Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cincinnati Shits On The West End

CityLink gets its way. The Cincinnati social services agency has prevailed in the courts, and so will soon turn a former slaughterhouse on the West End of Cincinnati into what basically amounts to a warehouse for the downtrodden and dispossessed. Here is the key point, copied from the Enquirer article.

"West End residents don’t want the social services mall, believing the neighborhood already has enough charities and that Citylink never talked with the neighborhood about its plans".

Of course the West End residents have never been on a par with the denizens of Indian Hills, so evidently their input is not considered necessary or warranted.

Of course for the most part what this will amount to is actually not so much as a warehouse for the poor as a clearing house for city funds to be funneled from one bureaucrat to another as dollar after dollar disappears down what I promise will turn into just another rat hole. In the meantime, West End residents will be faced with declining property values, and stuck in an area that will be overrun by drug addicts, alcoholics, whores, bandits, muggers, rapists, and killers.

The ones that will really get the short end of the stick will be the truly legitimate poor who will find themselves surrounded by vermin on three sides-

*The dregs of society who will keep them down to their level and victimize them in every way they can.

*The neighborhood residents who after all have no way of distinguishing them from the vermin majority.

*The poverty pimps who will be in charge of the project and who will, as always, have no impetus to actually help anyone out of poverty, for the simple fact that the more people that are mired there, the more funds these leeches can drain from the city-in other words, the taxpayers.

Does anyone really believe the courts would rule in favor of such a project in an area like, for example, the aforementioned Indian Hills? If so, here's a little reality tip for you. People in Indian Hills have just a tad more influence than the ones on 8th and State.

Hat Tip to Blogging Isn't Cool