Monday, November 20, 2006

The Catholic Church-Critical Mass

This post is from unspoken request by way of SiteMeter, especially from some unknown reader, or readers, from the Seattle area who seems very interested in the search phrase "Nuns Fucking". Never one to pass up an opportunity, I did a little search of my own, and was amazed at what I found. I now present for the edification of my readers three sterling examples of why the Apostle Paul was full of shit, as was those priests who in about the eighth century or so decided to take him literally, when he said, and I paraphrase, "let a priest be a husband to one wife"

This one wife was interpreted as being, of course, not just one ordinary ol' human bride, but in fact the Catholic Church-the "Bride Of Christ". From this time forward, priests and bishops, in addition to monks and friars, were required to engage in vows of chastity, and swear not to marry.

Over the last few months, the results have become self-evident. Does anybody think this is a relatively recent phenomenon. I don't. Nor do I think it is entirely limited to cases of pedophilia. I never did. In fact, I knew a Priest who was said to have carried on an ongoing sexual relationship with one of the nuns in his docese. Because I do not know this for a fact, or becasue I don't have any proof, I will not mention any names.

But compared to what I have uncovered through the magic of Google, this little affair would have seemed quite innocent.

Take for example the case of Father Carmello Monteros, of Roccalumera, Sicily, a little town near Mesina. Though 70 years of age, he had engaged in a four year affair with 39 year old nun Sister Silvia Gomez De Sousa, who recently caught him in bed with another woman-a married woman-and was so outraged she set fire to his house, and then threatened him with a machete.

She was finally restrained by passers by and the house was saved. At her hearing, she was granted bail by Judge Antonio Gracobello, who probably had a slight degree of pity for the poor woman. Because of the lustful Father, to whom she was also a housekeeper, she had twice had to have an abortion.

That brings us to Oregon, where the Catholic Church has recently been named in a lawsuit by a woman who is seeking child support due to being impregnated by a Priest. The reaction of the Church to this lawsuit is most interesting. According to the article in Fact-Esque:

In 1994, then-Archbishop of Portland William Levada offered a simple answer for why the archdiocese shouldn't have been ordered to pay the costs of raising a child fathered by a church worker at a Portland, Ore., parish. In her relationship with Arturo Uribe, then a seminarian and now a Whittier priest, the child's mother had engaged "in unprotected intercourse … when [she] should have known that could result in pregnancy," the church maintained in its answer to the lawsuit.

Huh? So now the Church is suddenly an advocate of birth control?

Well, considering this story out of Ireland, it might be about time. According to Bishop Beckley, who is the founder of the Bethany Organization-for women who have been involved in sexual relationships with Priests-the common term for a Priests collar on the Emerald Isle is "bird catcher".

Beckely states that at least one out of ten Priests in Ireland have at one time or another betrayed their vows of celibacy by engaging in sexual relationships. He further alleges that if you include the total number of bakcsliding Preists, including those engaged in homosexual rlationships, the toal number of Priests that engage in on-going sexual relationships is something like forty percent.

As you might well imagine, Father Beckley is not looked on to kindly by the Catholic hierarchy.

But how I wonder do they justify all this? Let's see, they are the Representatives of Christ. They are married to the Church. So, if a female parishioner is a part of that "Body of Christ"-well, I guess it would only be adultery if she was a Baptist, Methodist, etc. Now, of course, they have to xplain the young boys, but I think I've got that figured out. It's called, when you openly pursue a policy whereby you don't allow your Priests to marry, just exactly what kind of person do you think you are going to attract to the Priesthood?

The answer, of course, is on the one hand, a bunch of people that don't take it seriously, and on the other hand, a bunch to whom it is irrelevant.

Kudos to TechnOrgasmic for the photo.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jonathon Sharkey-Satanic Vampyre For President

Jonathon Sharkey insists on his website that he is very serious indeed about his promised Presidential campaign in 2008, despite the fact that his previous run for the governorship of Minnessotta was earlier derailed. Of course, most people that are aware of this individual do not take him seriously. After all, he is a self described Satanic Vampyre and "Hecate Witch", and has vowed to, when elected President, impale all criminals, terrorists and enemies of America on the lawn of the White House, much after the fashion of Vlad "The Impaler" Tepes of Romania.

He promises to rule in the style of this Medieval Prince of Wallachia, upon whom was based the title character of Bram Stokers "Dracula", and has even taken to calling himself Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey. He also, much like Richard Nixon, has an enemies list of personal foes whom he has also vowed to impale upon becomming President. Included on this list is the Speedway Police of Indiana, and all other law enforcement agencies who abuse their positions of authority and prosecute the innocent. The streets will flow with their blood, promises Jonathon.

And to accomplish this goal, his main enforcement agency will not be the FBI or Secret Service, but instead, a group of fellow vampyres that he refers to as The Death Dealers.

Also among the promised targets are American Indians, promising to end their gravy train and make them pay taxes from their casino profits, like everybody else. After all, they did side with the British during the Revolution. No more special privileges for them, by gum.

Add to the list Islamic terrorists, as well as their allies and enablers, as Jonathon promises he will level Mecca with a series of hades bombs.

And of course, there is Mexico, which has raised Jonathon's ire not so much due to illegal immigration as for their treatment recently of Duanne "Mad Dog" Chapman. It was recently decided, by a federal judge, that Chapman should be turned over to Mexico for going into their territory and arresting Andrew Luster, the accussed rapist who had fled the country and sought refuge in Mexico. As Jonathon here makes it clear in his blog

"Additionally, I will have my special elite group of military trained soldiers, capture Mexico’s President, and bring him to The White House. I will torture him, and then Impale him for the entire world to see, what the consequents are if you wrongly imprison an American".

Nor is Jonathon a solitary practitioner of his dark arts. He has recently taken a wife, and has introduced the future First Lady to his fans and followers of his Yahoo group of which, yes, I am a member, and the link to which you can access by clicking on the title of this post. Here he describes their marriage night with all the childlike glee of a teenager describing his first sexual experience:

Greetings My Friends,
I am happy announce that the Vampyre Community has a new member. Tonight I turned my Beloved Wife Spree into a Vampyre.
This was the 3rd feeding upon her, and she feed upon me as well.
She is presently resting in bed (I think she is feeling a pint or two low). I hope those in the Vampyre Community will welcome our newest member with open arms and fangs.
How's every ones weekend going so far?

