Saturday, August 27, 2011

Your Government In All Its Tyrannical Glory

UPDATE-Gibson says this brilliant move by our wonderful agents of the Fish And Wildlife Service will likely cost their company an estimated two or three million dollars. The company should know, as this is not the first time they've bee raided. The last time was over wood from Madagascar. Evidently, as pointed out to me by my favorite Wonder Woman at Right Truth, its not the wood they're protecting, its international labor laws, in these cases of India and Madagascar.

Still, something else has come to light. While Gibson is being harassed, Martin Guitars, which uses the same kind of woods from the same regions, gets a pass. I guess it helps if your company executives are big Democrat contributors, and it sure as hell don't hurt that Martin is a union shop. Guess who is not a union shop. That would be Gibson.

(End of Update)

Here they fucking go, brave and tireless agents of-The Fish And Wildlife Service. Note that those aren't rods and reel they're checking up on. It's guitars at a Gibson guitar factory. What's going on here?

According to the Wall Street Journal, they are checking to make sure none of the guitar parts are made out of protected wood from species of trees deemed to be endangered. Don't worry, it gets worse. Much worse.

According to Right Truth, you might lose your guitar even if you purchased it decades ago, or even if its a family heirloom from generations past. That's why you should make sure you have the proper paperwork that would prove that every single part-not just the guitar itself, but every single part-was made before the law went into effect.

John Thomas, a law professor at Quinnipiac University and a blues and ragtime guitarist, says "there's a lot of anxiety, and it's well justified." Once upon a time, he would have taken one of his vintage guitars on his travels. Now, "I don't go out of the country with a wooden guitar." [snip]

It's not enough to know that the body of your old guitar is made of spruce and maple: What's the bridge made of? If it's ebony, do you have the paperwork to show when and where that wood was harvested and when and where it was made into a bridge? Is the nut holding the strings at the guitar's headstock bone, or could it be ivory? "Even if you have no knowledge—despite Herculean efforts to obtain it—that some piece of your guitar, no matter how small, was obtained illegally, you lose your guitar forever," Prof. Thomas has written. "Oh, and you'll be fined $250 for that false (or missing) information in your Lacey Act Import Declaration."

A commenter at Right Truth pointed out that Gibson is not a unionized company, therefore this might at least in part be an effort of the Obama Administration to come down on behalf of its union lackeys.

But perhaps an even more pertinent point might be-I thought we were operating under a deficit. Is this kind of shit the reason the nation was held hostage by Democrats during the budget negotiations? So asshole cunts like this would have the money to operate at a further detriment to American business, and the overall economy?

Throw all these cocksuckers in chains as far as I'm concerned. Tarring and feathering just wouldn't be good enough for these fucking jackals all the way up and down the food chain, including Obama and the Congressional Democrats.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Devil He's Devil Hey

It seems like I posted this before, but I'm not sure. Even if I did, its so damn cool its worth a repeat anyway. Here we have two videos of the same song, by the same group. But oh, how very different they are. For the first one, let's harken back to an earlier time. A time of joy and innocence. Or was it so innocent? Listen carefully to the lyrics and music of the Beatles Obladi Oblada, from The Beatles (White Album).

Yep, good wholesome innocent fun. Until you listen to the song in REVERSE that is. It's not until then that you realize the nonsensical phrase "Obladi" is actually an anagram for-DIABLO. In other words, the Devil.

So what all will we hear in this wholesome, innocent song played in reverse?

Well, so there you have it. Whether this is an intentional case of backward masking, or a matter of subconsciously induced reversed speech in the person of Paul MacCartney (the lead singer and composer of the tune)some of the lyrics heard seem to clearly match the words displayed on the screen. A few parts aren't as clear and might be open to other interpretations.

One thing though is very clear. This might be the first and only case where a song played in reverse is actually better than when played as originally intended. I think its hilarious, actually.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Crazy Democrat, Socialist Bitch Shows Her True Colors

UPDATE-When I first saw this video, I didn't realize at first it was from 2009, so its not exactly what you would call "recent". But it still serves nicely as a reference point to help put Maxine Waters and her antics in perspective.

I don't even know where to begin with this cunt. She's had one hell of a last couple of weeks or so, that's for sure. During a recent appearance before her constituents she asked them to unleash us on Obama, referring to members of the Congressional Black Caucus and other black elected leaders. She is evidently frustrated that Obama's policies seem to be hurting black communities and suggests this is because he hasn't been progressive enough. Not too long after this, she went on an anti-Tea Party rant, saying that as far as she's concerned the Tea Party can go to hell. She followed this up with a promise that she would help send them there, a remark which if uttered in a similar fashion by a conservative against a Democrat would have been taken as a death threat.

She has also taken umbrage at Florida Republican Representative Allen West for his recent remarks in which he referred to the Democratic Party's hold over black voters as akin to a plantation, inferring that Waters and other members of the CBC acted as what amounted to straw bosses. Which is, in fact, what they are.

And now this. The bitch actually had the temerity to announce on the floor of the House that if the oil companies couldn't or wouldn't keep prices down, she as a liberal would be pushing for the government to take over the oil companies and "run things". Unbelievable, but here it is.

My only question is, why hasn't this ugly fucking piece of shit been arrested? She should have been dragged out of the House Chambers then and there. At the very least she should be censured, but let's face it, that's not going to happen. Its just as well, as that would amount to a slap on the wrist compared to what this whore should face, which is a charge of treason. She and a hell of a lot of others, including that fucking tool Obama, should be hanging in the breeze over our nation's capitol as I type these words.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Perfectly Good At It

You really should not need me to convince you that you really want to watch any video by Rihanna, like for example S&M. But, just in case you do need some convincing-

(Helpful Hint-"Click to enlarge" could in this case have a double meaning)

Now, you know you want to watch the video, don't you?

And just in case you're hungry for more

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jihadist Threatens Letterman-"Cut The Tongue Of This Lowly Jew"

David Letterman is learning the hard way that making jokes about a fourteen year old politician's daughter being raped by a baseball player in public is one thing. Making fun of Islamic terrorists-well that's quite a different matter. For making jokes about Bin Laden, and the recent death by drone strike of one of his top lieutenants, Letterman was subjected to the following screed on a jihadist website-

“Is there not amongst you a Sayyid Nosair al-Masri (may Allah release him) to cut the tongue of this lowly Jew and shut it forever. Just as Sayyid (may Allah release him) did with the Jew Kahane [referring to Masri, who was convicted of the 1990 killing of Meir Kahane, the founder of the Jewish Defense League]

We ask Allah to paralyze his tongue and grant the sincere monotheists his neck. O Allah, amen.”

The punchline-Letterman is a Presbyterian. But hey, that fact shouldn't prevent a good old fashioned Muslim fundamentalist from doubling down with a healthy dose of anti-Semitism.

Of course, this will be a hiccup in the grand scheme of things. The Left will continue with their insistence that all of us exercise tolerance towards a group that wants to kill us just for not being them. But if a Christian or a conservative had reacted to Letterman's sexually explicit joke about Willow Palin by saying something like "somebody ought to castrate that leftist piece of shit", hell would have been raised for weeks and the person who made the remark might have even faced a fine, and possibly jail time. On top of that, every person who was a part of that person's peer group would have been deemed a potential right-wing extremist and a national security threat.

So actually, not only do I NOT give a shit about Letterman's predicament, I also don't give a fucking rats ass if somebody actually follows through on it. I'm not a famous person, and if some Muslim piece of shit killed me, or any of you, do you think Letterman would give a fucking shit? Hell no, and neither would anyone else in the fucking leftist progressive "mainstream" media. I would be damn lucky if they even reported my murder in passing. So fuck all of them. It's about time some of them slept in the bed they're trying to make for all of us.

