Wednesday, March 29, 2006

24-The Martha Logan Conspiracy

I think I long ago figured out the mystery of this seasons 24, and after seeing the previews of next weeks episode, I’m all but sure I’m right. Martha Logan, wife of current President Logan, is the seasons mystery villainess.

It happenned and was over with so fast, it has probably by now been forgotten, given her recent displays of courage and character in the face of a weak and easily led husband, but early on Martha Logan was revealed to be a deeply troubled woman who is on medication to prevent her from losing it. Yet, her problem was never revealed precisely, just that it was of a seeming psychological, emotional, or neurological nature. Since she resumed her medication, there has been hardly any hint or mention of it, outside of a brief flirtation with Aaron,a Secret Service Agent. This, however, could easily be put down as a symptom of duress, in combination with gratitude for Aarons saving her life, which her husband was willing to sacrifice to thedemands of terrorists to supply them with the route of the Russian presidents motorcade. Had he not done so, they would release nerve gas within various metropolitan areas, killing potentially hundreds of thosands of American citizens. Still, she objected and of her own volition elected to accompany the Russian presient and his wife to the airport, whereupon Aaron saved them all from tragedy, along with CTU, who fond out about the plot.

So how could she possibly be nvolved in the plot, then? The question, is actually, how could she not? Why would David Palmer entrust her to try to warn Logan of the plot he had discovered? And how had he discovered it to begin with? And why did this knowledge cost him his life?

The answer is, she is the one who had warned him of the plot to begin with. She knew about it because she was herself involved in it at the highest levels the whole time. She was a willing pariticipant in it. Then, she took her medication, and suddenly, horrified at the knowledge she uncovered, though possibly unaware now of her own involvement, she warned the one person she knew she could trust-David Palmer.

Then, she went off her meds again. Suddenly, she knew that David Palmer had found out about the plot. He was a grave danger to her, and to the plans her and the others were inovlved in, whoever all they might turn out to be. She had to stop him, and so, she warned her co-conspirators, who put forth into motion the current seasons plot line.

She is, in effect, sufferring from a severe form of schiozophrenia. And if I am right,this will be revealed in the next episode to Aaron, and to David Palmers surviving brother, by Martha Logans personal assistant, who in the previews told them she knew who was behind everything that was going on,and why. So, how would a mere personal assistant, pretty much a maid, have privy to this knowledge?

In 24, nothing is usually what it seems to be, and I could be wrong. I wrongly predicted that Edgar Stiles was involved, acting out of a need to extract revenge on CTU and the govenrnment for his mothers death last season. Unfortunately, Edgar was killed in the twelth episode this season, so I guess I got that one wrong. But I think I’m right about this one, and should find out for sure, if not the next episode, not too long following.

Like they always say-stay tuned.