Thursday, October 09, 2008

Blogrrolling Hacked

If anybody makes it here before Blogrolling recovers and you wonder what the hell has happened to it, this is only a partial answer.

On the other hand, I just realized that this site-while it is probably correct in pointing out that the claim of credit for the hacking of Blogrolling in the name of Islamic Jihadists is probably false-at the same time makes a claim which is even more preposterous. They suggest that it is actually the work of the Israeli Mossad.

It's silly enough to imagine that an organization such as Mossad would not only take the time to hack a relatively insignificant two-bit blogging software platform, but to do it in such an obviously false and amateurish manner is especially ridiculous. If Mossad had done this, there would be no doubt in the minds of the average blogger that it was, in fact, the work of Islamic Jihad. It would look that apparently genuine, even to the average trained law-enforcement officer.

Of course, actual intelligence experts would quickly look into the matter and would soon enough learn the truth, or at least would know enough to raise legitimate suspicions. Why would Mossad commit such a stupid, risky, and potentially counterproductive act of sabotage against such a relatively insignificant entity? Of course these are probably the same kinds of people that think Mossad was behind the 9/11 attacks, and swallow every claim by Islamic apologists that every evil that points to an Arab or Islamic origin is actually the work of Israeli intelligence, their American political pawns, and their Zionist backers.

Whatever the case, this is also unlikely to be the work of Islamic radicals. Yet, evidently somebody thought it would be cool as shit to hack the Blogrolling site and pretend to be Islamic Jihadists. What the point to that is I can only guess at, but its pretty obvious that Blogrolling should no longer be considered a safe and dependable site. I am seriously thinking of removing it from my blog. Luckily, I don't use the same password here that I do there.

In the meantime, I figure I need to trim down the Pantheon Of Blogs Blogroll anyway. Most of the blogs I have listed I rarely if ever visit. The ones I do visit on a regular basis I will put back on my own private blogroll, if I do drop Blogrolling.

My guess is that the problem is some former employees of Blogrolling. If this true, it shouldn't be too hard to narrow it down, because I don't think they ever had very many to begin with, which is a part of the problem. I almost wonder if anybody there even knows there's a problem yet.