Just for grins, here's a Top Ten List of some of the fine folks who have experienced the consequences of insulting the Religion Of Peace Submission.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Come Into My Parlor

Said The Bleechers to the Skinhead Girls.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Union Thugs Try To Murder Toledo Businessman

The man's name is John King, and he was recently shot in the arm by a man he caught vandalizing his car. This was not the first time that King, who owns an electrician business which is a non-union shop, has been targeted by the electrician's union, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Which, judging by their name, is probably a bunch of communist cocksuckers.

Courtesy of Labor Union Reports-

Unfortunately, being a non-union electrical company, King has always been on the radar of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). In fact, in 2006, he won a significant case against the IBEW at the US Court of Appeals, after the union had improperly promised his electricians jobs on union sites if they voted the union into King’s company.

Since he’s been in business, in addition to the legal battles and verbal abuse, King’s company has been vandalized and threatened on numerous occasions.

“Back then, it was nothing to have to regularly buy a new set of tires.” King said during a telephone interview on Tuesday. “The ice pick was the weapon of choice.”

Until Wednesday, the worst of the union attacks on King and his business came in the mid-eighties during the UAW strike at AP Parts. During a lull during the lengthy strike, King’s business was picketed by more than 50 IBEW picketers. This was at a time when he only had eight or nine employees. One of his employees, whose car was trashed by the union picketers, was also beaten up by IBEW thugs.

Note one very important point. If the IBEW had not attempted to bribe King's employees, they would have been well within their rights, legally speaking, to force their union on King's business, and he would have been legally obligated to have to go through them in dealing with his employees.

And people wonder why all the jobs are leaving America. In between the taxes, regulations, and the unions, one has to wonder why there are any jobs remaining here. It takes a real masochist to start a business in the US. I wouldn't put up with it if I had ten billion dollars. I'd keep it all locked away and drawing interest. Shoot that, motherfuckers.

It's high time the unions were busted up, and their leaders jailed, tried, and imprisoned on Rico charges, along with their Democratic Party ass-lickers.

Or, failing that-be prepared. This is not the first time something like this has happened, and it damn sure won't be the last time. Nor is it necessarily a requirement that you be a boss, or a non-union worker to earn their ire. All you have to do is show up on the roles in some vicinities as a registered Republican. Especially if you support a politician known for his or her staunch anti-union views and record. Don't be shy about it. Advertise it liberally. We all believe in transparency, right?

That makes it that much more likely one of these worthless bastards will accost you on the street, or possibly try to force their way into your home. A good silent alarm is all you need, and of course one other thing.

Just remember-aim for the head.

H/T Greenville Dragnet

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Felonius Munk-The Best And The Brightest

Felonius Munk is getting frustrated at all politicians really, but especially Obama. At one point he asks Obama, "what am I supposed to tell my daughter"-I'll stop there, because you should hear it first from Munk. Good stuff.

H/T Anti-C.R.A.P.T.A.S.T.I.C.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Redneck And Proud Of It

Ryan, Dylan, and Lee Grace Dougherty, known through the media as The Dougherty Gang, were captured in Colorado after a high speed chase that ended with the Dougherty's crashing their vehicle. Lee Grace is reported to have exited the vehicle and fired on the officers, who returned fire, wounding the 29 year old former stripper in the leg. One of her brothers was quickly apprehended, the other one being captured after a brief chase on foot.

And here all this time I thought they might have been on their way to Kentucky. I had been on the lookout for them. You know, I wanted to do my "civic duty" and all. With this in mind, I have spent hours carefully "studying" Lee Grace's photo stream on Flickr, which includes the following photo, among many others.

The problem started when one of the brothers, Ryan, was put on ten years probation for sexual battery of an eleven year old girl, whom he was charged with sending explicit text messages. He had a previous criminal record for burglary, and other charges. Lee Grace herself had a long record, mainly for assault, including once of a police officer. The other brother, Dylan, didn't have much of a record, just one charge for possession of marijuana. It was Ryan's problems that set the group off. They loaded up their weapons and headed to the hills of Colorado. In between, they robbed a bank and engaged in a chase and shoot out with police which took them from Georgia to Tennessee, where the trio of siblings eluded their pursuers. Their mother made an impassioned plea for them to turn themselves in, but it wasn't until they were spotted purchasing outdoors equipment at a sporting goods store in Colorado that the law had any idea where they were. It had previously been presumed they were hiding out in Tennessee.

Now they're gone to prison, for a long, long time, this trio of hellcat rednecks who were determined to live free or die if necessary.

Film at eleven. And another doubtless soon to come to a theater near you.

Donkey Bong

Monday, August 08, 2011

Getting To Know Herman Cain

UPDATE-I wanted to include this video Stacy McCain (The Other McCain) recorded and uploaded, of a Herman Cain appearance in Denison Iowa. In it, Cain reacts to Obama's lame attempt earlier today (in conjunction with his Press Secretary, David Axelrod, John Kerry, and other Democrats) to blame the Tea Party for the US credit downgrade by Standard & Poor's.

Be sure and watch the video and see Herman explain exactly why Obama and the Democrats excuses just ain't gonna fly.

(End Of Update)

The Other McCain, a long-time supporter of Herman Cain, turns us on to this video from the Herman Cain campaign, one of the best one minute ads you'll see anywhere.

Unfortunately, Cain did a flip-flop on his previous comments about appointing a Muslim to the White House, during a recent meeting with Muslim leaders. This might have been due to bad advice. A good rule of thumb when you hire professional political consultants is to ask them their advice on everything under the sun, and take copious notes. That way, you'll know what not to do.

Having said that, there is always a chance that his meeting and subsequent statement might have been a way of keeping this issue from being a distraction, a means for the liberal mainstream media to detract from his campaign. If so, while understandable I would have used a different approach.

In the meantime, one can still take comfort in the fact that Cain has arguably the strongest conservative stance on national security, and on immigration, of any of the current candidates.

If you want to learn more about Herman Cain, be sure to tune into CainCast on BlogTalk radio, Sunday nights at 8:30.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Michelle Bachmann On Our Credit Downgrade

Michelle Bachmann brings it home, just how serious the downgrade of the USA's credit rating really is, the first time its happened since we achieved our AAA rating in 1917. Barak Obama refused to reign in his spending plans, refused to accede to the four trillion dollars in cuts the S&P warned him he would have to do to maintain our credit rating. It's not like he was blindsided. He had fair warning, well in advance. It was the Tea Party who tried, desperately, to get him to agree to the S&P request.

Now thanks to the stubbornness and arrogance of Obama and the Democrats in Congress, they have accomplished what even the Great Depression could not. They have said, in effect, fuck our credit rating, fuck our economy, and fuck the American people. After all, how could they ever manage to pay off their union lackeys and other special interest thieves by actually governing in a responsible manner?

I disagree with Bachmann on one small detail in the following video. Asking Timothy Geitner to resign would do little to reassure the markets as long as the clueless idiot who now occupies the oval office maintains that position.

H/T The Other McCain

Friday, August 05, 2011

Our Credit Now Officially Sucks

Shouldn't Democrats be embarrassed at the fact that Standard and Poors has downgraded our bond rating from AAA to AA+? After all, they did so due to Democrats stubborn refusal to cut four trillion dollars from the debt, as they clearly warned them they should.

Now President Barak Obama, on bringing the country to the brink of default on its obligations, has further increased our debt, and due to his policies, his recklessness and stubbornness, has caused at least one credit agency to lower our bond rating because, well, thanks to the first African American President, our credit is no longer considered worthy of AAA status.

