Sunday, October 16, 2011

Donald Douglas-Struck By The Poison Of Progressive Ideology

Zilla Of The Resistance is now Zilla For The Defense of a fellow blogger who is being unfairly maligned by his leftist enemies. His name is Donald Douglas and he blogs at the American Power.

According to Douglas-

Some time back, one of my colleagues suggested that no matter what the nature of online disagreements, no matter how intense or vile, taking such disagreements to an opponent's employer is outside the bounds of decency: it is simply un-American. And I would add that when those same workplace complaints involve blatant and patently false allegations amounting to libel, those taking such actions are not only un-American, but genuinely satanic. And I have to apologize to longtime readers who might be getting bored with such blogging, but writing about the progressive left's perpetual campaign of personal destruction, against my economic livelihood, is how I'm able to deal with the issues, keep my sanity, and of course clear my good name. As I noted earlier, there is essentially no lie that's beyond the pale for the radicals. They'll do anything to destroy opponents. And they don't stop. And virtually to the one, the complaints leveled against me have been pure lies. I'm not going to recount them. All of this is of a piece. But since many on the left are coordinating these attacks, the frequency seems to be accelerating. I'll soon know more about the latest round of allegations and lies. In the meantime, here's a roundup of the workplace attacks I've defended against now for almost three years. In each case, there's never been any finding of impropriety or wrongdoing. In fact, the opposite's been true: Accusers have been revealed as the hateful demonic scum that they are. RTWT

The page which contain links to numerous examples of personal and workplace harassment is here-

The problem seems to be three-fold. Professor Douglas is-

*A university professor
*A devout Christian
*A staunch, unabashed conservative who blogs unapologetically for conservative principles and against the politics of the radical left.

As such, he has made many enemies. One of these is E. D. Kain, one of the founders of the blog The League Of Ordinary Gentlemen.

Kain for his part has accused Douglas of defamation and joined the chorus of those who have complained to Douglas's employer. This in particular seems to have something to do with Douglas's criticisms of Kain due to the latter's seeming change of political allegiance over time. I of all people could certainly be sympathetic to Kain, as my views have also evolved, though in the opposite direction. However, when Kain contacted the University, he went way over the line, which he himself admitted in a comment at the post in question.

Only problem is, after posting the apology Kain evidently complained again to Douglas's employer, and demanded that he refrain from any criticism of him on his blog, allegedly going so far as to demand the blog be shut down.

But its not just Kain, there are more engaged in harassment of Douglas, and the charges run the gamut from defamation to accusations of involvement in child pornography.

This is the left, and this is what they do. Freedom of speech, it seems, means freedom to join their cause and act in agreement with their principles, but does not apply to those who hold an opposing viewpoint. But to take it to the extent of harassing employers and fellow employees, or family, unfortunately is not seen as out of bounds to the hard core left.

Full disclaimer. Unlike Douglas, I am not a Neocon, and I would probably find more disagreement with him over pertinent issues than agreements. Truthfully, I don't see Neocons as conservative at all, I see them as pro-national security, anti-communist liberals, which is what they are. As such, they tend to also be Big Government conservatives, and liberal in almost all matters not related to national security, and on many matters that are as far as how they perceive the proper way of going about achieving their policy goals.

But I still respect them and steadfastly defend their right to express their views, on their own blogs and elsewhere. For anyone to attack them to the point of harassment in their personal and professional lives is clearly beyond the pale, and totally unacceptable.

Can there be any question of what life would be like under any kind of leftist regime, especially one with unchecked power.