So there you have it, a Presidential candidate who believes in and practices family values, and doesn't just preach them. Face it, you aren't going to ever hear George and Laura go into any detail about their wedding night, are you? Or, thank God, Bill and Hillary.

Just tonight I sent Jonathonan an e-mail by way of his group in which I suggested that he announce a random drawing for his Vice-Presidential running mate. There would be a registration fee, which might well bring money into the campaign, in addition to added publicity, while making the point that Jonathon is a true man of the people, and has faith in the judgement of the average American citizen over and above that of the elitist corporatist politicians who are the usual candidates for important public office.

No word as of yet from him, though hopefully he will not consider my idea silly or innapropriate for a serious Presidential campaign.

Be that as it may, he is supposed to appear tomorrow on Troop Talk Radio

Who knows, perhaps I might be honored by having him announce my suggestion tomorrow as a part of his campaign.

Personally, I'm calling dibs for Attorney General. There's a few people I wouldn't mind seeing impaled on the White House Lawn. Yeah, I know, I'm not really qualified, but I always say, the best way to learn is by doing.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Real Politiks

The latest fiasco concerning the Democratic House members elections for leadership positions is bizarre beyond belief, and I think there is more to it than meets the eye. I mean, okay, I get it that Nancy Pelosi, who was elected Speaker of The House by unanimous vote of the Democratic members, felt she owed some loyalty to Jack Murtha, whom she supported for the postion of House Majority Leader, due to Murtha's earlier support of her for House Minority Leader in the 2001 elections.

I understand that there is some bad blood between Pelosi and Steney Hoyer, the Maryland Democrat, described as liberal to moderate, who won the election over Murtha by a vote of 149 to 86-by my estimate, roughly 63 per cent of the vote. This is due to the competition between the two of them for that same 2001 election.

I even somewhat understand Pelosi's position that Murtha's influence on Iraq policy was a huge contributing factor to the Democratic victory in this election, and was worthy of recognition, respect, and reward. I don't agree with that position, as I feel his influence was exaggerated in that regard-but I do understand the sentiment.

What I can't comprehend is why she would go to the extend that she did, actively lobbying for votes for Murtha, even allegedly threatening committee assignments of those members who did not accede to her wishes.

And the mystery of all mysteries-why was she herself rewarded for this over the top dictatorial attempt by being voted House Speaker by unanimous consent, especially when you consider that the voting is by secret ballot?

The only thing that isn't a mystery is the objectives of Jack Murtha. Murtha, the Vietnam veteran and war hero, long a military supporter and hawk, surprised the nation when he came out solidly against the Iraq war and demanded a complete withdrawal of American forces to different areas of the Middle East, and alleged that the war up to that point had become a disaster.

I suspected at the time he was jockeying for position, but I assummed he was looking toward the November 2008 Presidential elections, as a potential running mate of Hillary Clinton. Both had supported the war initially, and both then became vocal critics of the wars management. Of course, the problem is that Hillary has been a staunch advocate of victory before withdrawal.

Have we just now witnessed the true motivations of the Congressman from Pennslvania, a major leaderhship position in the Democratic House membership? Has it suddenly been revealed for all the world to see it, almost as soon as it revealed itself, shot down in flames?

You look at the accompanying photo of the newly elected Democratic leadership, along with Jack Murtha on the right, toward the back, and you tell me if that is a happy, gracous expression.

Looks like "total crap" to me.

But why would Nancy Pelosi have sanctioned and openly supported this run? Was it payback for having engineered or masterminded Murtha's change of position as regards the Iraq war? Had she been instrumental in convincing Murtha, and so felt it incumbent upon herself to reward this loyalty? Or was it something even more sinister?

Murtha did, after all, receive 86 votes. Half of those votes could have theoretically been enough to elect to the House Majority Leader position, Mr. John Boehner of Ohio, the Republican who was elected by his party as the House Minority Leader. I know that is not likely. But not only is it not impossible, it would not be unprecedented for members of one party to vote for the candidate of the oppossition party for a leadership position.

Some might recall that this happenned fairly recently, when Jim Trafficante, the ethically challenged Democratic congressman from Ohio, supported the Republican House Leadership over his own party. It made no difference of course, but it was nevertheless a slap in the face to the Democratic Party that helped to serve notice to the potential of open rebellion. Had Murtha intimated at this potential among his supporters if he did not get the support he sought?

This is a man who came out solidly against the soldiers accussed-not convicted, mind you, but accussed-of atrocities in Iraq, declaring them guilty before there was ever a courts martial convened. This is a man who was investigated in the Abscam cases in his early career, though he seemed to have been too wiley to take the bait, though certainly expressing interest in the potential of the bribe offerred.

He has even gone on record publicly, on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, as considering any Ethics Reform legislation as being "total crap"-yet it is this Ethics Reform that has been the mainstay of Nancy Pelosis' Congressional career as of late. Still, she supported him in a move that was seen as a potentially serious political blunder insofar as her future potential effectiveness as the Leader of the Congressional Democrats and their agenda.

Is it possible that while she was publicly lobbying for Murtha, she was secretly going behind his back and urging support for Hoyer, away from the prying eyes of Murtha's obvious supporters? It does seem odd that Murtha seemed to think he had the votes locked up to become Majority Leader? Or was that, too, just Murtha's own delusions speaking, hoping that if he said it enough, people would believe it, and jump on the train? In his case, the gravy train?

Even his statement that he was going back to his little subcommittee-which handles billions of dollars in defense contracts-seemed to be a veiled threat.

Well, the right man won the job, so as they say, it's time to move on. Or, put another way, time to flush the toilet. But, as total crap will sometimes do, the smell might linger for some time.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Legend Of Jesse james

The true story of Jesse James is quite remarkable, and upon seeing the show of his life presented last night on the PBS show American Experience, I felt quite moved by it. Because James's life to an extent speaks to our own time, and to the peculiarities of American culture and legend.