You can't make this shit up. Nor can you talk about it in polite circles. But I was never known to be polite. I just make this point in the way of making a prediction.

Obama has over the last few days been laying the groundwork toward blaming everybody but himself for this. He is blaming the Japanese tsunami, the Arab Spring, economic uncertainty in Europe, hell if he thought it would fly he'd blame Charlie Sheen.

But of course it wouldn't fly, and neither will his finger-pointing at any of his other targets, including previous President George W. Bush. So you know what will happen next, right? When nothing else works, fall back on that old standard cliche' that has gotten tried and true results since the nineteen sixties, whether it was a valid charge or not.

Standard And Poor's has downgraded our bonds during the tenure of the first black President of the United States of America, who also happens to be, in practice at least, the most liberal President in the history of the country. There can be only one explanation, and I guarantee you will hear it before long. Wait for it-


Cold Cuts

Cuts to the FDA and USDA, which have been far too long coming, are now being blamed for a recent outbreak of Salmonella in processed food. Specifically lambasting the GOP Congress is Rep. Rose DeLauro of Connecticut, who contends the GOP driven budget cuts will put the nations food safety at risk. The offender in the latest incident is Cargill who produces the ground turkey meat that turned out to be the source of the problem, prompting one of the biggest recalls in the history of processed food. Several people were sickened, and one person died.

DeLauro, the senior Democrat on the Appropriations Committee Health sub-panel, charges that cuts to the Departments were the reasons it took so long to track the source of the outbreak.

A number of points, aside from the fact that the FDA doesn't regulate meat or poultry to begin with. One, no laws have been changed. You still can not legally cut corners and endanger the public health in the pursuit of profit. Two, its not like there was never any outbreaks before the recent budget cuts. There have been several, and it took some time to trace them back to their origins. One fairly recent case that occurred before any cuts went on for weeks. In one or two cases, the origin was never completely verified. There have been problems with tomatoes, with lettuce, with green onions. The latter case almost caused the Mexican restaurant Chi-Chi's to go out of business. That was the problem that was never fully resolved. The problem with the lettuce was blamed, perhaps unfairly, on immigrant labor from Mexico. It too was never fully resolved. But it went away. These things come and go.

And let's face it, the vast majority of cases can probably be traced back to unsanitary conditions in the private home where the cooking occurred, or perhaps the food wasn't cooked thoroughly enough. So what are we going to do about that? Hire a staff of FDA agents in every community to make spot checks of homes in certain neighborhoods to make sure sanitary conditions are being adhered to? Put enough Democrats back in office and that is not beyond the realm of possibility.

Bottom line-we can't afford the shit anymore. Not only do we not have the money, we can't afford to fund the adversarial relationship of big government to business. It causes businesses to not be able to expand or be competitive with larger rivals, for one thing. For another thing, it reduces the prospect of hiring new employees, and even increases the likelihood of further layoffs. Which of course means it becomes even harder to maintain proper conditions. It has caused some businesses to even fold, go out of business, go bankrupt. And, in every case, it causes the cost of these intrusive, combative regulations to be passed on to we, the consumers of America. We pay for it twice. We pay for it out of our taxes. Then we pay for it a second time at the counter.

And for what? One purpose it serves is to create more government workers to pay dues into the coffers of government employees unions, much of which is, of course, funneled back to the coffers of various Democrat politicians like Rose DeLauro.

Another thing it does is actually create a climate more conducive to Big Business than to small and mid-sized business. It is rare when a food giant like Cargill is cited for these kinds of instances. It is usually small operations such as Estrella Family Creamery which bear the brunt of burdensome regulations. Cargill can survive and adapt. If it has to pay a substantial fine, that's a minor annoyance. Smaller businesses have to struggle to survive. And that's just the point.

Democrat politicians, and for that matter many Republicans, hate small business. After all, at their competitive best they are harmful to the profit margins of the big companies that Democrats especially depend on to fill their tax quotas, or to provide make work for their constituents, or their favored unions.

But most importantly, it is small business and their advocates in Congress and the states that hinder their efforts at establishing a regulatory, tax-and-spend regime aimed at putting us all under the thumb of government. A totalitarian government based not on the rule of law, but the law of rules.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

This Day In History

Thanks to Always On Watch for the cool graphic commemorating Obama's birthday and for pointing out it happens to fall on the same day-August 4th-that Lizzie Borden allegedly murdered her parents with an ax.

Of course, there is at least a chance Lizzie was innocent of the crime.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Palin Fires A Salvo At The Romneylan

Score one for the Federalist Nation. Mitt kept his cloaking device operational, waiting until the eleventh hour before announcing his opposition to the bi-partisan budget debt ceiling agreement, his finger still wet from the spit and cold from the crisp northern air. See, this is what Democrats typically do. During the primaries they play to their base, and then in the general election they try to pivot towards the center, staying just far enough to the left to legitimately claim they are a "new kind of Democrat". Republicans are no different, only they usually make their way leftward to the center right.

Palin denounced this tactic last night on Hannity, while simultaneously applauding Michelle Bachmann's determined and principled stand against the agreement.

So is she finally ready to make her announcement? Is she running? She wouldn't go any further than to say she was seriously mulling it over. Its worth noting though that Sean Hannity all but declared his belief that she was going to run, to which she responded with-a smile, nothing more.

If its going to happen, it will probably be around Labor Day when she declares, which is the traditional day for such announcements. It's starting to look like good strategy, if true.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Those Peaceful, Fun-Loving Norwegian Laborites And Their Innocent Summer Camps

You already know this isn't going to be good, right? Well come to find out that "Summer Camp" in Norway wasn't so pure and innocent after all. It was a pro-Palestinian propaganda camp that spewed anti-Israeli rhetoric on a daily basis. But it was more even than that. They were teaching these "kids" how to advocate on behalf of the Palestinian cause. For example, they supported the recent flotilla efforts to breach the Israeli blockade of ships. They taught that the Palestinians should have the "right of return" to Israel and that the wall should be torn down.

Bear in mind, this wasn't some NGO acting as a private non-profit agency. This was an entity that was sponsored by the Norwegian Labour Party, which come to find out is the ruling party of what is possibly the most anti-Semitic government in Europe. And that is fucking saying something.

But then again, pictures speak louder than words.

The jackass standing in the foreground of the picture is Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store. I don't know when this picture was taken, whether on the day of the "tragedy" or some other day, so I am unfortunately unable to report whether this jackass got his just desserts. But on the day that he was there he made the following statement in an address to all these joyous, rosy cheeked children-

The Palestinians “must have their own state, the occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen now"

Oh but it wasn't all study and work. What fun would that be? There were also games for the children. For example-

This little innocent children's game is called "Break The Israeli Blockade". My look how much fun these charming little horrors are having.

Do I seem harsh, even more so than usual? Too bad. The Labour Party in response to the murders, while understandably commenting that Brevik's rampage was unjustified, made the statement that the Palestinian's constant attacks against Israelis was justified due to Israeli policies-

"Ma’ariv asked Sevje whether in the wake of Breivik’s terrorist attack Norwegians would be more sympathetic to the victimization of innocent Israelis by Palestinian terrorists.

Sevje said no, and explained, “We Norwegians view the occupation as the reason for terror against Israel. Many Norwegians still see the occupation as the reason for attacks against Israel. Whoever thinks this way, will not change his mind as a result of the attack in Oslo."

The author of the article notes:

"So in the mind of the illiberal Norwegians [the Labour Party], terrorism is justified if the ideology behind it is considered justified.

And, by the way, some in the labour Party have even questioned whether Brevik was acting on behalf of Mossad.

