Friday, June 02, 2006

Mexican Voodoo

An interesting story from out of Mexico involves presidential politics and, of all things, voodoo dolls. A citizen of Mexico can now, for a fee, be involved in the electoral process to an extent never before possible, it seems. The purchase of a doll as a representative image of the Mexican presidential candidate of your choice can serve a variety of functions. All you need in addition to the doll is a needle, a little bit of faith, and a whole lot of resentment toward politicians. That last part should be easy enough, if the truth were known much moer so in Mexico than here. Nevertheless, here is how it works.

If you stick a needle in the dolls eye, it will insure that the candidates true intentions will become transparent.

If you stick the needle in it’s heart, it will make your candidate sincere in his promises.

If you stick the needle in the dolls right hand, it will make him always tell the truth.

There might be something to this. I recall how during the last presidential election, it was pointed out that, over the last few election cycles, the major candidates had been represented by bobble head dolls,which are offerred for sale. In all elections that this has been observed, the candidate whose bobble head doll sells the most units, is invariably the winner of the election. In the last one, George Bush’s bobblehead easily outsold John Kerrys. So much for Diebold.

In Mexico, it might well work in reverse, so whoevers voodoo doll sells the most might want to take special pains at being truthful and sincere, at being as open and transparent as possible. Of course, politicians are skilled at that anyway, for the most part.

Maybe they should just shove it up its ass, or into it's crotch, and hope they don't get shit on and fucked like they usually get in that shitty little country.


Anonymous said...

I will be looking for presidential candidtate bobble head dolls in the near future. I have a lot of time on my hands.

SecondComingOfBast said...

They only have them for a limitied time during the presidential general elections . Hopefully you can find something better than that to do with your time between now and then. They might be fun though. If I were to get two of them, and decide to cast a spell on them both, I would let my imagination run wild. Think Barbie and Ken.

autogato said...

Interesting. Heart makes for good promises? Dooes it work for higher education employees, as well?

SecondComingOfBast said...

I don't know about that, but I would sure like to experiment.

autogato said...

Yes yes yes. Maybe I should make some little dolls over the weekend and get to having fun.

Reminds me of a cartoon from The Parking Lot is Empty. It shows people burning a dummy. Under it it says, "Happy Birthday! We decided to burn you in effigy early this year!"

SecondComingOfBast said...

No, you don't understand. I was talking about ME getting a doll that looked likethat cute little avatar of yours and doing a spell on it, then you can tell me everything that happenned over the weekend and I'll know whether it worked or not. Don't worry, I won't have you doing anything bad. Well, nothing illegal, put it that way.

autogato said...

Tell you everything that happened over the weekend? Boy, you're in for one boring story. Unless, of course, you consider the work load of the graduate student to be scintilating.