Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Buck Stops With Me And You, Damnmit

When Harry Truman first introduced the term, "The Buck Stops Here", it was a perfect illustration of the simplicity and common sense of the President from Missouri, who was incredibly unpopular at the end of his presidency when viewed against the general respect and admiration he engenders now in most quarters. The term was sincere in it's scope and intent, and quickly became a part of the American politcal lexicon. In fact, almost every politician has used this as a sort of mantra, at one time or another, almost to the point that it has almost become pointless and meaningless.

Tonight, you will almost certainly hear George W. Bush mouth this refrain for the first time in his presidency, which is really the only thing special about it. Other than that, it means nothing. When Harry Truman said it, it meant, "okay, come on ahead and give me my lumps, I got it coming, I deserve it."

When Bush (and to be fair everyone else) uses it it means simply, "see what a good guy I am? So now let's just forget the whole thing, okay?"

And a lot of people may well forget the whole thing. They might forget how badly and sorrowfuly things are going now in Iraq. They might forget the horrible border situation, that he bears some if not most of the responsibility for the burgeoning price of gasoline, and soon heating fuel and electricity, and all the after-effects of this. And they might even forget in time the horrible way he personally mishandled, and continued to allow to be mishandled, the worse natural disaster in American history, The New Orleans and Gulf Coast destruction by Hurricane Katrina.

On the other hand, maybe they won't so easily forget it. Bush's poll numbers are at their lowest point, more so than at any other time of his presidency, and most Americans now even believe we are not ready for another major terrorist attack. Most Americans have lost all confidence in him as Commander-In-Chief, in his ability to lead the war on terror and protect the nation, and even in his general honesty. Frankly, I believe that he is one of America's all time worse presidents, along with Buchanan, Hoover, and Harding. That's saying something. If any president truly deserved to be impeached, it is this one.

So when he talks tonight before the American people, when he attempts the part of sincerity in his assignment of his part of the blame squarely where it belongs, in a speech I am sure he will spend all this day practising before a select group of advisors, a crew of speech writers at the ready in case a rewrite or additional catch phrase is suggested and agreed upon-I for one will take it with a grain of salt. If I were there in person, I might well wait for the wedgie from ol' George, that Yale Skull and Bones prankster. Everybody should be leery of this guy by now, regadless of their political leanings.

Because, in the long run, the buck doesn't stop with Bush, or any president or politican, it stops with us, the voters who put them in the positions of power all too many of them will say and do anything to attain, and to keep.