Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Women Who Lie About Rape


President Obama has promised he will veto HR 3, a bill designed to deny federal funding for abortion on the grounds of any but "forcible rape". Critics of the bill stress that this would in effect change the definition of rape, which currently includes statutory rape. Of course there is more, much more, to it than that.

Also excluded would be alleged, so-called "coercive" rape, such as when women are "taken advantage of" by giving them drugs or alcohol. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that when one of them gets me so high on drugs or alcohol that they seem to look a hell of a lot better that night than they do the next morning, that would be a kind of rape as well. Poor things, they have unleashed my inner cad. It's not their fault, they just wanted another drink, and someone to talk to. Maybe some money to pay the rent. And there I go, insisting on a piece of ass.

Can you really blame them for lying and saying they were raped? I can't. But should the federal government pay for it, meaning the tax-payer? No, no, a thousand times no. That kind of thing just encourages girls to be irresponsible with their bodies, and encourages me to make damn sure the women I fuck are well into their forties.

That's all right, a few drinks and I swear, they do look like they're in their twenties. Bonus points to the ones with dentures.