H/T for the below post goes out to Zilla Of The Resistance, whose tireless and unwavering efforts against radical Islam, including her efforts to expose what she calls "Islamoblow" politicians and other enablers or "Islamocoddlers" deserves special commendation. At this point she may be, in her own smaller way, an even more effective voice of opposition than Pamela Gellar, who a good many people tend to shut out without a fair hearing. I urge all readers of this post to visit Zilla's blog and show her your support.
Is Grover Norquist's Americans For Tax Reform being used by Norquist as a money laundering operation? It seems that there is more than ample reason to believe that to be the case, but if so, the veil seems to be finally lifting. Or possibly unraveling. The question remains, who of all of Norquist's unsavory acquaintances, not the least of whom is convicted felon Jack Abramof, has utilized Norquist's organization for illicit means. The answers might surprise you if you are unfamiliar with the man's history, but the answer would seem to be such groups as CAIR, Hamas, Hebbollah, and the Islamic Brotherhood. It would seem that Grover is a major champion and advocate of the religion of peace.
It has gotten to the point where one Congressman, Republican Frank R. Wolf, just today denounced Norquist on the floor of the House. I won't go into detail, as you can read it all here, but the problems with Norquist seem multifaceted.
For one, he has been a strong supporter of any and all Islamic causes here in the US. That in and of itself need not necessarily be cause for alarm, so long as it is transparent, but if he is using the ATR as a means of funneling money back and forth, and to and from Islamic radical organizations, then it becomes grave cause for concern. But more to the point, he has been a strong influence on GOP lawmakers through the aegis of the ATR's "No New Tax Pledge" which he has hitherto run almost like a protection racket.
First, GOP lawmakers and candidates are pressured to take the pledge, and then bludgeoned without mercy if they show signs of wavering from that pledge in the slightest ways. Unfortunately, this goes way beyond raising taxes. Also forbidden is any serious effort at entitlement reform. Perhaps even more disturbing is Norquist's insistence that any attempt to repeal subsidies or even the more odious forms of tax exemptions currently enjoyed by wealthy individuals and large corporations is also tantamount to breaking the pledge.
The end result would seem to be the wielding of a type of influence that might make George Soros green with ency. Yet, according to the Congressman, this kind of influence is stopping any budgetary reform progress dead in its tracks.
The question remains, who benefits the most from Norquist's influence? Have tax loopholes and exemptions made it possible for some corporations to funnel money to Norquist's organization in large sums? And how is this money being used, and for whose benefit? Are some of our major corporations unknowingly funding organizations whose overall objective and purpose is to supplant Western Civilization and to install shariah law?
And of course, although it wouldn't seem to fall under his purview, Norquist has probably twisted arms insofar as legal efforts on behalf of the Islamic groups he supports. For example, he was a vocal proponent of the Ground Zero Mosques, and has been a staunch opponent of the Patriot Act. He has also been at the forefront of demands for the closure of Guantanamo Bay, in demanding civil rights for even the most heinous of foreign-born jihadists, and has even been an advocate of terrorist fundraisers such as Sami Al-Aryan.
It is a disturbing list of allegations, but if true, Republicans need to cut this millstone from around their neck. Prosecution as well should be forthcoming, but there's the rub. How many people in Congress are just in too deep with Norquist to feel comfortable with any further revelations?