Sunday, November 07, 2010

Surprise Surprise-Olbermann Will Return

Well, well, well, guess who's going to be returning to MSNBC after all. Yes, Keith Olbermann has completed what might be the shortest indefinite suspension without pay in the annals of recorded history, and he's going to be back on the air as early as Tuesday.

I'm not surprised in the least, nor am I disappointed. In fact, I'm quite pleased. Let's face it, Olbermann is a perfect example of what the left is really all about, and as such he does provide a service.

And let's be real here, this is all the whole brouhaha was about anyway. Olbermann is one of these kinds of guys that are just one step from sliding completely over the edge at any given time, given just the right push. It hasn't been that long ago that he took a two-week vacation because Tucker Carlson, of all people, was making sport of him.

The fool can't even take criticism from me. FROM ME! Yes, he blocked me from following his Twitter account, and when that didn't stop me from fucking with him, he BLOCKED ME FROM EVEN READING HIS TWITTER ACCOUNT. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging. I'm just pointing out-who the fuck am I that he should worry what I think?

I was fairly sure Olbermann wasn't really indefinitely suspended. He was just given a few days off, to give him a chance to cool off, calm down, and recover from the disappointment of the election results, as otherwise, he probably would have gone completely off the rails.

If he seems somewhat more subdued than usual by the time he returns, I think we can just assume he must have had his meds adjusted. If MSNBC was smart, though, they'd give him his typical two weeks. You just never can tell when you're dealing with these excitable Type A personality types, especially when they really start to come unhinged.