Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Tarot Reading The Massachusetts Sixth District

A lot of people have been making noise about Sean Bielat's bid to unseat Barney Frank, noise that I used to see as wishful thinking. Lately though I don't know, I'm starting to think there might actually be something to it. Or could be, if Frankor his allies don't figure out a way to steal the election, which would be my first interpretation of the above card, the Seven of Swords.

But, there could be a better interpretation for Sean Bielat, one that sees him as a clever campaigner who has made Frank look like an idiot, as well as one of the most corrupt bastard in Congress, while not getting personal, and even going about his campaign with good humor and grace.

I would have preferred he got in Barney face, just enough to make Barney lose it and show his true face to his constituents and the world, the face that is barely below the surface as it is.

But it would have been fun to see Franks reaction to charges that he has used his power and influence to help first one gay lover after another. Sure, he would have been charged with homophobia, but who cares? If Frank had female lovers, what would be the difference? Of course, this is Massachusetts were talking about, so maybe Bielat made the right call.

I would at least like somebody to point out how Frank's involvement with a gay brothel, run out of his own Washington home, was probably more about blackmail than fun and games, or making money through prostitution. After all, why would a sitting congressman take that kind of chance for anything other than compiling a list of potential extortion targets? This, and many many other things, is something the coming Congress needs to look into, provided Frank is re-elected. Or for that matter, even if he is not.

In the meantime, let's hope this ad by Sean Bielat does the trick.