Monday, January 14, 2008

The Shaft

Things like this are the main, almost the only reason I keep my registration to vote Democratic up to this point. Think it couldn't happen here? Well, actually, it could, and unfortunately the Democratic Party is growing ever more useless by the day to do anything about it.

Notice the Mexican Labor Boards excuse to deny higher wages for their workers, even in the face of worldwide increase in copper prices. They want to keep wages low to "attract investors".

What it all amounts to is, that's as good an excuse as any, I guess, but if it wasn't for that, there would damn sure be another one to take it's place.

Things like this are why:

*The Middle Class keeps dwindling, here and everywhere.

*Jobs are sent overseas (after all, no matter how low wages get in the US, corporations can always find someplace where they can hire cheaper labor).

Mexican workers and the common person there can't propser in their own country, and so they come here, illegally if they have to (which actually, for now, is easier than coming here legally).

I fucking hate Mexico and want to overthrow its fucking useless, racist government, which consists of, or at least is controlled by, families who are the wealthy descendants of the Spanish conquistadores who have little use for the Indian, Mestizo, and mixed population at large.

Now they've found a loophole in the law to close down the strike, and so they've moved in with armed thugs to intimidate the workers, while twenty people have been injured, some seriously.

Oh yeah, and five workers are missing.

All because the company that controls their copper mines in Sonoma don't want to improve worker health and safety conditions, and don't want to pay a living wage.

Oh, and by the way, the same fucking company is buying mines in the US.