Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If You're A Conservative Republican Woman, Joe Biden Wants You To Get Raped

Hey, that's no lie, he said it and he meant it.

Also, if you're a conservative Republican business owner he wants you to get robbed.

And if you're a conservative Republican parent, he wants your children to be kidnapped and molested.

That way see you'd understand what it was like and you would stop opposing Obama's job plan that includes hiring more police (and other public sector union workers).

Of course Democrats could always drop their strident gun laws which make it difficult and/or prohibitively expensive for law-abiding citizens to own firearms, in which case crime would drop substantially among all categories and there would be no need to hire extra police.

But hey, we all know that's a crazy idea. We will always need as many public sector employees as possible, and since they are putting so many states in the red, the feds have an obligation to step up and foot the bill. Everybody wins, except the Democrats, the public sector unions, and, well, those other crooks and rapists.