So no, I'm not being harsh. For one thing, this is a widespread problem in Norway, and in other European countries, and it is probably going to be an ever growing problem here in the states. Only the immigrant of choice here is probably going to be Somalis, already a growing population. The UN recently issued a statement to the effect that fundamentalist Islam is responsible for the country's problems. That the UN would issue such an uncharacteristic statement is bizarre on the face of it, and its probably code for a request for the industrialized nations, including the US, to take in Somali refugees. If so, that is going to be a big problem.

As for Brevik, he was not the disease. He was just a symptom, a reaction to a growing cancer that is killing his country, and will eat away at the vitality of any nation in which it spreads. Including our own.

H/T Atlas Shrugs

PSSSSST-yeah that's Pam Geller. It's really all her fault-Snort

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Democrats, The Left, And Their Tone Of Civility

Want to know why I don't give a fried fuck when Democrats are shot in front of Safeways in Arizona, and why I shed no tears when leftists are killed in Oslo? Are you curious as to why I don't express outrage at such wanton acts of violence, no regret or remorse? Do you wonder why I don't bend over backwards to encourage my friends on the right to try to adopt a more "civil tone" in some vain attempt to try to tap down on the potential for violence?

Welcome to the first fun installment of "Democrats, The Left, And Their Tone Of Civility.

Our first episode is brought to you by the blog Sister Toldjah, a conservative self-described Southern Belle who has kept a section of "fan mail" from her leftist admirers. Here's a taste-

Ok, here’s my harmless comment about that shrieking cunt and her little fan base of wingnuts.

I hope you all die of cancer. I hope some of it is skin cancer that starts at the tip of your nose and covers your face and leaves you writhing and moaning in pain until you expire in the soiled bed of a third world cancer ward. I hope your families are hit by a bus during your funerals and I hope that anyone who is angered or hurt by what I’ve just written catches HIV from a rapist. How’s that folks? Biting enough? Cutting? I hope so because aftet all of this misery is visited upon you (And I pray to Jesus it will) THEN I can bash you regardless of your ‘moral high ground’ just like ann!

Kneelb4zod! – 6/8/2006

That's just a representative sample. There's more here.

After that, you'd think the Sister would be ready to give it up, but she's still blogging and trudging along on Facebook and Twitter, so show her your support.

As for me, I will deal with these issues in my own way. Whenever I am at my computer and I read about leftists getting offed, I have found the perfect accompaniment to see me through the situation-

Man-Sized Kleenex Tissues-

Zorro With A Box Cutter

This is not a joke, some perv in Fairfax Virginia has for going on almost half a year now been terrorizing malls and shopping centers by slashing girl's asses with either a razor or, more likely, a box-cutter.

They've got the suspect on the below video, and though you don't get a really good view of him, he is described as a short, fat Hispanic man. According to the report below, the police assume he is acting from some kind of sexual dysfunction. That is more than likely true. The perv could be impotent, maybe even a castrati. In any event this could be not only a release for him, but a way of "making his mark" so to speak. The Zorro of teenage asses.

I would also caution that, although probably unlikely, this could be some kind of Latino gang initiation ritual involving more than one suspect. There is one particularly violent Salvadoran gang that conducts hits by slashing the throats of victims, and they are becoming more widespread with every passing year.

Or, there is a possibility that is more likely. Whether he is or is not Hispanic, he could also be a Muslim. A significantly large percentage of that population (maybe the majority of them) go bat-shit insane at the sight of a woman's ankle or calf. A hint of breast or thigh could turn them into murderous savages, ie bring out their true natures.

The sight of a pretty young girls ass, even if seen only through the outline of tight, skimpy shorts, is probably enough to send some of them into the stratosphere. They have been known to toss acid into the faces of pretty girls who aren't considered sufficiently modest in their dress. In most countries where they are the majority they commit such acts with little if any fear of reprisals, legal or otherwise.

It's almost like they think a pretty young girl who dresses in such a manner as to arouse a man in public is worthy of disfigurement, and humiliation, if not outright death.

And there's the rub. This perpetrator could eventually escalate into ever more violent acts. He needs to be caught and prosecuted, and locked away before he possibly causes serious, perhaps permanent damage, no matter who or what he is.

H/T Always On Watch

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Magical Wonderland Where Only RINOs Make Sense

It's a madhouse over at Ace's place where the opinions seem more divided than at other blogs, such as at The Other McCain, who along with the vast majority of his readers seem solidly on the Tea Party side of the current Debt Ceiling debate.

Me, I think the Tea Party has fucked up a golden opportunity.I made no secret back a couple of weeks ago of my heartfelt belief that it would be best to Give Obama What He Wants. Granted, on the face of it, it might seem capricious, and duplicitous. Sometimes, however, a "principled" stand is not always the best one. We are now-to paraphrase Little Carmine of The Sopranos-"standing at the crossroads of a giant precipice".

You know what the worst thing about this shit is? Number one, basically the Tea Party people are right, and I mean R-I-G-H-T! But that's irrelevant. You can be right and you can be obstinate about it too. It's hard to justify hijacking the entire government process when you only control one third of it.

Now for bad news number one. If our credit rating is dropped, that means we're actually going to be paying MORE for interest on the debt, so all of this haggling over "principle" has been counter-productive, to put it charitably.

Bad News Number Two gets even worse. At this stage of the game, its probably too late to keep our credit rating from dropping.

Bad News Number Three-The Tea Party might well get the Lion's Share of the blame. They don't deserve the Lion's Share, but they do deserve at least, oh, maybe a third of it. Even if they end up getting no more than the share of the blame they deserve, that's still bad news for the Tea Party due to reason Number Three, which is-wait for it-

The Tea Party is as we speak shitting away what chance they ever might have had to wrest control of the Republican Party from the entrenched self-interest of the Beltway Establishment RINOs that now and probably at this point will forever control it.

What does this all mean? Just that a great many Tea Party Congressman who manage to win their primaries might not have such an easy time of it in the General Election when the Independent voters have their say in the matter. And as for those Tea Party candidates who might have been thinking about "primarying" current GOP politicians? My advice to them is, take up a new hobby. Macrame' might be fun.

Its too late for mine or any other solution, at this stage of the game we're fucked. But if I had to offer an alternative solution, just off the top of my head, it would be that if our credit rating is dropped, we might as well go ahead and default on the debt. But you know that's not going to happen because Obama is the one who is going to decide who and what gets paid. And he damned sure is going to make sure the interest on the debt is paid, because, of course, he wants to keep borrowing, even if it is at an increased rate of interest.

Oh, and by the way, that thing about him deciding who or what gets paid and doesn't. I think you can count on severe, serious cuts in border security.

Actually, I think we're already over the edge of the precipice, falling with no parachute, with nothing in fact but the wind at our backs to hurry us down. It's a long, hard fall, and I can see the nation's life flashing before my eyes. The future might well be one hard, painful SPLATT!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Traitorous Bitch Lobbies For Funds For Subversive Activities-On Iranian Television

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

When Public Servants Become Public Tyrants

Cops as a general rule don't really seem to like the idea of gun rights for citizens, especially so-called concealed carry laws such as have recently been enacted in various states, including OH, where the video below was shot.

People might be tempted to think this is understandable, and based wholly on the rigors, demands, and dangers of their job. No doubt that is a part of it, especially in some areas, but there's a lot more to it than that.

There is in fact another aspect that is greatly overlooked. Let's just call a spade a spade here. If you have an armed citizenry, a professional police force is nowhere near as vital or necessary. You will still need a minimum number of uniformed police officers at the state and local levels, of course. That will always be the case.