He and his brother Frank were of course more than just outlaws, they were originally confederate guerillas during the civil war. They fought under the command of William Quantrill and took part in the massacre of Lawrence Kansas. They also fought under "bloody" Bill Anderson and saw action in the bloody Centralria massacre, in which they took part in the bloodiest imaginable atrocities involving torture and mutilation.

At this time, Jesse was about the age of fifteen or sixteen. Such was the nature of warfare in Missouri, however, that by the time he took part in this event, it was likely to have had little effect on him, as violence and bloodshed had been a regular part of his life for some two or three years, in fact throughout the war.

Of course, that war ended, upon which the confederates and their sympathizers found themselves on the outs. Their properties were taken in a great many cases by carpetbaggers, and they were denied the right to hold public office. Moreover, even though they were required to swear an oath of allegiance to the victorious Union, a great many of them were marked men. They were obliged to keep a low profile or risk beign murdered in retaliation for a great many of their former acions, or for the mere fact of association.

Missouri, you see, was not actually a confederate state, it had opted to remain in the Union. Yet, like Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware, it remained a slave state. Therfore, though technically loyal to the Union, the slave holders found themselves targeted well before the war by the more radical Repulican abolitionists. The end of the war did not bring any true measure of peace, only Republican domination.

Jesse himself was shot after the war, and it was during a long period of recuperation that he became an outlaw. As such, he was, as he had been as a guerilla fighter, a cold blooded murderer in addition to being a thief.

But as fate would have it, he attracted the attention of of a Kansas City journalist by the name of John Newman Edwards, who was the man repsoonsible for the James brothers myths. He portrayed james as the protector of confederate virtues, and more importantly, as a confederate avenger, who himself had been wronged and was just acting in a need to protect his own rights as a wronged Missourrian, harrassed by the forces of the Union occupation forces.

James played up to this, and in a good many of his train roberries, refused to rob the passengers on the trains, limiting himself to the money in the safes being transported by the banks. The banks and the railoads were seen as the villainous agents of the North by the people in Missouri, and increasingly throughout the West, South and Midwest. Jesse had many safehouses in Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and other places, where he could count on being hidden and protected.

Eventually, things gradually started to change in Missouri. Democrats, who had previously been denied the right to vote or hold office, regained these rights, and so started electing people to the state legislature. Eventually, they elected Governor James Crittenden to the statehouse.

Far from viewing Jesse James as a hero, however, they got into office largely by promising to end the reign of lawlessness which they themselves had helped inspire, and create. It was the beginning of the end for James, who found himself being hunted and hounded in earnest, more and more bereft of places of refuge and support by the people. He tried to retire quietly under an alias, as did his brother frank, but he found this impossible. Some bad investments and an unfortunate gambling habit led to his return to a life of crime, one that did not enjoy the degree of success as his earlier one did. His old gang, the James Younger gang, had all been either killed, incarcerated, or retired into anonymity, and he found himself relying on confederates who did not have the requisite level of skill or devotion, nor trustworthiness.

Acting on a secret agreement forged with Crittenden, Jesse James was betrayed and assassinated by Bob Ford. Ford was immediately pardoned by Crittenden. Jesse's brother Frank, along with cousin and former partner Cole Younger, retired under aliases, eventually touring in WIld West shows. Cole Younger wrote a book of his life.

But it was Jesse who became the legendary Robin Hood character, and that legend has continued, even up to today. For example, the James Younger Homepage portrays James in a positive light.

He has also been hero, anti-hero, and villain, of several movies. In the nineten sixties, he even had his own tv series, The Legend Of Jesse James, which starred, as Jesse, Christopher Jones, a James Dean incarnation of sorts, and as Frank, Allen Case, a former singer and co-star, with Henry Fonda, of a fifties Western "The Deputy".

It lasted for one season only and was criticized as glamorizing the life of crime. The legend was finally starting to wear thin. Still, it persists to this day, to a degree. And it is easy to see why. Jesse James as a youth doubltess had to have been affected by the turbulent times in which he lived, the bloodshed he saw and participated in, and the outright brutality to which he was subjected after the war, when he felt as though his world had come to an end, and he would likely face a lifetime of persecution for his role in events. Moreover, he saw himself as acting, from beginning to end, out of a need for self-preservation.

After the war, his worse fears seemed to be coming to fruition, and all the warnings and advice he had received seemed to be prophetic in nature. How could he do anything but live the life he lead? The fact that he received adulation, respect, and admiration, not only in his own little area of Missourri, but to an extent throughout the nation, must have endowed him with something like a messianic character and outlook.

Yet, when the Democrats regained power, these very people that he had helped to regain that power in Missouri, then turned on him, in the most devious, underhanded, and cowardly fashion. Jesse James had played his part in American history. He was now expendable. And so, he was conveniently eliminated.

Seems like there might well be a lesson in there somewhere.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Prison Break-Return To Fox River

Be advised that the following post contains definite spoilers mixed in with what amounts to my own guesswork about the upcoming next three episodes of "Prison Break", the Fox Network series that airs on Monday nights at 8:00 p.m. est. Following these next three episodes, the series is due to go on hiatus until sometime next spring.

But man, do these next three episodes ever promise to be a doozy. For one thing, we get to see Michael Scoffield (Wentworth Miller) display an unusual quantity of emotion as he starts to feel the weight of all the guilt for all he has inadverdently done in order to spring his wrongly convicted brother Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell) from Fox River Prison, where he had been due to be executed for the murder of the brother of the Vice-President, and now President Reynolds (Patricia Wettig).

Among all these misgivings is the guilt he feels for the death of David "Tweener" Apolskis (Lane Garrisson), who was gunned down in cold blood by Special Agent Alexander Mahone (William Fichtner), who it turns out all along is not only a psycopathic killer in his own right, but is actually in leaque with the company and working under the direction of Agent Kellerman (Paul Adelstein), who, in tonights episode, is going to abduct Michaels lady love, Dr Sara Tancredi (Sara Wayne Callies), and subject her to an intense amount of torture and interrogation in order to get her to reveal what she knows about the whereabouts of Scoffield.

