Monday, November 01, 2010

Tarot Reading the 7th District Arizona House Race

This is an easy one to call for Republican Ruth McClung. She's run a good campaign against an opponent who is so unbelievably stupid he advocated a boycott against his own state. Seriously, how can you conceivably get any more stupid than that? That is like something you would expect to see from a Saturday Night Live skit. He also signed a letter requesting diplomatic courtesies be extended to members of Code Pink during a visit to Iraq where the group engaged in delivering aid and comfort to the enemy. He also is an advocate for open borders. He also is a rubber stamp for everything on the Obama-Pelosi agenda. And, he also faked a terrorist threat against his office when his campaign was caught red-handed in a voting fraud scam. There's so many "alsos" with this guy he should actually be barred from seeking public office, and whether he wins or loses this race he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

A lot of people want this guy out of office, including Arizona Senator John McCain, who is now sharing office space with Ruth McClung and is actually putting ads out against Grijalva. When you can't get along with John McCain you are pretty much on everybody's enemies list.

This is a race between two opponents, one of whom is a rocket scientist, the other one of whom is most decidedly anything but that.

The Two of Pentacles is a good card. I see McClung as a sure winner. Oh, it will be close. It certainly won't be a blow-out. But it will be a firm defeat with no legitimate need nor excuse for a recount.