Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Tarot Reading The Delaware Senate Race

Dare I hope? No, I don't. This five of wands might signify a long election night, and that it will be close, and hard fought down to the last vote cast. But, if it is that close, can't that just as easily forecast a victory for Christine O'Donnell.

I look at it this way. Thanks to all the national media exposure, and the blatant unfairness of the coverage against her, she might have a shot. To say nothing of the admirable way she has conducted herself in the debates. She looked reasoned, knowledgeable, poised, and intelligent. Her opponent, Coons, just looked like an ass.

The people of Delaware might come to the ironic conclusion that if they really want to elect a fool and an idiot to the Senate, somebody that will make the first state of the Union look like a laughingstock, they should elect Chris Coons.

However, if they want to elect an independent voice and a person of integrity who will represent them and their state to the best of her ability, which come to find out is considerable after all, they should elect O'Donnell. It's just a matter of whether or not Christine can overcome the incredibly unfair negatives heaped on her by a complicit leftist media, Democrats, and by the elites of her own party.

Another thing that has to be said is that her supporters are dedicated. Coons base of support is non-existent. All he has-ALL he has-is people who habitually vote Democratic, when they are in the mood to go to the polls. This year, polls notwithstanding, they might not be.

There is a path to victory here for Christine O'Donnell, but its going to be a long, hard road.