The problems he has already caused Sara is the main reason for the guilt Scoffield feels, as he caused her to lose her job at Fox River, return to being a junkie, almost caused her to be murdered, and caused her father, former Illinois Governor Tancredi, to be murdered as well.

Then, there's Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell (Robert Knepper), the head of a vicous prison gang of white supremacists, and convicted pedophile, kidnapper, rapist, and murderer, who horned in on the prison break once he inadverdently discovered the plans. Now, Michael blames himself for this creature being out on the streets. And, as if to rub salt in the wounds, T-Bag also abscounded with the five million dollars which had been buried under a silo in Toole Utah by now dead con Charles Westmoreland (Muse Watson), in reality famed skyjacker D.B. Cooper.

Michael had counted on this money as instrumental in helping him and Lincoln, along with Lincolns son LJ (Marshall Allman), escaping to fredom in Panama. But in the course of working with fellow convict Sucre (Amaurie Nulasco) to insure T-Bag was denied a part of the cash, T-Bag turned the tables and ended up with all the money.

But not for long. He was traced by ex-Fox River Prison guards Brad Bellick (Wade WIlliams, pictured above), and Roy Geary (Matt DeCaro), to the home of Susan Hollander, T-Bags ex-girlfriend who was actually the one who had turned him in upon seeing his face on an episode of America's Most Wanted. Unfortunately for him, by the time he made it to her old home in Tribune, Kansas, where he had promised her he would not forget what her front porch steps looked like, he discovered that Susan is inarguably the most intelligent of all the characters yet portrayed on this tense, gritty drama-she had long since abscounded.

Instead, he was greeted by Bellick and Geary, who knocked him out, tied him up, and began to tortued him in order to discover the whereabouts of the five million dollars. They started out by playing a tape, at full blast, of the old pop song, "Walking On Sunshine". This would be bad enough, but this seems to have been a device meant to drown out the agonized screams from the con when the real physical torture began, consisting of ripping out the sutures from his recently reattached left hand, and then pounding it with a meat tenderizer.

When they discovered the key to the bus station locker where the money was stored, T-Bag grabbed it and swallowed it, whereupon he was later submitted to prune juice, sliders, and chewing tobacco, ultimately culminating in a case of the runs over a commode with a strainer inserted. Geary was then made by Bellick to retrieve the key.

After leaving T-Bag reattached to a radiator by his bad left hand with duct tape, Bellick then taunted T-Bag as he called 911, as T-Bag finally started begging for mercy. The two guards turned bounty hunters proceeded to the bus station, whereupon Geary knocked Bellick out with the meat tenderizer and took off with the loot.

Of course, T-Bag will escape from the house, and in all likelhook will accomplsih this by ripping off his hand. That much is easy to figure out. What is also easy to figure out is that Roy Geary will soon be written off the show, either killed by T-Bag, or by-and here comes one of the spoilers-by one of the strippers which it seems he is going to hire.

Whether by T-Bag or by the stripper, he most certainly will end up dead, and in another bit of spoiler information, Bellick will be blamed for the murder. After all, there was really no reason for the two of them to ever be working together. Geary was bitter over loosing his job at Fox River, and in a hearing after the prison escape, gave information about Bellick which caused the former chief CO to lose his job as well. Following a fight in the following episode, they decided to bury the hatchet and work together as bounty hunters in order to get the reward offerred for the escaped cons. It was only later, after they learned of the five million dollars, that they adjusted their plans.

So, it seems that Bellick will indeed be going back to Fox River, but not as a guard, where he had a reputation as a brutal abuser of the prisoner population-but as himself a prisoner. Naturally, he will not be fondly regarded by the cons he used to abuse, and in another bit of spoiler information, by the time the series resumes in the spring, it seems as though Bellick will be targeted by one of the black cons who wants him as his bitch. Bellick beats the hell out of this con, whereupon he is targeted for death.

As for T-Bag, in another bit of spoiler information, he takes up the search for the missing Susan Hollander, either by enlisting the aid of a postal worker, or by disguising himself as one. And here's another bit of spoiler information you won't read anywhere else, at least I haven't, it's just an inadverdent disovery I made by researching the cast listings.

And that is, the role has been cast for the father of Gracie Hollander, who is Susans daughter. I neglected to write down the name, but there it is. You read it first here. This seems to suggest that either the two have gotten back together, or that T-Bag will abduct Gracie, and perhaps kill the father, who is unnammed as of yet in the cast credits, or whatever, but the obvious implication is that the Hollander family will figure in the shows plot when it returns in the spring.

I doubt that T-Bag retrieves the money, even if he is the one who kills Geary. As Geary dies after ordering strippers, I surmise that one of these strippers is Michaels wife Nika, a Russian immigant whom he hired to marry him prior to arranging for his incarceration at Fox River, and with whom he is now on the outs, due to jealousy over Michaels love for Tancredi. I am guessing here, that she ends up with the money next, and will then use this as leverage in order to force her will on Scoffield.

Whatever the case, it seems that Bellick is not the only one due for a return to Fox River. So is Scoffield and brother Lincoln Burrows, who are due to be captured sometime in the next three episodes.

However, Kellerman and Mahone will determine that they will not make it back to Fox River alive. Mahone has been brought into the picture exclusively by The Company in order to kill them both, as well as all the other cons, on the off chance that they might have learned something about the government agencies attempts to frame Burrows for the murder of the Presidents brother.

All of which leads me to wonder if maybe Bellick will be targeted for the same reason, when it is learned that he has engaged in the torture of one of the priosners, it will be surmissed that he too might have learned something he shouldn't know.

As for the other cons, Sucre will make it to the plane arranged for Michael by the mysterious Coyote, whom he betrays (by giving him sugar water in retun for the plane instead of the promised viles of nitroglycerin) and who then tries to kill him in return. He is determined, despite the turbulence he is said to encounter on the plane, to make it to Mexico to reunite with his beloved Maricruz, who I am thinking will end up being killed by an insanely jealous and enraged Hector (Kurt Caceres) , who was left by Maricruz at the altar, and who has learned of her trip to Mexico with her sister, a trip that was meant to be the honeymoon that he had paid for.

