surveillance.

I will not link to her video, "Friday". I did listen to it one time, just to see what all the controversy was about. Frankly, it is indeed an execrable piece of work. Once was more than enough, and I would frankly discourage anyone from viewing it. Just as I can do that in good conscience, anybody else can opt to not listen to it at all. You can take my word and avoid the experience all together, and you can damn sure choose to not view it a second time. If you persist, you have only yourself to blame.

But death threats? Aren't there plenty of crappy adult artists you could threaten? Come on-she's a fucking kid. What the fuck kind of people exist in this world that think its all right to e-mail death threats to a teenage girl just because they think her music sucks?

Frankly, if I were that low down a person, I would hope somebody would intervene, maybe convince me that if my life was that shallow, that worthless, maybe I should just get it over with and shoot myself in the head.

Once in the temple, once in the forehead, and once through the roof of the mouth.