However, there can be no doubt that if you legally arms all honest citizens, those that wish to be armed, the ultimate long-term result will be that in most places you can cut your police force substantially.

Police unions, like the Fraternal Order of Police, don't like the idea of gun rights for the average citizens. After all, the more cops on the nation's city and state police forces there are, the more members thus the more clout for the police unions and organizations, and the more appropriations they can get for their respective police forces. And of course the more they can get in the way of union dues. If you have ever wondered why certain police unions like the FOP have come out in support of Democrat candidates, wonder no more.

Cops like this are actually a greater argument for gun rights than criminals are. Watch the below video carefully and ask yourself, even if you didn't have a gun or any other means of self-defense, would you trust this cop in a situation where you needed assistance? I damn sure wouldn't. Nor am I going to go on record as saying that the majority of cops are "not like this". The point is, how can you know what the majority are like, or, more importantly, what they would be like in the future, in a world where the 2nd Amendment has been interpreted in such a manner as to mean it does not apply to private citizens?

But if private citizens are allowed to have weapons, crime will drop exponentially. Sure there will be unfortunate incidents, accidents, some involving children of careless or irresponsible parents, some involving criminals stealing unsecured weapons, etc., but in the overall greater picture, crime will drop and it will drop substantially. You have empowered honest, law-abiding citizens, and the criminal element knows they have to proceed with a great deal more caution. Some might even find a new line of work. We all benefit, for the most part with a few exception. One of these exceptions is the nation's police forces.

So you should watch this video. It's a long one, but worth your time. When you watch, think of how a barber might feel towards a person who cuts their own hair. Or an auto mechanic, plumber, electrician, etc, towards someone who knows how to do their own installations and repairs.

And then ask yourself-was this cop really that worried about this civilian possibly shooting him?

H/T The Blaze

UPDATE-Join the open Facebook group North Cascade Patriots today.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hey, That's No Lady, That's-

We have a feud now in Washington between Democratic Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Florida Republican Congressman Colonel Allen West, who called his colleague "vile", "despicable", and "not a lady" after Schultz harangued him on the floor of the House of Representatives in his absence. Democrats are up in arms over this, of course, while the GOP defends West. Schultz has of course complained, but West insists he will not back down nor will he apologize. And so it goes.

I just want to hear Debbie Wasserman-Schultz say one thing, and only one thing. Please, if somebody reading this happens to know her, please tell just to say this one thing to West. She should point at him first, and then jab her finger towards the floor in a downward motion and then say the following-


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WTF Wednesday featuring-The Stand

I would make this a caption contest but that might seem cruel.

Oh WTF go for it. Or just see if you can figure this out. Is it some sort of heinously cruel punishment directed as much at the child's family as it is the child itself? Or is it some kind of fucked up tribal initiation ritual? Maybe a really, really strange dance move? WTF is going on here anyway? For the answer, go here

Tea Party GOP Presidential Debate On Twitter

GOP Pres Twitter debate at Townhall starting at 3pmEST with-Cain, Bachmann, Gingrich, Santorum, McCotter, Johnson @TheTeaParty_net sponsors. Following is the candidates Twitter accounts-

@THEHermanCain @TeamBachmann @newtgingrich @ricksantorum @ThadMcCotter and @GovGaryJohnson

Be there!

More Than A Gaffe-The Real Reason The Romneylan Supports Global Climate Change Alarmism

If you ever wondered why Mitt Romney believes in Man-Made Global Climate Change, wonder no more. He stands to make millions off green technology through his consulting firm Bain & Company or through its spin-off company Bain Capital. Here's the entire story.

Granted, this probably comes from a source that probably is a supporter of another candidate, maybe Pawlenty, or possibly Bachmann. But that does not in and of itself negate the validity of the charge.

And doubtless, Romeny will try to downplay the significance of the story. He'll spin it. He will say something to the effect that of course he and his company have a perfect right to make money off of green technology, but if anything the fact that they are willing to invest in it proves the sincerity of Romney's stated beliefs.

But of course this would be an obfuscation of the fact that, in all of Romney's written and oral statements in support of the alleged science of Man-Made Climate Change, he has never once issued any kind of qualifying statement of full disclosure as to his potential financial interests in green energy technology.

Look for him also to come out strongly against any of the Cap And Trade Legislation which has ever been considered in the past, and especially look for him to lambast the Administrations enforcement of environmental Cap And Trade Laws through the EPA without Congressional authorization.

But no matter what he says or does, no matter how he obfuscates, or denies, that doesn't change one simple fact-the Romneylan has some 'splainin' to do.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why Does George Bush Keep Wreaking Havoc On Our Chances For Economic Recovery?

I guess by now most people have heard how Nevada casino mogul Steve Wynn feels about Barak Obama. Is it safe to assume he speaks for probably the majority of American businessmen? Yep, let's do that. Here's what he says-

The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don’t invest, their holding too much money. We haven’t heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists. Everybody’s afraid of the government and there’s no need soft peddling it, it’s the truth. It is the truth. And that’s true of Democratic businessman and Republican businessman, and I am a Democratic businessman and I support Harry Reid. I support Democrats and Republicans. And I’m telling you that the business community in this company is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States. And until he’s gone, everybody’s going to be sitting on their thumbs.

This message brought to you by a Democrat businessman and Harry Reid supporter who didn't get the "It's Bush's fault" memo. Or, well, he probably got it and said, "fuck Obama's bullshit excuses". You know, pretty much like more and more people are saying everyday.

H/T Prof Jacobson at Legal Insurrection

Earth To Sheila Jackson Lee-The Sixties Are Over

Sheila Jackson Lee accuses all us Obama opponents of being racist against a man who's only true connection to African Americans is that his white ancestors owned black slaves, and his African ancestors very likely sold them. Funny stuff

She also reminds us how every President before him-for example, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush-were all treated with respect. Damn, I didn't know that.

Hey you know what, I think I've finally got this shit figured out. Because Obama is "black" we're supposed to kiss his ass, right?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Give Obama What He Wants-Everything He Wants

Everybody is weighing in on the so-called negotiations for deficit reduction, including now Newt Gingrich, who pretty much pulls the typical GOP party line. The Republican House and Senate should stand firm and tough on any idea of further tax increases as well as any further spending increases.

He's right of course. They are all right. To raise taxes (which is what allowing any past tax breaks to expire is tantamount to) at any time is going to serve to put the breaks on job creation and economic growth, even during good times. But in an economy such as we have now, it could be devastating.

As for any further spending increases in the form of any kind of so-called stimulus, we've already been there. No amount is ever enough to do anything other than to dig ourselves a deeper hole.

But god damn it enough is enough. Go ahead and give Obama what he wants and let the country find out for themselves what by now should be blatantly obvious.

There's no reason to imagine things will improve if we go the Democrat way, but I will promise you one thing-if the GOP gets their way, or mostly their way, and things improve, the Democrats will damn sure take the credit for it.

Let me clue you in to the cold hard facts of life. The American people by and large have the attention span of a mosquito. Because of that, we have a world where the economic boom of the 1990's is called "The Clinton Economy". Ask yourself, how many people have you heard refer to the nineties as the Newt Gingrich-Republican Congress Economy? Shit Newt Gingrich is running for President now and I guarantee you if you mentioned his name in a casual conversation without offering specifics most Americans would say something like "Newt Gingrich, isn't that a Doctor Seuss character?"

That is just the level of ignorance that we're dealing with here. The fact that the nineties economy was due mainly to the Republicans restraint of Clinton's spendthrift, liberal inclinations does not compute. And look what happened. People weren't even paying attention then. Times were relatively good, that's all people noticed, and since Clinton was the President, that's all they needed to know.