And then there's C-Note (Rockmond Dunbar), who is due to get into a great deal of trouble in the next weeks episode when he ventures out in public due to some necessity, though it's unclear what it is.

No word as of yet as to whether Charles "Haywire" Potashik (Silas Weir Mitchell) will appear in these next three episodes, but the last we saw of him, he had made friends with a dog with whom he was explaining his plans to go to Holland and build his own windmill. Yep, he's crazy, sufferring from a neuroanatomic lesion which afflicts him with profound insomnia, in additon to being schizo-affective with bi-polar tendencies. For now, he is funny, and even goofy . The longer he goes without sleep or medication, however, the crazier and crazier you can count on him becomming.

You have to love this show, which requires such a suspension of disbelief, but you get so tied into the characters, the acting, the writing, the production values, the dialoque, the drama, and the suspense- you really don't care, for example, that one of them might well have been sent to prison for stealing Mr. Scotty's teleportation machine from Star Trek. As a character can be in one part of the country and can seemingly end up in just the right place at just the right time, in a matter of minutes, well into a different state, and once or twice halfway across the country.

Or that one characters phone calls can be monitored, while another seems to be able to call with impunity. For that matter, the fact that in the first season, prisoners could seemingly call anywhere from a public phone in the prison yard without moderation.

Or that any prisoner can be so focused, so intense, that he can draw up such a comprehensive set of plans for an escape from prison, have them coded in a full body tatoo, and carry them through to such effect that, even if something goes wrong, one of the backup plans is sure to make up for it. Of course, there is an explanation for this aspect of Scoffields drive and abilities, one that might well afford an explanation for the manifestation of certain kinds of psychic abilites. Scoffield is sufferring from an ailment known as low latent inhibition.

The nail-biting, pulse-punding, nerve wracking excitement of the show, however, more than makes up for it's many flaws, which are insignificant by comparison. Me, I can't wait to see what happens tonight. No matter what you think you have figured out, you never really know.

I'm still expecting in the back of my mind for this seasons promised "biggest surprise" to be the return of mob boss John Abruzzi (Peter Stormare) who was killed by Mahone in this seasons episode four, killed by a hail of bullets in the doorway of a motel where he had been lured in the hopes of finally killing the despised mob informant Fibbonnacci.

Yeah, I know, that kind of thing is just totally unrealistic. But like I said, this is Prison Break. Who cares about realism anyway? Surrealism is so much more fun.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Where Would We Be Without Them?

Remember this-

A writer can write, a reporter can report, a protestor can bitch and raise holy hell and a preacher can preach hell fire and brimstone-or love and forgiveness-but without the soldier willing to lay down his life and limb in the ultimate sacrifice, if necessary, it's all an impossible dream. It is the soldier, in fact, that makes all that, and everything else, possible.

In honoring our soldiers on Veterans Day, though, one simple fact escapes most people. It is actually honoring ourselves when we do this, for it is done with an assumption that we all might one day have something worthwhile to contribute in return in a free and democratic society.

Back in the days of the old monarchies, a patriotic soldier layed down life and limb in the service of his sovereign lord, the king or queen. It was in the kings honor that the soldier did so. In many cases, it was for the church, or some similarly powerful, elite ruling entity.

Now, in our country, it is for us, the citizens of our country, we who are the true sovereigns of our nation-not the President, not the Congress, not the judiciary-that he does so. At least, that is the way it is suppossed to be.

That is a hell of a responsibility to live up to, and we should all strive to be worthy of it.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Revenge Of The Living Dead

Rick Santorum took one of those ass "thumpins" the President referred to in his most recent Press Conference, and if someone had predicted that to me two years ago, I would have said, "no way".

It's still hard to believe. Santorum was the man I would have been willing to put money on would have been a sure fire bet to be the next Vice-President of the United States, under a Giulliani-Santorum ticket. They would have been unbeatable, I reasoned. They would probably have taken New York from Hillary, and definitely from any other Democratic nominee, and would have taken Pennsylvania as well.

I don't know why, but Santorum had that kind of working class conservative appeal and Christian conservative sincerity that would have provided the perfect balance for Rudi, who is viewed with suspicion by most conservative Christians. Together, they would have swept the independents, the Reagan Democrats, and in the end, the vast majority of Republicans.

So much for that. But why did it happen? Why did the man who once had such bright prospects end up losing to Bob Cassey in his run for re-election to the US Senate by a margin of 59% to 41%?

Well, his standing as the third ranking GOP Senator didn't help, his association with the President didn't help, and in the long run, his faith didn't help. In fact, he started to appear less and less devout and faithful, and more and more sanctimonious and hypocritical. By the time the voting began, it became obvious that he didn't have a parayer.

Terri Schiavo was the beginning of the end. He was one of the most openly vociferous advocates of intervention in a specially conferred legislative session, to which even the President took the time out from one of his many long vacations to attend, the purpose of which was to craft a law that would "permit" the courts to revisit her case.

Santorum himself went the extra mile of attending Schiavos bedside. Me, personally, I have no problem with that. At least he went to see for himself, though of course the case could be made that this was mainly a publicity stunt. At any rate, he was of course unqualified to make a reasonable diagnosis, but he did anyway. He should have just been content with the photo-op and kept his mouth shut, but sometimes the spirit leads you to talk in tonques. Sometimes it just leads you to talk like a fucking imbecile. Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference. Not the case here.

But the overal effect of this episode was that it showed the Senate and Congress-and President-for the pandering chumps that they are. Out of all the members of the House of Representatives, only fifty-five of them voted against this nonsense, which passed the Senate by a unanimous voice vote. Shameful. And Rick Santorum, unfortunately for him, became the poster boy for the Senate Republicans as regards this affair.

The House Republican equivalent here would probably have been Tom DeLay, with his veiled threats against the judiciary. Well, if you are judged by the company you keep-

And speaking of the Democrats, they played this shamefully as well, but any honest person would have to admit, they played it smart. They knew if they obected, they would have been painted as godless lovers of death going into this election. They are anyway, but it would have been the face above that would have been thrown at them. By keeping thier distance they avoided this.

