Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Union Label

In the video below, a group of union thugs outside the Madison Wisconsin statehouse chase GOP legislator Glenn Grothman until they have him trapped. If it had not been for the intervention of Brett Hulsey, a Democrat, who knows what would have happened? Grothman may have been seriously injured, or possibly even killed. This crowd was obviously out for blood, but Hulsey, to his credit, and at obvious risk to himself, eventually got the crowd under control, possibly only because he was wearing a clearly identifiable orange union t-shirt.

Michelle Malkin has as good a rundown of events, complete with screen shots of some of the union protesters, as you will find anywhere, but I have to question her identification of Hulsey as a "Democratic State Senator". Aren't they supposed to be in hiding in Illinois someplace? I'm guessing Hulsey is probably a fellow state representative of Grothman, who he tells the crowd is his friend.

Whatever the case, I think its time now to put to rest the lie that Democrats and their supporters are all about having positive discussions based on civility and respect, though it is good to know that there are a few Democrats here and there that try to live up to the bullshit. Unfortunately, there are also those such as Rep. Gordon Hintz who shouted "You're dead" at colleague Michelle Litjens, a Republican representative. I'm afraid that when push comes to shove, they are the majority. But numbers, while important, don't tell the whole story. All it takes is a relative handful, or worse, a large minority, to do serious damage to life and limb, to say nothing of property.

Sooner or later, I'm afraid its going to get really ugly, and if somebody injures of kills one or more of these union thugs in self-defense, I think its a pretty safe bet who will get the blame in the mainstream media. If they injure somebody, on the other hand, you might not hear that much about it, if anything. Mark my words, its coming. Its almost like fate in the current atmosphere, and if not in Madison, then in Columbus, or Indianapolis, or Cleveland.