And you actually think they're going to think any differently if things go the same way? Make no mistake, if things go good for whatever reason Obama will find a way to take credit for it, and the people will fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

I repeat, give Obama what he wants. He wants to end the Bush era tax cuts, do it. He want to raise more taxes on top of that, hell, why the fuck not? He wants to raise the debt ceiling another two trillion dollars, and promptly proceed to spend it on some package of boondoggles that he calls a "stimulus".

Well, why the hell not? "Go for it, Obama" should be the watchword of the day.

Then when things go to hell in a handbasket, its not going to be so easy for him to blame it on Bush. Oh, but he'll try.

All The Crazy People

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Well, When You're Bored

With the perfect music accompaniment. At one point he seems to be keeping time to it.

Baby's First Birthday

Today marks the first year anniversary of the discovery of Neptune, one year ago in Neptune years. It was discovered 165 years ago today, July 12th, 1846. In all that time since, Neptune has as of today completed one orbit around the sun. To get an idea just how long that is, if the day Neptune was discovered was somehow the actual start of a Neptune year which only now ended today, that year would have started three years before the Mexican American War.

Oddly in a sense it might have been on or close to the beginning of the Neptune solstice that it was discovered, as it was likely at or near the point of its closest approach to the sun.

As you can tell the planet is blue and I assume this was why it was named after Neptune the Roman Sea God, although I'm not sure if this is a coincidence. I find it hard to believe the planet's blue hue would show up to early astronomers, but maybe it did. However, though this inspired its name, its unlikely to contain much if any water. Neptune is more than likely a mix of methane and ammonia, like its fellow gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. The peaceful, beautiful blue color is just another element of the mystery and illusion surrounding the planet.

The picture above is of Neptune as seen from its largest moon, Triton.

Oh, one thing more. Neptune is also apparently undergoing the effects of Global Climate Change. LOL

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Real Brother, A Twitter Account, And A Schtick

That's the only sense I can make of Theron K Cal who a few years back made a documentary movie called The Sell-Out Diaries. The premise of the book is about how black culture is undermined by African American men and women who would rather be enmeshed in the white culture-associating, dating, and marrying whites, than stick with their own race. Sound familiar?

Theron insists these African American individuals are self-hating folks who can't comprehend that blacks are considered inferior by the whites they so worship.

It gets worse. Everything in his world view revolves around racism of whites against blacks. If you oppose Obama, for any reason whatsoever, you hate him because he's black. He will accept no alternative explanation. You say Obama is a progressive and a Democrat, and you are a conservative or a Republican, therefore your opposition to Obama is ideological?

Nope, he's not buying that argument. To him, conservative is nothing more nor less than a code word for "racist" and the vast majority if not all Republicans are either white racists or, in the sense of Herman Cain, Allen West, etc., they are self-hating sell-outs.

Before long you have descended into a frenzied world of sheer lunacy, a world in which 80% of black women are black man hating lesbians due to some ingenious plot by black lesbians-in the nineteen fifties, no less-to indoctrinate black women into black man hating lesbianism on college campuses. Again, I can't stress enough this was supposed to have transpired in the nineteen fifties when the percentage of black women on college campuses was probably miniscule in relative terms to today. You almost wonder if Theron K Cal is going out of his way to make black people look bad. Even if he might be a potential stalking horse for Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann or even the self-loathing sellout Herman Cain.

He was recently banned from the Huffington Post of all places for an extended diatribe against the physicist Steven Hawking, who recently posited about the likely outcome of an encounter with an advanced race of space aliens. Hawking said it would likely lead to our enslavement, which Theron resented greatly. Hawking he claimed was a white supremacist who was projecting the white racist mindset onto an advanced race of aliens who, according to Cal, would more than likely be like blacks or oriental. In other words, they would more likely be peace loving people who would have never survived, let alone advanced enough to conduct interstellar travel if they were white people.

So what's this all about? Is it a schtick meant to increase sells of his DVD or otherwise further his career? Or is he truly as loony, as deranged as he sounds? Read his blog, and make sure to read an excerpt from his novel (note to Cal, I hope for your sake this is a first draft. A hint-needs work), and once you are through there be sure you read his Twitter feed.

Fair warning though, if you do engage him out of the naive hope you might make some kind of breakthrough you will probably be wasting your time. Moreover if you aren't a racist now there's a good chance you might find yourself becoming one. Which is probably why none other than Oliver Willis, of all people, banned him from following him on Twitter and probably on his blog or anywhere else Willis holds any kind of sway. After a few rounds of engaging with Theron, Willis probably said to himself "Got Damn if I ain't starting to hate fucking black people". Seriously, Real Brother, as he likes to call himself, is that exasperating.

That in fact is what the fine folks on BET found out when they made the mistake of having him on as a guest once on Oh Drama. Following is the first of three parts as uploaded to YouTube. Warning-watching and listening to Theron K. Cal, like engaging him on Twitter, might be damaging to your brain cells. I know I feel several orders of magnitude dumber having interacted with the man. You've been duly warned.

Attack Of The Cat

H/T Moe Lane

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The Casey Anthony Murder Trial-What Happened And Why?

A lot of the punditocracy are totally outraged at the Casey Anthony verdict, which I could have predicted in the event of a Not Guilty verdict a lot easier than I could have predicted the verdict itself. A lot of the comments are so over the top they aren't really worthy of serious response. I'm halfway expecting Nancy Grace to call for the jurors to be investigated by child protective services on the grounds they would have to be unfit parents, grandparents, or even unfit to be in the same neighborhood as small children. Another extreme reaction might be to suggest they should have to hire Casey Anthony as a baby-sitter. Don't be surprised at anything you might hear over the course of the next few days.

But like it or lump it, it is what it is. Thanks to the arrogant attitude of the lead prosecutor in the case, his dismissive and at times even overtly derisive attitude towards the defense, no one was willing to listen to him objectively to start out with. Moreover, this was a typical case of judicial overreach. If the DA had been content to go for a second degree or a manslaughter charge, with maybe a secondary charge of abuse of a child, there is a very good chance Casey Anthony would be sitting in a prison for at least the next thirty years.

Granted, the jury could have found her guilty of those charges anyway, but the capitol murder charge sucked all the oxygen out of the room. That was the focus of the prosecution, and because of that, it became the focus of the jury. In other words, the jury did their job and followed the case the way it was presented to them. And unfortunately for the prosecution team, they came up short.

I would remind everybody of one other very important fact. These jurors lived, ate, and breathed this case. They were sequestered and had no outside contact with any views or reports pertaining to this case, and I suspect precious little of anything else. Because of this, they were focused on every single aspect of the case, and were up close and personal to the defendant and to both sides.

Translation-they saw the case uncut, unadulterated, and in its entirety. The rest of us saw it piecemeal through the eyes of a lynch mob media driven by ratings and the quest for advertising dollars. Because of this, they presented the most sensationalistic parts of the case, and the evidence, and I am of a mind that they did so in a good many cases out of context, possibly even out of all connection to reality.

Because of all of these things, Casey Anthony will be a free woman soon. Does that mean she is innocent. No, it just means the prosecution didn't prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

It might be depressing, maddening, unfortunate, and even in a sense unjust-but the jury did the only thing they could do in their heart of hearts.

And frankly, I would take that any day over the show trials of the old Soviet Union, China, Cuba, or for that matter even over the relatively civilized and advanced system of Great Britain. There, the burden of proof isn't on the state or government. The burden of proof there is on the defense to prove their innocence.

That to me is a sobering thought. We are possibly the only country in the world-if there's another one I am not aware of it-where the burden of proof is on the state to prove their case. Our founding fathers made it that way purposely, in order to insure that a capricious or vengeful state could not single out political enemies for unjust prosecution, over any charge they might dream up.