It is to their credit they didn't overplay the Schiavo affair, but they didn't really have to. The voters remembered. They remembered in Pensylvania. No, that wasn't the only thing. There were the things I mentioned, along with the support for the Iraq War,which Santorum seemed to have been trying to distance himself from in the closing weeks by suggesting it might be appropriate to change course by adjusting strategies without withdrawing. But it wasn't good enough.

Santorum was also remembered and widely criticized in addition for his stance on Intelligent Design, going so far as to propose that the Presidents "Faith Based Initiatives" program include funding and support for the teaching in public schools of the controversy between proponents of evolution and those of intelligent design as a scientific explanation for the formation, or creation, of the universe.

By and large, Santorum through all these controversies came to be seen as a fundamentalist religous whacko who wanted to impose his beliefs on the public by way of government, and on the other hand as just another congressional shill for the Bush Administration. That was fine when Bush was popular. Not so good now that he is not.

H should have seen all that coming somewhere down the road, or at least he should have understood the potential, but not only did he not, he continually ignored the warning signs until it was way too late.

So much for intelligent design. So much for blind faith.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


You tell me, out of the following list, which state does not belong:

Missouri, Minnessota, Maryland, Massachusetts, California.

Ah, I know you're guessing California, right? It's the only one that doesn't start with an "M", right?


The correct response is, of course, Missouri. Why? Because of course, in the realm of politics, Missouri is the only one of the states listed above that is not a blue state, but is generally considered dependably and solidly red. It is the only state listed above that did not vote for Al Gore in 2000 nor did it vote for John Kerry in 2004, again unlike the others listed.

It is even one of the states that came out in the 2004 election solidly against gay marriage and in favor of a constitutional amendment to describe marriage as being between a man and a woman. In doing so, it increased the margin of Republican victory in that years Presidential election by bringing to the polls voters who might to some extent have stayed home otherwise.

Missouri is about as red as it gets. Certainly not the most red. It might well be in the top ten, though.

Still, Democrat Claire McCaskill managed to not only beat incumbent Republican Senator Jim Talent for the Senate seat, therefore helping to guarantee what looks to be now a Democratic Senate majority, but she actually did it quite handily, by getting something like 53% of the vote.

Here is another statistic that should really chill the Republicans soul-McCaskill isn't really a conservative, she's a-gasp-left of center moderate. A left of center moderate Democrat is, of course, according to most Republicans, a wild eyed liberal. And I'm really giving her the benefit of the doubt here, as I really don't know that much about her, except that she pretty much tows the Democratic Party line on immigration issues.

She certainly isn't as conservative as Virginia's Jim Webb, or Mr. Buzz Cutt from Montana, maybe not even as conservtive as Harold Ford Jr. I would put her more along the lines of Sherwood Brown of Ohio.

So how did she win? Well, she won because people are tired of Republicans in general and Bush in partiular. Still, she shouldn't have won by this big a majority. Not in Missouri. For that, you can thank Mr. Blowhard pictured above courtesy of Brad Trent.

America has spoken loud and clearly about one issue in particular. Americans want EMBRYONIC stem cell research, and they want government funding of said research. I put that in all caps for the simple reason that many Republicans tried to adopt the disingenous stance that they were actually in favor of stem cell research, that any Democratic claims to the contrary was a lie.

They should have known better than to try that line of shit in Missouri, but they did, and it resulted in their asses being handed to them. Rush Limbaugh, meanwhile, increased the margin of victory by at least one or two percentage points by suddenly becomming the face of the national Republican Party. The face of a fat, drug addled, self-righteous blowhard, and worse-a bully, something that most Americans do not like, and especially despise when the bullying is directed at someone who is perceived as being gravely ill, as in the case of Michael J. Fox, who campaigned for McCaskill.

For one thing, Fox has the right to campaign for anybody he damned well pleases, and should be able to do so without being belittled, mocked, or otherwise denigrated. It's one thing to speak in opposition to someone. But Rush Limbagh could not be content with delivering a thoughtful response in opposition. He had to engage in childish, sophomoric behavior meant to make Fox look both foolish, and like a liar.

And because he thought it would work, and because he thought it would get some laughs, get this-HE FILMED HIS FUCKING RADIO SHOW WHERE HE DID THIS VILE SHIT! Now, you tell me, why do you film a radio show? A radio show should be heard, and not seen. But Limbaugh just had to make sure he got as many laughs as possible at the expense of a man who is suffering from one of the most debilitating diseases known to man by imitating his spastic uncontrollable movements which is a result of the Parkinsons Disease Fox was diagnosed with in the early 1990's.

You can hear him calling Fox a liar, by suggesting that he either exaggerated his movements in campaign ads, or purposely meglected to take his medication. But you can't hear him mocking him. That takes a visual aid.

What it all boils down to is, and I never thought I would ever say this, but the Democratic Party owes Rush Limbaugh a debt of gratitude. Because of his bullying and arrogance, the Democratic Party now holds the najority in the Senate for the first time in twelve years.

What is even more remarkable, according to Rufus over at Grad Student Madness, Limbaugh may have actually done this intentionally, albeit on some deep sub-conscous level. It seems that Limbaugh is supposedly relieved the Republicans lost, he is tired of carrying their water for them despite the betrayal of conservative ideals.

I tend to think, however,that he knew exaclty what he was doing, and meant to do it, and thought it would work. Unfortunately for him, most Americans are just not as shallow and mean spirited as Rush Limbaugh is, and assummed they were. Not in Missouri. Not this year.

I wonder what a person looks like when they willingly neglect to take their Oxycontin?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The "Root" Of All Evil?

Ted Haggard was an evangelical Christian of some reknown. The Senior Pastor of New Life Church, the President of The National Association of Evangelicals, and Founder of the Association of Life Giving Churches, this Oral Roberts University Graduate has been a major influence in Republican party politics, responsible for a great lot of the evangelical vote which went to Bush in the 2004 election. He is said to be a staunch supporter and advisor to the President. In fact, you might say that no Christian leader has had more influence with an American President since the days of Calvin Coolidge and John Stevenson-a former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

Now of course, the good Reverend Haggard has felt it incumbent upon himself to resign his position according to the by-laws of his church, as his credibility has now been called into question. It seems that a certain Mike Jones, an admitted gay male prostitute, has alleged a homosexual relationship with Haggard, over the course of a three year period, which continued on a regular basis about once a month or so. Drugs were also involved- methamphetamines, to be exact.

