Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Killing Illussions

Some people can only live under the throes of an illsuion for so long, and a perfect example of this would be the Chuirch of Christ preachers wife who murdered her husband by shooting him in the back with a shotgun,then running off with their three young daughters to the Gulf Coast of Alabama. By the time it is all over an done with, it will probably come out that he had been having an affair with one of his parishioners, or molesting one of the daughters, or abusing them or herin some way-or one of those things or more might well be the excuse she dreams up. It could be of course she was the one having the affair.

Whatever the case turns out to be, it isjust another example as to how religion is alltoo often not a cureforlifes ailments. In fact, many times it is the cause. Sometimes it is a mere symptom of a deep seated psychosis. At best, it might be a crutch, a mere excuse to ignore reality by creating one with absolutely no basis in fact.

I am vey familiar with the Chruch of Christ-I used to be a member. This is one of those consevative, Bible believing churches that promote strict adherence to the literal interpretation of the New Testament, and avoidance of any doctrine which is not specifically spelled out on the pages thereon. For example, there is nowhee in the New Testament that permits the use of instrumental music during the courseof a religious service, therefore all musical performances are sung a’ cappello. Point out to a faitful Church of Christ member that musical instruments are not only permitted, but encouraged, in certai parts of the Old Testmanet, and they will immediatley pounce with a reminder that we are no longer living under the Old Testament. The old law they will say has been fulfilled by the New Testament, and we are to strictly adhere to it. Because of this, a member of any other Christian denomination is certainly in danger of the judgement of hell. Why?

“There is no other name given among men whereby we may be saved”, accordding to one New Testament scripture, in refernce to Christ. In another verse an addresses of an epistle is told by Paul, “The Churches of Christ salute you.”

Well, I guess that settles that, huh?

I am saddenned by what happenned to the preacher, saddenned at the obvious emotional state of his wife, whatever it was, that led her to this despicable act, for the parishioners who honestly felt they were pillars and admirable representatives of their little insular community, and now genuinely shocked and saddenned, I am sure, by the impact this is sure to have on it. Most importantly, I am saddenned by the three little girls, whatever role they may or may not have played, at having lost both a mother and a father in one fell swoop of insanity.

But it points out a problem with organized religion that I have known now for years. It is somewhat similar to what many doctors warn their patients concerning the taking of vitamin supplements. In moderation, they can be good, but taken to extremes, they still cure nothing, and worse, can serve merely to mask the symptoms of what might start out as a minor problem, and continue to disguise what might become a serious illness that might develop unbenownst as a result.

And, in some extreme cases, they can actually be the cause of the problem.