Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Operation Enduring Clusterfuck
That pretty much sums it up.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Barak Obama-You Just Can't Hide The Truth
Monday, March 28, 2011
Rand Paul's Response To Obama's Libya Address
As for this response to Obama's speech earlier tonight, I agree with him one hundred percent, and I would like to point out that I, for one, have had grave misgivings about our role not just in the Libyan conflict, now a full blown civil war, but with the unrest that has been enveloping the Middle East in general. I agree with those who suggest that Obama has been supportive of the uprisings while keeping relatively in the background. My own view is that he, at the instigation of many in the State Department, as well as influential people in the EU and the UN, to say nothing of non-official influences such as Workers Of The World, Code Pink, the AFL-CIO, and the SEIU, to name a few, are manipulating these events with a goal of reshaping the Middle East.
I suspect they hope to remold it along the line of a European model, a region of quasi-socialist democratic states that might be more peaceful, prosperous, and progressive. If so, its a dangerous game, almost a fool's errand fueled in part by ideology and in some cases a desperate hope for peace couple with an insatiable lust for expanded profit and, in the case of Europe at least, access to a more and desperately needed supply of oil-possibly at the expense of the US, actually.
Yet, American inside-the-beltway politicians of both parties share much of the same goals, and I would like to point out that in the face of ever greater demands for budgetary restraint among mainly freshmen members of Congress, and from ever growing sections of the American population, there is much insistence, and rightly so, of concurrent demands for cuts in defense spending, which is through the roof-to the point where it has become an entitlement in its own right.
What better way to nip those demands in the bud than by throwing yet another splendid little war?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Who Is Chaim Witz And Why Is He So Angry?
Chaim Witz is also this guy-
Nice to know Gene Simmons isn't a PC tool, unlike it seems most major American entertainment figures. Well, not all the time anyway. He is one of these, unfortunately, who mistakenly has it in his head that the recent round of unrest in the Middle East is all about people wanting freedom and democracy. I guess anybody that goes around in get-up like this can't help but engage in some wishful thinking. We'll work with him on that.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Farrakhan Rants And Raves About Obama's Libya Policy
Farrakhan actually makes some good points, but he ruined them with his not unexpected diatribe against the IDF on behalf of what he calls the "innocent" citizens of Gaza. Taking that off to the side it is true our concerns over Rwanda, Darfur, and similar areas all over the world are on the order of cheap talk, rhetoric of concern with nothing to back them up. Why then Libya? What is the justification? The Lockerbie bombing. The Berlin nightclub attack? Okay, but why now, after all this time, and after Qaddafi had moved steadily towards a more responsible position? He had even, during Bush's presidency, dismantled his nuclear program. He himself had earlier expressed concerns about terrorists and Islamic radicals. He had moved tentatively towards a position of support and cooperation with the West.
DING DING DING!!! I think we have the answer. Having said that, I do not condone nor forgive Qaddafi's past actions. If I had my way about it he would have been killed three decades ago. But that was then. As for Farrakhan, I think the man is running the so-called Nation of Islam along the lines of a criminal conspiracy, not unlike Cosa Nostra. There is credible circumstantial evidence that he was involved with, and possibly the mastermind of, the assassination of Malcolm X.
But he does speak for a broad section of American Muslims, especially, of course, the African American Muslim community. Obama would do well to take his warnings seriously. Personally, I myself, taking into consideration Farrakhan's past history, sense the vague aura of a death threat in his words.
Bearing in mind that this is a man who likes to speak in riddles and allegory, listen to him carefully. It would be well-advised to wonder if his words might well have a double meaning, maybe even an implied order.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Irony Is A Cruel Mistress Indeed
I guess he must have changed, huh? After all, everybody wants freedom, right? Who'd lie about a thing like that?
H/T-Jeff Colter
Muslims In France-A Prayer For Orphans
My personal view is if they start this crap over here, I'm sorry but it will mean our government has failed us in its constitutionally mandated duties and it will be time for the citizens to take matters into their own hands. If that's considered Brown Shirt, that's too fucking bad. Just read, below the video, the translation of what this jackass is preaching.