Haggard has admitted to this, though he insists that he threw the drugs away after acquiring them. He also insists that he did not have sex with that gay male prostitute-Mr. Jones-though he did in fact enjoy the services of a massage from the nimble and practiced fingers of the man who knew the good Reverend as "Art".

The trouble between the two seems to have been over the Reverends stated political oppossition to gay marriage, which is a state initiative on the ballot in Colorado this year. Mr. Jones considers the Reverends position to be the utmost in hypocrisy, doubtless considering the various other "positions" the Reverend has engaged in with Mr. Jones.

It would seem that Mr. Haggard does not take the Bible so literally as he once insisted to Richard Dawkins it should be taken in the latters documentary "The Root Of All Evil", in which Haggard excoriated Dawkins for referring to his children as "animals" (presumably due to Hawkins stated belief in evolution). If he did take it that literally, after all, would he-wellll, lie?

But to be fair, Mr. Haggard has done the right thing, in resigning his position. And in the spirit of understanding, I want to offer the good Reverend a chance at true happiness, in a religion I might go so far as to suggest would be actually more to his inclination, in the worship of a god that would be far more suited to fit his needs.

I am speaking here, of course, about the great god Priapus. Born of a torrid affair between Dionysius and Aphrodite, Priapus was cursed in the womb by Hera, who was disgusted at the adulterous relationship of his parents. And so, when he was born, he was short, fat, bald, and ugly as sin. And, to top it off, he was given a remarkably huge penis which was perpetually erect.

He had a small cult following in ancient Greece, consisting of temples which offerred healing in the form of sleep therapy. And so, men from all over Greece, when returning home would meet their wives anxous querries as to their time away with the response, "oh, I just rested, dear"

To which we might well now owe the origin of the oft repeated refrain, "well, let me sleep on it".

He was more widely popular in Rome, where he was considered the god of home gardens and domesticated animals. He was widely venerated in Pompeii and Herculaneum as a fertility god, where artwork has been discovered of the god, known for his pecuiar physical atributes.

Of course, he is worshipped still among pagans in the same ways he was worshipped in ancient Greece and Rome, but there is now a new modern twist to his worship among some specific cults, and it is these cults in partiucular where I feel the good Reverend Haggard might feel at home.

He might want to start his new initial studies here. But I have an idea that he might quickly find himself spending an even greater amount of time here at the Temple Of Cock, where he will doubtless find a great deal of spiritual inspiration.

In fact, he might find that his particular talents as a counselor and minister might be greatly appreciated here, where he can now practice them in concert with his other recently discovered gifts. He can now become whole. So you see, that old saying is true. There is a silver lining in every gray cloud.

Of course, it could just be a cum stain.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Visit From A Halloween Monster



If I keep this post to the top of this blog for the next five days, mail a few thousand such announcements to random households in California, and make a few thousand similar calls to citizens of California-men and women-there's a pretty good chance the next election for the governorship of Califoria will end the following way-

First Place-Governor Arnold Swarzeneggar (Republican)

Second Place-Patrick Kelley (Write In Candidate)

Third Place-Phil Angelides (Democrat)

So what exactly did the unbelievably stupid John Kerry think he was going to accomplish to begin with by campaigning for Angelides, a man with as much hope of winning the governorship as Osama Bin Laden has of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize?

More to the point, why did he make the unbelievably idiotic statement at a campaign appearrance for Angelides at a California school to the effect that if you worked hard in school and did well you would not have to worry about being stuck in Iraq?

I think he did the shit on purpose, to tell you the truth. Why? Well, take a look at the people that stand a good chance of being elected to the Senate this year. Most of the Democrats who have a chance to win these races are moderates. Take for example Bob Casey, the Democratic candidate from Pensylvania, some ten points ahead in a race to unseat incumbent Republican Rick Santorum.

Look at Harold Ford Jr. , another moderate who early in his campaign publicly and harshly criticized DNC Chairman Howard Dean for remarks which Ford claimed would drive a wedge between Democrats and the great mass of moderate voters whose support is essential in the winning of most elections, and certainly in national elections.

And there are other moderates, in such places as Montana and Virginia, moderates who are still liberal, or at least left of center, who have a good chance of unseating conservative Republican incumbents. Or they did, until maybe the last couple of days.

Unfortunately, the more liberal Democratic candidates will be less likely to be hurt by Kerrys remarks than such candidates as Casey and Ford and other such more moderate Democrats, who are running in areas where the voters are far more likely to tar them with the association with the likes of Kerry.

That's why I consider Kerry's remarks very suspicous. After all, the potential of a number of moderate Democratic Senators is a threat to more leftist leaning Democrats such as Kerry. They have the potential of moving the party more to the center. If that were to happen, the Democratic Party would become much more competitive nationally, but this would not be a good thing for the likes of Kerry. He would either have to be content to remain a backbencher with little power and influence when it comes to committee assingments, for example, or backing for another potential run for national office , or greater influence on party positions-or, he would have to himself moderate his position, and so look like just another opportunistic two faced politician, which of course we all pretty much know that already.

A large Democratic victory in this years Senate races based on the strength of more moderate candidates would be the death knell for the Kerrys of the party, and I think he just did his part to derail that potentiality. Of course, one good thing is, he has pretty much destroyed whatever slim chance he might have had to be the party's standard bearer in '08, which leaves me to believe that somebody has called in some markers and Kerry has sacrificed his chances in return for something.

Possibly the promise of some future lobbyist position with some liberal PAC, a position which would not be worth much if the party were moved toward the center.

I think a Casey victory in Pennsylvania scares Pro-Choice activists. It's one thing for Santorum to be Pro-Life. It's something all together different for Casey, who is also Pro-Life, to have an influence in the Democratic party, as a Senator. And the same goes for the other moderate Democratic candidates. This is more than just another off-year election. This is a war for control of the soul of the Democratic Party. And those old dinosaurs aren't going to go out without a fight.

