The American Taliban are at it again, serving to remind me of the reason why I long ago rejected Christianity as a religion dominated by liars and hypocrits. There’s one good thing about hate merchants and fear mongers,however. When you are on the outside looking in, aghast, in amazement, you can see clearly what they are about.
A recent proposal in California would make it a law to respect homosexual rights of high school students, and would require that the gay lifestyle be presented in a positive fashion, including by pointing out the many and varied contributions to society of homosexuals over the years. I’m sure the new school proposals are not perfect, and I would almost be willing to bet that included among their provisions are items included for the benefit of poltiical correctness, and little else. I would also go so far as to be sure that there is no provision or even allowance of any criticism of any aspect of homosexuality in even the slightest way.
While I can’t say for sure what those criticisms would or should be, I am sure there are some that are legitimate if kept in the proper context and devoid of demagoguery, politicalization, and religious badgering. Little things. Obvious things. Things like, you shouldn’t walk from one class to another with your boyfriends dick in your hand and yours in his. If you fuck each other in the ass, make sure you adequately wash off your dicks, especially before gym class. Leave your gerbils at home. Your home, not theirs. Oh, yes, and of course, while I’m at it-DON’T FLAUNT YOUR SEXUALITY WHATEVER IT IS.
But to hear the scions of the Chrisitan Right tell it, this is just another sign of the decadence of America and it’s declining moral values. You would think the schools might any day now require same sex dating for experimental and educational purposes-
Well,okay, I admit that wouldn’t be to me a surprise in some areas, San Francisco, Berkeley, et al. comes to mind. But until this is actually suggested, and proposed, then the Chrisitan Right should keep mum about such matters, especially when it comes to insinuating, and outright warning, that this is what the “radical gay lobby” has planned. No, the CristianRight has not done this yet, but give it time. What it has done,however, is bad enough, in fact, just as bad, and more to the point, it is an outright lie.
School bathrooms and lavatories, they insist, will if this proposition is passed into law, become gender neutral, for the sake of gays, lesbians, and-get this now-TRANSGENDERED STUDENTS.
All right now, to begin with-is there even such an animal as a transgendered high school student? Are we just talking about cross dressers? No, the implication is that there is an appreciable number or at least a small amount, of high school students that have undergone sex change operations, or are in the process of doing so, and as such are in need of bathroom facilities where they can feel comfortable. Seeing as how they are in the throes of the most life changing experience imaginable, I guess the implication is they wouldn’t feel comfortable in either facility for male or female, so therefore a special category should be estsblished just for them. Yet, rather than putting them on the spot by relegating them to a separate though equal facility, by making all such facilities gender neutal then no one is treated in non-discriminatory way.
Of course this is a lot of hogwash, and the purveyors of this obscene fantasy on the Christian Right know it is. They also know that a vast number of their parishioners, if not the majority of them, are stupid enough to believe it. No surprise there, most religous leaders think most of their parishioners are either uneducated morons, superstitous retardos, or educated idiots. I learned that quite long ago. This, however, is the culmination of years of belief through blind faith in the utterly absurd. Most followers simply stop thinking for themselves and using common sense, and their leaders become cocky and soon go way too far for any sane person to take them seriously. This is a prime example of that.
For one thing, I seriously doubt that it is legal, in California or anywhere, for an underaged child to undergo a sex change operation with or without parental consent, so the number of transgendered high school students are probably-well, none. If it is not illegal it damn well should be. Most high school students don’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain if they can think of a trite enough reason to stay out in it. That is the reason why most states maintain the drinking age at 21, and those few that might have it younger than that find themselves in serious danger of losing federal highway funding. That is the reason why the legal voting age in America used to be 21 as well, and why in my opinion it should be so again. That is why campus military recruiters purposely target high school kids to join at the age of 18-because they are stupid enough to join at that age in greater numbers than if they wait until they’re twenty one to where they can actually, my God, think rationally about the potential consequences.
So all this crap that the Christian Right have been circulating the last few days about this California school proposition is a lot of nonsense meant to elicit an emotional knee jerk response from their followers. And it will probably work, I can just see them now collectively fuming at the thought that their little Johnny and Susie might actually have to be nice to a sinful, demon possessed queer, and worse, the schools are about to become a present day Sodom and Gomorrah, where boys and girls and everything in between are all forced to share the same bathroom-and learning to like it. And if they complain, they might be prosecuted for hate crimes. Their children might be removed from their homes on some made up charge of child abuse. Some of them will be stomping around the house,hitting the walls. And opening their wallets to contribute to this idiotic, demagogic, fear mongering campaign.
Like I said, I don’t know everything about the propoisition in it’s entirety. There could well be aspects that are worthy of criticism. But when it’s opponents get to the point of making shit up about it, I have to wonder just how bad it can really be.