Translation-Oh Allah make orphans of their children! Amen!
Oh Allah destroy their women and make orphans of their children! Amen!
Oh Allah make the fame of Islam rule everywhere
Oh Allah grant glory to our oppressed brothers in Palestine! Amen
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! There is no God but Allah and the Zionist is the enemy of Allah! There is no God but Allah, and the martyr is the beloved of Allah!
Since he is calling for the women to be killed but the children, not to be killed but to be made orphans, I guess that makes this little punk one of those moderate Muslims I'm always hearing so much about.
H/T-Rob Taylor
Virgin Records
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Guess Who Is Probably Running For President?
Yep, she would be one of my top picks. But you can almost count on media comparisons to Dennis Kucinich, who will almost inevitably be named as her Democratic counterpart in the coming primaries if Kucinich runs. My guess is though that those comparisons will be quickly forgotten once Bachmann starts out pulling ten or twenty percent of the vote, if not more.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Capitalism May Have Destroyed Life On Mars, Says Hugo Chavez
Well, that along with imperialism, according to Weasel Zippers. Its the kind of thing that almost writes its own punchline, and really, no further comment is necessary, but I will say this much. He is in a way almost, just slightly, on to something. Just maybe. Of course I'm not talking about the capitalism part, but let's face it, if there were life on Mars at any given time-and here I'm talking about sentient life, with consciousness and intelligence-they would have been living in a world that was far more precariously situated than is our own earth. Their ecosystem would have been weak, by nature of the relative smallness of the planet and its distance from the sun. Add to this the evident lack of any of the great, massive, and natural geological boundaries that separate our own continents, and diverse peoples, and you have a trifecta of disaster waiting to unfold, a situation where a rising and increasingly competitive group of peoples engaged in constant warfare and destruction might never have made it past their own bronze age. The wholesale slaughter not only of people, but of livestock, forests, and water supplies with the aim of destroying an enemy population, the constant situation of reprisals and counter-reprisals in a world that would have had meager resources to begin with, and little in the way of natural protection, might well have been devastating, and after so long, irreversible. It is something to think about.
Therefore, as foolish as many of Chavez's statements are, maybe in this case he has somewhat of a point, albeit one polluted with his ideologically poisoned attitudes. I know it might be hard to accept, but for just one example, try to picture the ancient Egyptians and the Babylonian Empires going at each other, or maybe the Punic Wars, the last one of which ended with Rome utterly destroying Carthage. Or even the Indian Wars in the US, or the Crusades, and the Islamic incursions into Europe that preceded and instigated them. Or you could even factor in a more recent time, such as WW II, and the Nazi blitzkriegs, particularly the war on the Russian Front.
Now picture any of that taking place, not on Earth, but on a small planet half our size, and twice the distance from the sun and you start to get the idea.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Just Tonight
Cats And Catnip
Hail Bast
Who Do The Japanese Turn To In Their Hour Of Need
Yet, in their everyday, day to day lives, the Japanese are a very secular oriented people. It might be hard to understand for some people, and some might even consider them hypocritical, only crying out to their God, or Gods, when they have some great, overwhelming need, but otherwise ignoring them.
But are they really? Is it not a sign of maturity that they live their lives in a strict code of honor and adherence to ethical standards without applying a dogma or relinquishing control, and this responsibility, to some benign, or malignant spirit?
What I find interesting about the turn to Buddhism during a tragedy is their need for understanding. Is their hardship caused by some kind of universal karma that has brought this on themselves, perhaps?
The Japanese are not that different from all of us, are they? We tend to thank God, however we conceive him or her, for our good times, and pray to God for relief from the bad times, we ask for forgiveness and sustenance, etc., but otherwise, we too go about our daily mundane lives without giving it that much thought, for the most part. That's because our secular society is such that we too have learned to not lean so heavily on the superstitious need to find a divine cause behind every event. We tend to ignore the divine and the spiritual.
The only thing unique about the Japanese is they go from one religion to another, whichever one suits the occasion, with feeling the need to form a syncretic union of the two. Whereas we tend to stick to one path.
