What kind of experience does Hillary Clinton possess that make her supporters think she is qualified to be President of the
Sure, she has met foreign leaders and knows all the major players of the
Many people assume that a Hillary presidency would be a resumption and continuation of the Presidency of Bill Clinton. I honestly believe nothing could be further from the truth. Well, I should qualify that. It might well be a continuation of certain aspects of the first
I will just come right out and say it-Hillary’s major experience, throughout almost the entirety of her public career, can be summed up thusly-she spent her time controlling Bill Clinton. She spent her time controlling mainly his personal life, and doing what amounted to a very heavy-handed and yet behind-the-scenes damage control during those times when she failed to control him. Those times, evidently, appear to be numerous.
Imagine the situation in a different context-suppose Bill Clinton were a movie or rock star. Think of him as the kind of guy who would have innumerable groupies, orgies, drug parties. Imagine all the trouble he could potentially get into. Think of the hotel rooms vandalized or set on fire, or with holes kicked in walls and windows broken. Look at the potential for lawsuits over various questionable activities. Then, along comes Hillary, with her pay-offs, her bribes, threats, and media spin-the ultimate manager. She would be the one to reel him in, to bring him back in line-cold, hard, and practical.
It is one thing to have somebody like that in the capacity as First Lady, doing damage control, but with no legitimate power of her own over affairs of state. It is something else quite again to give somebody like that actual power and control. To put it bluntly, that is exactly the kind of president she would be-the ultimate control freak.
She would run the nation and affairs of state-and by extension would attempt to run the citizenry of the nation-in the exact same manner she tried to run the day-to-day life of William Jefferson Clinton, with varying degrees of success. Her heavy hand and thick ankles would come crashing down on every aspect of American life, from what we (and especially our children) read, write, watch, listen to, eat, drink, smoke, all the way down to what and how much we drive, and how much exercise we get on a daily basis.
It would not be pretty-and no matter how much he tried, Bill Clinton would never be able to put a human face on it. Well, there is nothing human about it, so how could he? Sure, certain things might be good, or better, on a policy level in certain respects. The economy and foreign affairs might see some probably minor improvement in general and there might well be needed policy initiatives and accomplishments that might ease the pain.
On the other hand, at what price would these come, assuming they did (which is actually a big assumption)? Personally, I do not think it would be worth the price, and I am unwilling to pay it. I urge anyone who would even consider voting for Hilary Clinton for President of the
During Bill Clinton’s second term of office, Hillary already started the long torturous process of trying to change her image to the American people. She began a public relations campaign geared toward the protection and preservation of early American artifacts, such as the Liberty Bell, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, etc. It was an effort to make her appear to respect those institutions that define us as a nation.
Well, I would love to own an original Benjamin Franklin stove. I doubt, though, that I would ever use it. I am very much afraid that will be Hillary Clinton’s attitude toward the Constitution. Do not ever leave it out where it can get in the way. Put it up somewhere where it is out of sight-you know, where it is safe. You can always bring it out when it is convenient to do so-you know, when you want to make a good impression.