Thursday, September 01, 2005

When Stupid People Do Stupid Things

Stupid shit happens. Here you have, in New Orleans, a situation that was ripe for disaster from the get-go. The "leaders" of new Orleans decided, instead of moving it's prisoners, transferring them to other counties, even to other states if necessary, just let them out, telling them more or less, in effect, to fend for themselves. So what do these solid citizens do? What you would expect, of course, nor can you really blame them when you stop to think about it. They break into pawn shops and gun stores, and casually browse through the ammunition and gun departments of Wal-Mart, etc., until they find the weapons they feel they might need to protect themselves in this every person for themselves situation.

Then, the government and media bemoan the fact that military helicopters are being shot at as they attempt to rescue people from the New Orleans Superdome. Let's see now, you have criminals let out of jail, no matter who they are and no matter what they've done, instead of being transferred to places of safety. You have military helicopters being shot at as they try to rescue other people from the Superdome. Gee, I wonder who's doing the shooting? And why?

Gumbo, anyone?