But then again, the Japanese are, at heart, pagans, I believe, so its more natural for them to look to different Gods in regards to different matters. Most Americans look to just one as the answer to everything. Sometimes they don't know what the right question is, but they're still pretty sure about the answer regardless.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Where Is My Nuclear Powered Car?
No, its not the Batmobile, exactly, but it is-a nuclear powered car, called back then, the Nucleon.
It was supposed to have a nuclear reactor in the back, and worked like a nuclear submarine, through a steam engine. That was way back in the day and was quietly shelved with as little fanfare as when it was first proposed. You would guess that would have probably been the end of it, right? I mean, it would be far too impractical, requiring such a heavy layer of shielding it would be way too heavy.
But that was then and this is, well not now, but for a brief time, it was actually considered, again, as a viable means of powering, not a steam engine, but an electric one.
And then Japan happened.
Back to the drawing board folks. We can do this.
The Magic Of Cheese
I don't know what it is, but there's something magical about cheese. Since today was Ostara, I got some Colby, along with some ham and some summer sausage, to enhance my celebration of this mystical first day of spring.
The more I see this clip from The Sopranos, the more I wished I'd went ahead and maybe got some Provolone to dabble on the floor, or to stick in my socks. Funny though, cheese is one of those things that puts me in a better mood, but I guess there are some people that will always be raving lunatics regardless.
Wonder Woman
Here she is-
Not that I blame her. It is a job, and like us all, we need to pay the bills however we can. But it is a waste nonetheless.
Here she is in her past role as Tyra Banks, on the critically acclaimed NBC series Friday Night Lights.
Democrats Will Never Change
Obama's Justice Department is going to be investigating cases of school bullying, and will hold school districts accountable for such incidents. But only if the kid being bullied falls under the guidelines of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which, lo and behold, seems to have included gays.
DOJ’s website states:
The Civil Rights Division and the entire Justice Department are committed to ending bullying and harassment in schools, and the video highlights the Department’s authority to enforce federal laws that protect students from discrimination and harassment at school because of their race, national origin, disability, religion, and sex, including harassment based on nonconformity with gender stereotypes.
The statement later says:
The enforcement of the Equal Protection Clause, Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in school districts is a top priority of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Additional information is available at the Civil Rights Division’s Educational Opportunities Section website at
So there you have it. If you're a white male heterosexual, and not mentally of physically handicapped in any way, you're shit out of luck.
That's because most of you redneck honky fucks daddies don't vote Democrat. Let that be a lesson to you. And if you compalin about the unfairness of this law, that just proves that you too are a sexist, racist, homophobic piece of trash.
The Rape Of A Nation
In Cleveland Texas, twenty-eight black males raped an eleven year old Latino girl. As if that were not bad enough, they videotaped the deed, and then distributed it throughout all of the predominatly black high schools, and middle schools, where it was apparently all the rage. This all lead to the arrest of all twenty eight of these scumbags, who despite the nature of the crime seem to be enjoying a high level of support among the black community.
You know what this is going to lead to, a heightened atmosphere of violence and hate amongst the two communities. There will most certainly be reprisals, and counter-reprisals, and its not going to be pretty.
In a, well not perfect, but a just world, all twenty eight of these animals would be handed over to the girls parents and the Latino community and forced to suffer whatever fate they decided was most appropriate to dish out to them. Hopefully, the reprisals would end there, with the deaths, or worse, of the animals that perpetrated the deed.
But we don't live in a just world, we live in a world where the law and the justice system has been hi-jacked by advocates for the very sub-human beasts that have turned our world into a sewer.
And in the meantime, we are forced to endure the spectacle of the borders of our country thrown open in welcome to millions of dirtballs from every third world country imaginable, with customs and mores that think little to nothing of perpetrating these kinds of deeds on "the other".
And what do our politicians do in response? Far too many of them adopt the position that this is what this country was for, to inspire the downtrodden and, evidently, the miserable scum of the earth, who might hopefully evolve and bcome more civilized. But at the same time, we must respect their culture and their rights as members of some minority.
Because, you know, this country needs to become just a little bit more barbaric, just a little bit more savage, like the rest of the world. Because we need to be more understanding, and tolerant.