Friday, November 26, 2010

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Fucktards

What do we have here? These people are members and supporters of the of a group known as Jamaat-i-islaam. So what is going on here exactly? Is it a political rally of some kind? Or maybe they are watching and cheering on their team at a soccer tournament, or a cricket game?

Naw, actually they are protesting because the President of Pakistan is possibly considering granting a pardon to a woman who has been convicted of insulting Islam-a Christian woman who is the mother of five children. They are demanding that the woman be hung. You know, because that is the sentence that was handed down by an Islamic court.

Forgive the hate speech, but I don't think that's exactly what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they drafted the First Amendment, and I applaud the people of Oklahoma for voting to ban the use of Shariah Law in their state, although I am surprised it only won seventy-percent of the vote. CAIR is appealing the election results on First Amendment grounds.

Of course, I have no doubt the Islamic fundamentalists who prefer Shariah law over the law of the land (not just this land, but any land stupid enough to take these people in) have no intention of utilizing their laws and customs to this degree here. After all, they are only about one percent of the population. They'll probably wait until they're ten or maybe twenty percent of the population before they get that radical.

Islam is not a religion. It is, like liberalism, a mental illness. I'm dead serious. I don't know anything about what's in the Quran other than a few choice passages, but then again I don't really need to know. I can see the evidence with my own two eyes. Everywhere Islam either predominates or is a strong influence, this is the result. The least provocation or perceived insult sends these people completely over the edge. All it took was for a Danish cartoonist to draw an insulting image of the "prophet", and you had Muslims all over Europe and the Middle East taking to the streets in a livid rage demanding retribution and pronouncing "Death to Europe".

Now one unknown woman from an obscure village in Pakistan commits what amounts to a nebulous offense which no one seems able to explain, and the whole country is up in arms demanding her death. The Pakistani President would probably not even bother with her case if it weren't for the influence of some international amnesty groups and some American politicians (Hillary, probably, though I don't know for sure), and what do these people do?

When Karl Marx said that opium was the religion of the masses, he was of course talking primarily of Christianity, and communists today explain this by saying Marx was comparing religion to how people in his era used opiates for medicinal purposes.

If that analogy is extended to Islam, adherents of that faith then must be the crackheads and meth freaks of the world's religious faithful.

Only, there is nothing about these people that is devout, in any meaningful sense of the word. These people are just plainly, certifiably insane. All fucking 1.4 billion of them. I know that sounds harsh, but there it is. No, all of them don't act like this, yes, most of them probably wouldn't favor killing somebody for what was probably some minor offense (if she really did anything at all). But I've seen and heard enough excuses for this kind of behavior and seen enough evidence of the results of a growing Muslim population in any given area, in any given culture, to know that it has to be an inherent problem with the religion itself. No other people, of no other faith, acts this badly.

Yes, there are persons of other faiths that act this bad and worse, but by "people", I mean mainstream. In Islam, it is the so-called moderates who are the "lunatic fringe".

John Lennon, were he still alive, and the Dixie Chicks might feel differently, but its one thing to burn a bunch of records. Nobody demanded that they be hung, or beheaded. Lennon recovered in short time, the Dixie Chicks have not, but that has more to do with talent than a vengeful public. The American people got over their little mad spell with Lennon, and to my knowledge, no one is out to deliver Natalie Manes's head on a platter. Salmon Rushdie is still living under the threat of a fatwa.

When a religion tells you how many times you have to pray on a daily basis, and what times of day to pray, that should be your first clue that something is wrong. And when you are expected to adopt a Middle Eastern, Arabic name upon conversion, that should be your first clue you might be dealing with a cult.

I don't know, but I suspect that while praying you have to go deep inside of a dark, harsh place in your subconscious mind in order to emerge with the world view held by so many of these people. Maybe it puts them in a subjective state of mind, one that is ripe for manipulation. I don't know.

But it would explain why there are a relatively small percentage of these people, in comparison to people in other religions, who don't engage in violence, or in hateful rhetoric, yet who seem to very seldom speak out strongly against the ones who do.

When the moderates bow in prayer, perhaps they are not really praying at all. They are merely bowing.