Thus, as mad as you might be at the idea that a woman you are convinced is guilty is going to go free, you might want to take a deep breath and be grateful that our system made it so difficult, when the law is followed, for the state to throw her-or you, or me, or your family-in prison, or to death.

And again, bear in mind that a great deal of this trial, from the prosecution perspective, was political in its own right and media driven, which was doubtless the reason for the overreach. If this case had not drawn anymore than moderate regional attention, I can promise you it would have gone a lot differently, and would be very unlikely to have been tried as a capitol murder case. The result would probably have been a lot different as well.

As for what I think might have happened, I expounded my own theory here. Having followed the case to some extent since that post, I would have to amend certain parts of it, particularly the possible complicity, albeit innocently, of unknown parties. Otherwise, I stand by my theory as the most likely explanation for what happened to Caylee Anthony. It explains how she died, why there was no forensic evidence to speak of, and even explains why Casey acted in such a bizarre fashion in the immediate aftermath of the child's horrible, untimely and. yes, accidental demise.

And I would repeat, if the case had been investigated along these lines, and prosecuted that way, the chances are very good Casey Anthony would be in prison for a great deal of her life, perhaps up into her middle age, and maybe even beyond.

But hey-there's just something sexy about a capitol murder case, huh? It's a great way to pad your resume, sell a book or two, and maybe one day become a member of that most these days renowned of personages-the cable news network legal punditocracy.

Friday, July 01, 2011

North Korea Assumes Leading Role In UN Conference On Nuclear Disarmament

You read that right. If you want the details, here is the link to the whole story, and here is the link to the current membership, along with the reactions of former members, including the outgoing Chairman.

Is it any wonder the UN is not taken seriously by anybody, probably even by many of those who outwardly support it, if the truth was known. Yet, we fund this monstrous exercise in international hubris to the tune of 22%. Why? It doesn't make us look like the well-intentioned good guys, it just makes us look like the international chumps of the world, even to our allies. Just because they don't come right out and say that doesn't mean its not true. A great many of these people should never be allowed within our borders. And some that are should be accompanied by an armed guard, accompanied by the word "Ready, Aim, Fire!"

I can't get completely behind any of our elected leaders, not even the best of them, who won't call for the dissolution of this outrageous organization.

H/T The Colussus of Rhodey

Kahn Job

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the French Socialist and head of the IMf who was recently accused of sexual assault against a New York hotel worker, has now been released on his own recognizance. It seems like the woman, an African immigrant and reputed HIV carrier, made up the rape allegations in order to, apparently, take advantage of a recent immigration law that allows an alleged rape victim to remain in the country until the case is adjudicated. In the meantime, according to the NYPD, who now say the woman lied constantly and is not credible, the woman received 200,000 dollars from "shady characters", apparently drug dealers, to tide her over, evidently expecting a big pay day from the wealthy and influential Frenchman.

Nothing is written in stone yet, but if the story works out the way it is shaping up so far, I and a great many others owe Strauss-Kahn one hell of an apology.

But before the Left crows about any rush to judgment, I have to point out that it is our lax immigration laws that have helped this scam to take shape. It also doesn't help that a woman who accuses a man of rape is automatically given a kind of credence that no other accuser is given. For all their protestations to the contrary, when it comes to rape, or any other kind of sexual abuse, including child sexual abuse, presumption of innocence is for all intents and purposes out the window.

For that we can also thank the Left. So after they get through crowing, they might want to help themselves to a double dose of humble pie.

Most ironically, Strauss-Kahn himself is probably a supporter of these very policies that almost cost him his money, family, career, and reputation.

Regardless of that, and how we might feel about Strauss-Kahn's socialist leanings, common decency demands that we reflect on our rush to judgment, and express our condolences to what he was put through as well as gratification that, in the end, the truth, and justice, prevailed.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Vacation In Cuba

Sonia-Belle recently packed her bags, put on some clothes, and spent some time in the former island paradise known as Cuba. The account of her trip is a very worthwhile read.

Although the Cuban economy is a basket case, the people manage to make it quite well, all thing considered. According to Sonia, the people are socialist two weeks out of the month, and capitalist the other half. The official currency, the standard Cuban Peso, is almost worthless. Two hundred fifty of them is worth roughly ten dollars. What actually keeps the economy afloat is the tourism industry, which is the most popular and sought after career goal there. It's easy to see why. Workers get paid by the government in pesos, but what makes the tourism industry so attractive is the tips, paid in the international Peso known as the CUC. One of them is roughly the equivalent of one dollar. So if a worker makes 250 Cuban pesos, plus 250 CUC's in tips, he or she is making roughly the equivalent of 260 dollars a month, which provides a fairly good standard of living, for Cuba.

This by the way puts paid to the lie that the American embargo of trade with Cuba is harming the economy. Tourists come to Cuba from all over the world (Sonia is not from the US), and any country in the world that wishes to trade with Cuba can do so. The US embargo does not affect that, nor does it attempt to do so. No, the problem with Cuba is simple-its called socialist malfeasance and incompetence, the usual story anywhere and anytime socialism is implemented.

Sonia in her post also rips apart the myth of free Cuban health care and education. According to her, only a consultation with a physician is free (provided you can find one that hasn't left for greener pastures-otherwise known as Miami). Anything past that consultation is dependent on your ability to bribe a doctor for extended services.

As for politics and the future, the outlook might not be as grim as some might envision, but its going to be a hard slog. The systemic poisoning of the overall culture and climate in Cuba is going to take a long time to eradicate. Following is Sonia's take on the outlook of a significant portion of the Cuban people-

If you ask a Cuban about socialism, he will give you the same look a gangsta rapper would give you when asked about 17th century Gregorian chants. But it doesn`t mean that most Cubans are necessarily anti-Castro. Mention United States of America, and the attitudes are often very hostile. Mention the Cuban community in Miami and the hostility reaches a boiling point. The education system is free for a reason. Every Cuban is taught intense hatred towards Americans in general and Cuban-Americans in particular. Imagine what Germans were taught about Jews under Adolf Hitler, multiply it by a hundred and you still won`t get nowhere near what Cuban are taught about “imperialismo yankee”.

That of course is surface reaction which may not have as much meaning as Sonia ascribes to it. Like all communist systems that oppress their people, most Cubans are going to be wary of expressing their true sentiments to an outsider, who for all they know might be spending the rest of her evening in the arms of a well-connected government apparatchik with access to the finest luxuries the island has to offer, albeit to a very limited few.

But there can be no doubt that, as Castro approaches his long-overdue, hopefully agonizing demise, and as Raoul himself looks starkly toward the long-feared end of days, the road ahead will be difficult. Civil war could loom between those who want freedom and those who will be intent on carrying on with the system as is.

And what will the United State's position be during this coming time of travail? Will we have a policy of aid to these our neighbors so close to our coast? Will we do what is necessary to put down any attempts to bolster the old repressive regime? We will help the Cuban people rebuild their shattered economy and lives with the understanding that to do so is in our own national security interests? Or will we accept a secondary role while others of the "international community", many of whom do not have the best interests of the US in mind, step in and initiate a trade regime aimed at raping the Cubans further of their natural resources and talents under the facade of the implementation of parliamentary democracy while inculcating dependency through the IMF, and in the meantime establishing a beachhead with the potential of undermining US economic and national security?

