Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hey I Am So Crazy

On my Yahoo Group Paganbitchslap, to which I have a link on the links section, there has been for some time a group member who goes by the Yahoo ID and e-mail address of Hey I Am So Crazy. In fact, I will put the proper address on later so you can see her Yahoo Profile Page. Then you will probably see immediately just exactly what I am worried about.

The girl is from Iran, or that is what it says on her Profile page. Assumming that is actually the truth, I had to wonder immediately at her sanity, or at least her common sense, in putting a picture of two lesbian lovers laying side-by-side, one of whom I have always assumed to be her. She is a very pretty girl, in fact they both are. Beautiful, in fact. She lists as her interests on her Profile Page as being Pharsi (the lanuage of Iran), Paganism, and a few other things.

She has had her e-mails, from the start of her joining the group, set for e-mails, which means that every e-mail that is sent out over to the group as a whole she will receive in her in-box. Again, I had to wonder at least at the sheer audacity of this.

But that is because I know more than a little bit about Iran. I have followed developments there more or less closely ever since just before the fall of the late Shah, whom most in Iran felt to be a puppet of the U.S. It has since been taken over by a group of Islamic Shi'ite fundamentalist mullahs, clerics who rule totally by the koran as they interpret it, which seems to be in the harshest terms imaginable-strictly.

Their laws repressing the rights of women are not actualy as bad as they are in a number of other third world countries, especialy in some Islamic ones. But it's not exactly something to be proud of to suggest you aren't quite as bad as the Taliban, in my opinion.

Hey I Am So Crazy has been bouncing on the group for quite some time lately. This means simply that her in-box has been filled up to the point that she can no longer receive e-mails, because she has not been answering her e-mails for quite some time. Thus, any subsequent e-mails sent to her will be "bounced". She can no longer receive. I have sent her a couple of private e-mails, all to no avail.

Yes, you may have figured out by now that I am attaching some sinister connotations to this. I feel repsonsible for this girl, especially since I wonder whether she might have gotten into trouble with the Iranian authorities due to the discovery of what she was doing on the Internet, and thus the subsequent discovery of certain aspects of her lifestyle that may not have set too well with those same repressive authorities. Paganbitchsap was at one time a wild, wild, wild, group, and I am certain that if they read some of those e-mails they wouldn't have got much of a laugh out of them. And there's a good chance that this in part may have inadverdantly led to this poor girls being incarcerated, or possibly even being executed. I hope I am wrong, and I hope that eventually I can establish contact with her. Or with someone that can possibly enlighten me on her situation. is her e-mail. I might have to edit that link later, as I'm sure it's not exactly correct. But in the meantime I am hopeful that if this turns up on a Yahoo or Google Search engine it will attract her attention and she will enlighten me on her current situation. After all, who can't resist googling themselves from time to time.


Anonymous said...

The picture she has posted is one that I have seen multiple other places. I have always assumed it was on the public domain. Judging by this and her profile information, I don't think this girl is real. I'm not sure what the person who filled out this profile and then started joining groups is trying to accomplish, but this seems to be a dummy profile for a spammer. Have you ever gotten any e-mail from her to the group?

SecondComingOfBast said...

No, I never got any e-mail from her, but she joined the group at my invitation. Also, she has her e-mail settings set to receive e-mail, so I assummed she was getting evrything that was sent to her. I don't think a spammer would do that, but you never can tell.