Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Private Life Of Laura Bush

There are times when the silliness of Washington descends to the level of a Hollywood gossip magazine. Still, I have to admit, it’s fun, if pointless, to join in on the speculation as to the priate life of public figures. Lately, certain people have made much ado about the nothing, that could be something, pertaining to Laura Bush’s recent excusions to a Washington area hotel, the Mayfield, where she spent at least one night.

Curious though this is, I find even more amusing the conclusions some have jumped to pertaining to George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice. Actually, they are late to the bandwagon on which I have been neary the lone rider for months. I’ve always wondered at the degree of closeness between Rice and Bush, though this can be traced back really to the elder President Bush, who established a murual friendship and loyalty for Rice that goes back to possibly H. W.’s days as Vice-President., or maybe before, and seems to have originally been based on her credentials as a Soviet expert and scholar.

Still, Boy George is indeed fond of Ms. Rice, and may in fact be as much of a rock to the Presidents emotional stability as is his wife. So yes, there could be something here. Or, there might not be. Whichever, it’s a little much to reach this conclusion based solely on the appearrance fo Laura Bush at a hotel, which could have come about for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are innocent. Some not so innocent. Some, if they turned out to be he case, would be disturbing, could even be sisister. I now present to you my list fo possibilities for Laura Bushs brief stay at the Mayfield Hotel.

  1. This put her in convenient proximity either to an early morning function or event that she was due to attend, or to transportation to same.
  2. A great many of her personal quarters were in the process of being renovated.
  3. Some important official though closed function was on-going at the White House, one of a serious nature, and for whatever reason she did not want to be around.
  4. There have been recent figures at the White House she is having a problem with, may be uncomfortable around, or even greatly dislike.
  5. Her and Bush could indeed have been fighting over any numbers of issues, singly or in combination.
    1. His womanizing, his aduterous sexual daliances, with Rice or others
    2. His dry drunk temperament, which can be arrogant, and possibly even physically, emotionally, and/or verbally abusive.
    3. He may have actualy resumed drinking, which under the circumstances would not be a shock.
  6. This is potentially the most serious. She could discover that Bush is ideed culpable in any number of questionable, illicit, or immoral activities. She may be distraught at this, angry at it, or just desirous to distance herself from any involvement in it.
  7. Finally, here is the one explanation which, though seemingly the most unlikely, is possibly the one I most like to imagine, and I can’t understand why no one else has thought of it. And I do not intend to beat around the bush (honestly, no pun intended) about it. This reason:


I mean, come on, look at her. Forget she’s Bush’s wife. If you were a straight man-wouldn’t you? Who the hell wouldn’t, honestly? Do you honestly think the thought never occurred to Teddy Kennedy, when they were working together on Bush’s second rate at best education proposal, early on in his administration? Or Clinton?

I’m telling you, this is one hot fucking woman, in my opinion, and I would be willing to put money on the notion that her and Bush’s sex life has been all but non-existent over the last few years of his Presidency.

Okay, I admit, it’s not likely, but it damn sure isnt impossible. It’s likely, however, not to be a political opponent of the Presidents, though,come to think of it, what better way to stick it to Bush than by sticking it inhis wife. More than likely, though, if she has been engaging in such shenanigans, it is with nobody of any importance, probably no public figures, no friends of the Presidents.

Come to think of it, though, what better way to gain support for a Presidential initiative, or whatever Bush might needs support for, than by fixing up a potential, sought after ally with-but no, nevermind.

It’s probably a foolish idea. Laura Bush would, no matter where she was at, have no chance to engage in sexual dalliances, with anybody, no matter how high up and well placed, or how ordinary and commonplace.

After all, she is constantly surrounded everywhere she goes.

By Secret Service Agents.


Anonymous said...

Yes Laura is one hot woman and Dubya is having sex with her, so shut the hell up

SecondComingOfBast said...

No I will not shut up you Croat piece of shit. Go make yoursef useful and massacre some Albanians.

Anonymous said...

Go learn some history you idiot. you sound stupid.

SecondComingOfBast said...

You mean the history where three seperate factions that made up the former nation of Yugoslavia all tried to massacre each other?

You mean the fact that this was due mainly to the religous rivalries arising from their three seprate religous beliefs, all of which are moronic, monotheistic pieces of nonsense? That, being offshoots of the three "great" Abrahamic religions, they are all bullshit, yet bullshit which the majority of your countrymen would gladly kill and die for without question?

Or do you mean that you, being a Croat, are of course therefore by definition a practising Catholic, and thus above the other two, who stupidly feel that their Muslim and Orthodox religions, respectively, are far better? I bet you laugh at their ignorance as well, huh, as obviously Catholicism is the "one true lie-er, religion".

Or are you admiting that you are a fucking barbarian and that if it weren't for my country you would probably still be wiping each other out?

Well, let me teach you some history. As an American, I don't take kindly to being told to "shut up" by a motherfucker who would probably gladly suck the shit off his leaders dick after he got through fucking you in the ass, and do so without question, and learn to like it.

Do I make myself clear- "Anonymous?"

Anonymous said...

I've always thought Laura had some passion bubbling beneath that prozac - valium cocktail stare.

SecondComingOfBast said...

There probably wasn't really anything to her trip to that hotel that would be of any real interest, but I did find it interesting that everyone jumped on the "Bush loves Condi" bandwagon, without considering any other scenarios.

fondfire said...

OK, I won't be participating in your sordid little speculations, but yes, Laura Bush is a full-on hottie. No doubt. Absolutely.

And now I'll say something really controversial: I think Senator Clinton is, too.

Yes, sexiness crosses party lines. Amazing.

SecondComingOfBast said...

Actually, like most female polticians, and wives of politicians, the two of them are the embodiment of the Stepford Wives. Nobody coud possibly be the embodiment of perfection these two try to play at. Laua might do it a little better because she comes from that Southern countrified conservative Chrisitan community background, so it comes more natural to her.But I come from that background too, so I speak with some authority when I tell you, there's nothing behind the display case, just another mannequin. At least insofar as what you think youy're seeing.

As for Hillary, she definitely needs to loosen up a bit, though I concede she has gradualy gotten better over time.

But I bet if either one of these two were to cut loose with a big rip roaring fart in public they would melt like the wicked witch of the west.

That's because they are just as human as the rest of us, of course, they are just adverse to displaying it. And that makes it all the more reasonable, no stretch at all, to assume she would be just as capable of an affair, say with a trusted Secret Service Agent, as Bush would be with Condi, actually maybe more so.

And that was really my point, that for whatever reason, a lot of people jumped on this Bush/Condi affair thing, on the flimsiest evidence, when there were so many other reasoanble possibilities-most of which, as I pointed out, were innocent.