Friday, October 07, 2011

The Walking Brain Dead

FilmLadd has a brutal evisceration of Bill O'Reilly, who just cant seem to see the trees for the forest. O'Reilly seems to live in a world where everyone basically has the best of intentions. They're just wrong. Thus, in his world view, George Soros is nothing more than a greedy capitalist, a kind of modern day Robber Baron who manipulates social unrest for his own personal power and enrichment. Barak Obama truly loves America and is a patriot. He just has a skewed ideological vision of what is best for the country and for "the folks".

And the Occupy Wall Street Movement, which has just recently expanded to other areas, including Washington D.C.'s K-Street and even to Lexington Kentucky? They're just a bunch of hippies who want free stuff, or equality, or whatever, but nobody should take them seriously, according to O'Reilly. Soon, these same socialist ideologues will follow in the footsteps of their sixties forebears. They themselves will occupy Wall Street in the form of investment bankers and stock-brokers. They will no longer rail against the system. They will be the system.

It is all too clear however that the repercussions today could be much more serious, with longer lasting implications, and one must wonder to what extent Obama is involved with the movement, albeit in the background, though publicly encouraging such random acts of public protest as resulted in one group taking possession of the Brooklyn Bridge, which in turn necessitated the arrest of more than seventy protestors.

Robert Stacy McCain in the meantime points out another group of allies the sixties hippy crowd never had-the unions, particularly the SEIU, along with myriads of others, including teachers.

It's all a bit murky to me. O'Reilly is correct about one thing. Most of this crowd are gravely disappointed in Obama, whom they feel has let them down, whom they believe has sold out to the Wall Street crowd. In fact, this is true in a sense. He sold out to them during his first campaign. Wall Street by and large donated more money to him than to McCain, more possibly than to any other candidate, Democrat or Republican, in history.

Still, there can be no doubt that Obama wants to shore up his leftist base, and so has no compunction about using weasel words to the effect that the Occupy Wall Street Movement speaks for a large and growing disaffection across the country.

One of the protestors is a man I have had a terse acquaintance with for some time. In fact, Troutsky is on my blogroll. (yes, I have some commies on my blogroll). He certainly has no love lost for Obama or the Democrats. Still, note how the old trout guide waxes poetic in this post about how he is working on the sidelines, or as he puts it, on the periphery, and adds this bit of warning to those unions who don't toe the line.

It's great to see SEIU down at Zucotti Square but I hope someone asks them about California health care workers. Because their union is actively scabbing and trying to break a courageous strike. It is time for honest critique of EVERYTHING, just get it out in the open and talk.

It would seem as though healing the sick and saving lives must, alas, take a back seat to the glorious cause of civil unrest and property theft. So what to make of all of this? If you're out and about on your daily routine to and from work, the store, seeing to business matters, etc., what should you do if you run into a horde of these devoted progressives trying to stick it to the man? What can you do? You certainly have to keep a watchful eye and if possible, take judicious notes. Capture the mayhem on video if at all possible.

And by all means, go armed if you can. Just in case the unthinkable happens.