It is high time we awoke from our slumber and recognized the likely potential that awaits a troubled future in regards to this island nation of Cuba. You can rest assured that if we do not, there are others who are ready, willing, and planning as I write these words to step into any vacuum we leave untended.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's Fucking Golden

Looking over his history its a wonder Rod Blagojevich made it as long as he did. This is a man who spent most of his time, or at least a significant portion of his time as Governor of Illinois, either out of his office or hiding in the men's room. In the roughly six years he held the office (he was about midway through his second term when he was impeached, convicted, and removed from office) his accomplishments, if you want to dignify them with such a term, were scant at best. Mostly they were boilerplate liberal initiatives-for example, a gun control bill. He also forced through a program that guaranteed universal preschool and health insurance for every child in Illinois. Yet, he did all this without paying for it. This might have been his first major mistake.

As a result he ran up deficits that he never got under control, and in fact the state of Illinois is still buried under a mountain of debt to this day. This leads us to what might have been his second major mistake, which came in the year that, in an effort to balance the state budget, he kicked the can down the road by not paying into the state pension fund for that entire fiscal year. And indeed, unfunded pension liabilities are one of the major problems Illinois faces to this day.

His third fatal error might have come about when, while refusing to raise taxes in keeping with his re-election campaign promise, he pressured the Illinois State Legislature to stay on the job until they passed a budget. But in the meantime, the Chicago Transit Authority was facing massive budget shortfalls. In order to prevent massive layoffs and potential cuts in services, Blagojevich pressured Chicago Mayor Richard Dailey to fund the CTA with the proceeds from the sale of city property, including Skywalk.

By this time, not only had the Illinois and political establishment had more than enough of his incompetence, so had the people. His approval ratings hovered somewhere around twenty percent or less. He became a an expendable target. Enter Patrick Fitzgerald, the Federal Prosecutor who decided to put paid to his political career, having in fact had Blagojevich under surveillance for some time.

Unbelievably, Blagojevich's malfeasance extended far beyond merely trying to sell the Senate seat formerly held by President Barack Obama. He did more than attempt to shake down the director of a children's hospital, among others, for campaign funds.

One of his more notable crimes involved the Herald Tribune. During a time of massive budget shortfalls, Blagojevich offered the publisher of the Tribune a one hundred million dollar tax break for the year. All that Blagojevich wanted in return was for the publisher to fire an editor who had written articles that had been critical of Blagojevich's administration. The publisher agreed to the governor's demands. The Tribune got its tax break and the editor was fired.

I started out researching this post secure in the knowledge that Blogojevich was probably corrupt, but that he was targeted by a corrupt political establishment with whom he was not a member in good standing. I also suspected, and still do, that Prosecutor Fitzgerald was and is angling for an appointment, perhaps to the office of Attorney General, or possibly to FBI Director.

But regardless of the veracity or not of those suspicions, there can be no doubt that Blagojevich made himself a far too easy target. As a result, he was convicted on seventeen of twenty charges and may well spend the rest of his life in prison. For those who suspect that he might know things, that he might have information about corruption among other Illinois officials, or even Barak Obama, my honest opinion is, don't raise your hopes too high. Blagojevich would not be the kind of politician that would fit in with the standard politician's clique. No one would trust him, for obvious reasons. He obviously isn't that smart, and he doesn't have the right connections. His political career, and the fact that he rose as far as he did, is as much a fluke of the times as anything else, a phenomenon easily explained by a man with ambition taking advantage of a climate of low regard for the traditional political establishment, yet who never really fit in once he made it through the door.

But do you want to know the real proof that he doesn't really know anything worth knowing about anybody else? The simple fact that he's alive tells you all you need to know.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Ann Althouse, who lives in Wisconsin and has blogged extensively about recent events there, provides as concise of an explanation as you are likely to read anywhere about the recent controversy involving Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices David Prosser and Ann Walsh Bradley. Moreover, it sounds credible.

The background is straightforward enough. The Justices had met in the chambers of Chief Justice Abrahamson, where a heated argument ensued over the prospect of ruling on the recently passed Wisconsin public unions law. At one point, Bradley accosted Prosser, who reacted by placing his hands on the throat of Bradley. Prosser maintains it was an automatic response to Bradley attacking him and that he merely meant to push her back away from him. Bradley, however, insists that Prosser actually attempted to choke her.

Here's the most relevant part of the account from Althouse-

On Monday night, Bradley called Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs to talk to him about the incident. On the morning of Wednesday, June 15, Tubbs joined the justices in a closed-door meeting, where he discussed “issues relating to workplace violence.”

During the meeting, Chief Justice Abrahamson actually reenacted the incident on Chief Tubbs... During her demonstration, Abrahamson emphasized that Prosser had exerted “pressure” on Bradley’s throat.

Ah, but pay close attention to the following-

“There was no pressure,” interrupted the justice who had initially broken up the incident between Bradley and Prosser. “That’s only because you broke us apart,” shot back Bradley. This exchange led several meeting attendees to believe Bradley was making up the charge, as they took her rejoinder as an admission that there was no pressure applied to her neck.

So in other words, the bitch was lying. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Frankly, I didn't need Althouse to tell me that. Of course, seeing as how it is an established fact that Bradley first accosted Prosser, I also wouldn't give a shit if it was true. But that's a whole other issue.

This is a woman who is obviously in the tank for the public employees unions, and for the Democrats to whom she acts as a rubber stamp in her rulings, all the time claiming, in this cunt licking piece at Global Thinking, that she is an independent judge who puts a premium on courage when making her judicial decisions. And she wants to make sure you all know that.

In her own words-

“In my professional life, it means making rulings, regardless of the political pitfall. It means embracing our constitution, and giving meaning to the first amendment, freedom of speech; and the fourth amendment, freedom from unlawful search and seizures — even in tough times. It means standing up for unpopular causes — the victims, the poor, and the powerless.

“Being a person of courage is by no means easy. It means taking a stand. It can be a formula for being unpopular and misunderstood. You may be subjected to criticism and ridicule.”

So there you have it. To a liberal, activist Democrat appointed judge, judicial courage is to be defined as standing up for the mob and the special interest unions over the rights of the taxpayers she holds in such scorn, who frankly have every right to subject her to the criticism and the ridicule she holds beneath her dignity.

The next time this bitch physically accosts somebody to the extent they feel the need to choke the bitch, I offer the following instructional diagram for their perusal-

Monday, June 27, 2011

They's Dese Playahs In Peoria

I think its time the country had a serious discussion about race, don't you? Let's start the discussion this way. When you rampage down the street of any American city or town as part of a group threatening bodily harm to blacks as well as whites while expressing the intention or desire to kill white people, guess what? Your civil rights are out the window. At that point forward you're nothing but a rabid animal who deserves nothing better than to be shot down in the streets like the savages you are.

Unfortunately, the response of the City of Peoria to the recent rampage of dozens of black youth was a bit more benign, in fact, maddeningly tolerant. Citizens were advised to stay in their homes and keep their doors locked.

Here's from the Peoria Chronicle-

Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.

Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth
finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.

Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.

Is this what we've come to? If so, we have radical leftist freaks like this to thank for it, at least in part.

Maybe Obama should step in, wave his magic crack pipe and call for a neighborhood beer summit block party. You know, being as how he's the nation's post-racial president and what have you.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Apple Infused Horse Semen Cocktails

That's what they're serving in New Zealand at The Green Man Pub for the 14th annual Monteith's Beer And Wild Food Challenge.

The offering, said to taste like custard, is far more popular with women than it is with the men. That figures. I've known some women who I am pretty sure have had the drink straight from the source-sans the apple, of course. Who knows though, I knew one whore who kept her horse gorged on apples, so ya never can tell.

Oh well, it gives a whole new meaning to one old phrase. The next time somebody tells you to go suck a donkey's dick, just ask them "does that come with spring rolls?"

H/T Tiny Nibbles