Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quid Pro Ho-The Heartwarming Story Of Elliot Spitzer

It's so much fun to gloat when an asshole like Spitzer gets his just desserts. Here's a guy who made a name for himself as a fighter of corruption, but like so many of these bastards, he seems to have been projecting the whole time. That's no big surprise to me. There is something wrong with a guy that wastes time and taxpayers money going after people for what is considered ordinary, everyday business practices as though he were prosecuting Nazi war criminals. This happened to be the case with many if not most of the Wall Street people he targeted. And then there was Don Imus, whom Spitzer targeted for allegedly using his ranch, registered as a charity, as a vacation home. Never mind that in the meantime he helped numerous children dying from cancer, and their families. Hell, he actually stayed a week or two at the place when there were no kids there, so he's guilty of some crime?

In the meantime, this sanctimonious piece of shit happens to have violated the Mann Act by crossing state lines for purpose of engaging the services of a prostitute. If he is charged and tried as zealously as he went after people whose violations were not nearly as brazen, and in fact were even sometimes rather vague, he could be sentenced, if convicted, to up to twenty years in a FEDERAL penitentiary.

Unfortunately, The Emperor's Club web-site has been taken down, but The Smoking Gun has a reproduction of some pages, which rated the girls with diamonds, ranging from three to seven. Spitzer paid a little over four thousand dollars for roughly four hours, so he evidently seems to have availed the services of a "three diamond" girl (one thousand dollars an hour)-the cheapskate.

The girl, given the code name "Kristen" in documents, evidently had no complaints about her time with "Number 9", as he was referred to, though he evidently liked to engage in unusual practices a good many girls might not consider safe.

So, how did he get caught? You can read all about it here. It seems like a bank recorded some "suspicious transaction" in which Spitzer transferred sums of money to what turned out to be shell or dummy corporations. At first, it was assumed to be a mere financial or perhaps political skullduggery, and so the Feds got permission to track where the money went to, which led them to The Emperor[s Club. They proceeded to get permission to wire tap the owners and operators of the club, and the truth was revealed. So, it's not like Spitzer has been set up for political purposes. He did it to himself.

Here's the original story from the New York Times. He is done. It is worth noting that Spitzer is a Super Delegate to this year's Democratic Convention, and is a supporter of Hillary Clinton.

Hmmmmmm-I just wonder what other powerful, wealthy clients have enjoyed the discreet services of the Emperor's Club.


Rufus said...

Ah, I don't know. I didn't like Spitzer back when he was my Gov. but honestly, people have sex for all sorts of reasons, many of which are financial. But, if money is explicitly exchanged for sex it becomes a "crime"? It just seems sort of stupid to me.

SecondComingOfBast said...

I'm kind of on the fence on whether it should be legalized or decriminalized, only because of the public health issue. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Spitzer, though, is a piece of work. This is a guy who went after two prostitute rings, and then he turns around and violates the Mann Act. And come to find out, he's done this a lot of times. I ain't sure, but I think he's spent somewhere in the neighborhood of eighty thousand dollars just with this one prostitute ring.

Then, on Valentine's Day, the day after his last tryst (the one where they actually caught him on tape) he takes it on himself to appear before Congress, when he wasn't even scheduled to be there on any day. He just takes it on himself to go and butt in, out of the blue, and they agree to let him speak.

He goes through all this, taking up the business of the Senate or House (I forget which it was), evidently just so he can provide a cover story for why he was in Washington.

In the meantime, he's living on Fifth Avenue, sending his daughters to an exclusive private school, while he spends his time making as many people's lives miserable as possible, for the most part on the slightest and flimsiest of pretexts.

So, like I said, this is reason to gloat. The only tragedy involved here, beside the obvious one for his wife and daughters, is that so many politicians are so saddened and shocked by it. Me, I think it's reason to celebrate anytime an asshole like this is caught.