Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Liberal Democrat Senators Mind Your Own Business So You Don't Have To

Hey, who the hell said there's not a lot of difference between Democrats and Communists?

Oh yeah, that would be me.

And they seem bound and determined to prove my point yet again, by calling for Major League Baseball to impose a voluntary ban on smokeless tobacco during the upcoming World Series between St. Louis and Texas.

See, this is how clever these progressives are. Dick Durbin of Illinois (the number two Dem asshat in the Senate), along with Frank "DeCavalcade" Lautenberg of New Jersey, Tom "Ethanol Subsides" Harkin of Iowa, and Richard "Prosecutorial Misconduct" Blumenthal of Connecticut, aren't threatening to pass a law or anything, they want Major League Baseball, and the Player's Association, to ban smokeless tobacco on a voluntary basis-you know, for the good of the chiiiii-dren. This, of course, is their fall back strategy when accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia and general intolerance start to lose their respective edges. They trot out the kids and try to tug at the heartstrings by appealing to our sense of responsibility and what not. It's the old commie diversionary tactic I like to call the commie two-stomp. Step back, obfuscate, reverse course, sidestep, and then go full steam ahead towards the ultimate goal. You know, that one that never changes with these scum, which is full on government control of all aspects of the economy, and society at large. They can't even leave our national pastime in peace.

As witnessed at St Louis Today

Durbin and three other Democratic senators asked the Major League Baseball Players Association to prohibit use all tobacco products on the field, in the dugout and even in locker rooms at Major League Baseball parks.

Who would be affected by seeing the players use tobacco in THE FUCKING LOCKER ROOMS is yet to be explained. Thankfully, they can't pass a law as it stands now because HAW HAW HAW the Commiecrats lost control of the House of Representatives last year.

Oh, but before they lost the House, earlier in April 2010, Democratic Lefty Lunatic Henry Waxman did call for a law banning smokeless tobacco from Major League Baseball. It didn't get anywhere probably because, unfortunately, far too many people were obsessed with such mundane matters as, you know, FINDING A FUCKING JOB!

Now of course the Democrats are reduced to using a great sport as a political whipping post, which makes you wonder in just how bad of disarray, just how desperate, the Democrats are. Unemployment is still at over nine percent and we just had a plot to kill diplomats on American soil sponsored by, allegedly, the Iranian regime, the housing market is still in the crapper, the world is still full of people who want to either rip us off or destroy us, or both, the borders are as porous as ever, and we are on track to break twenty trillion dollars in national debt, and can't do anything to reverse course, while lowlife scumbags are piling into the streets making all kinds of unreasonable demands, and the government is doing everything it can to disrupt job creation by the private sector.

But Dick Durbin still marks time on his calendar for this. And people wonder why I will no longer vote for a Democrat under any scenario. But if you are one of the ones who do wonder why people like me make such a big deal about it, it's really pretty simply. If Democrats can find excuses to extend their dictatorial objectives during the absolute shittiest of times like we have now, just imagine what they will try to get away with when times are good, should We The People become more complacent.

One way they accomplish this is by giving you something you want, or need, and think you just can't live without it and must be supplied or subsidized by the government. In the case of Major League Baseball, they have enjoyed close to a century of exemption from the confines of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, which makes Major League Baseball a legally recognized monopoly.

This could easily be revoked at any time by a significant court challenge, or possibly even by a legislative act which would probably be upheld this go-round, which of course gives Congress a great deal of leverage.

The anti-trust exemption could and should be ended, in all honesty. That would put a stop to at least this avenue of interference.

Because frankly, the likes of Dick Durbin should be allowed no closer to Major League Baseball than the cheap seats. Unless of course its by way of a baseball bat up the side of the head, but that's probably asking for too much, unfortunately.