Thanks to Liveshot for the picture.

Letter From A Soldier

I recently ran across this post on, which contains a letter recently written by Keen Tillman, the brother of the late former pro-fotball player for the Arizona Cardinals Pat Tillman. As many of you doubtless are aware, Pat Tillman, in the aftermath of 9/11, gave up a million dollar contract with the Cardinals to become a soldier, asking for no special favors, only for the privilege of serving his country to the best of his ability, along with the hundreds of thousands of other American soldiers who wear the uniform.

Unfortunately, Tillman lost his life in Afghanistan as the result of a friendly fire incident which was for a short time inexcusably concealed by the top military brass. His brother Kevin, who joined with him and served also until later discharged early last year, has written this letter.

I don't agree with all the particulars of the letter. However, I do agree with a good part of it, and with the general spirit that it seeks to convey. Most importantly, regardless of whether I agree with any of it or not, he has won the right to be heard, and so I present the link to this letter. It is a scathing indictment of the current administrations policies. If anybody has earned the respect and the right to criticize this admiistration, it is cetainly Mr. Tillman.

Thanks to Living It Up In Lincoln County for providing the link.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Jason, over at The WIld Hunt Blog, has a good post up about the reactions of some Christian groups to the pagan traditions of Samhain as seen now in the modern holiday of Halloween, in a post he calls De-Paganizing Halloween (Again).

It would be a good idea to take a look at the fairly recent past history of Halloween in order to understand this phenomenon. The truth of the matter is, Halloween has been celebrated for quite some time in this country. In fact, a couple of my ancestors got married on Halloween-no lie-in the 1850's. Of course, I don't know if that was coincidental or not.

But the main thing to remember is, it has long been a traditional night of hi-jinks, hooliganism, and in some cases all out bedlam.

Any person who ever lived in more rural areas has doubtless heard the stories, if not lived through the times, of the old outhouse, before the days of indoor plumbing. On Haloween night, no more than four decades ago, and longer, in some cases, it was common for gangs of roughnecks to, just for fun, dislodge a persons outhouse from it's resting place. Not so hard to do when you consider they were never buildt on a foundation, they were in fact little more than a wooden frame building with one or two commode seats over what amounted to holes in the ground.

Other types of fun included soaping house windows and egging windows and cars. This kind of "trick" was mostly reserved for those tightwads who failed to come through with the requisite "treat".

Other things were more serious in nature. A not all that uncommon event would be the felling of a large tree across a road, which would then be set on fire. When a driver approached to find the way of his car blocked, another fire would be set with kerosene that had been strategically spread across the road in a line.

A personal favorite of mine was the old "cow shit in a paper bag" routine. Once you deposited the bag on a persons porch, you set it on fire and knocked loudly on the door. Once the person opened, he or she almost invariably stomped out the fire, ending up with cow or dog shit all over his shoes.

In time, it got more serious in nature. And more dangerous. By the 1960's and on into the 1970's, people had started in some areas to dole out tricks of their own to the Halloween visitors, most if not all of whom were small children.

Poisoned candy and razor blades stuck into apples became a kind of Halloween fad amongst the disturbed minds of the day, and this resulted in quite a few illnesses and injuries, and possibly a small number of deaths. Nor was this limited to one or two isolated areas and years, but seemed to be a growing and very disturbing trend.

As such, it became necessary in time to regulate the hours of Halloween, and in most areas there is an unwritten rule more or less that the tradition of trick-or-treating should be limited to the very young, usually up to the age of twelve.

It wasn't up until the last two decades ago, or three, that Hallween came to viewed by Americans as a pagan holiday, which in fact originaly it was. Most pagans assert that it was the Celtic New Year, and modern pagans think of it in this way as well, as the Modern Pagan new Year. (Personally, I prefer Yule as the Pagan New Year, but hey-that's just me).

At any rate, a good many Christians view Halloween as a time of evil spirits and devil worshippers, and so they jump on the Wiccans and Pagans celebration of the day as a kind of evidence that we are all in leaque with the demonic forces of darkness and death, which is of course absurd.

But to this end, they have, as Jason suggests, taken to the attempt at co-opting the holiday as a means of protecting the innocent youth of America from corruption by the occult forces which they see as prevalent through the holiday.

What they seem to have missed is that in the entire history of the mischief, and yes, evil, that has been perpetrated on the holiday, the vast majorityof the perpetrators were of Christian heritage. Note that I am careful here not to say they were all actualy Chrisitans, though a good many of them may well have been.

Certainly, the notion of the evil black cat, which is a Chrisitan tradition, has lead to the torture and/or murder of many innocent felines, not all of whom were necessarily black.

What it all boils down to is the simple fact that Halloween wasn't really hi-jacked by Christians. Nor was it used by Wiccans, Pagan, Satanist, otc, as an excuse to do most of the mischief and evil I have described. Even the incidents of the abuse of animals, while based on an old Chrisitan belief from the Midle Ages, I would not lay on the doorstep of a true Chjristian. I would guess it's more likely a small number of assholes that just want to hurt something that can't do anything to protect itself.

And there you have it. Halloween, like so many other holidays and traditions, has frankly just been hi-jacked by assholes. By creeps.

It's actually a fine religous tradition of honoring and respecting the dead, and of taking stock in your life and doing a kind of spiritual inventory of all those negative aspects of your life that you need to discard, in preparation for the coming New Year. After all, it is the "last harvest", that time of year when the sun has started to dim to it's weakest point, before it once again waxes stronger beginning on Yule.

From this day forward, the days get ever shorter, the nights ever longer, and colder, as the earth rests from it's toil in order to reinvigorate itself for the next planting season, when it too shall be "reborn".

Therefore, take this time to celebrate. Dress up, visit your friends and family, and party down. Take the time to take that inventory of your life. If some little ones come to your door, give them a little something to contribute to a hopefully pleasurable memory of the occassion of this holiday.

But, be careful. Take especial care for your animals. Especially your cats. Like I said, assholes abound on this night. And take care for your children, and your selves. There will always be assholes, but whether you are Pagan or Christian, you have a right to celebrate this night according to your traditions . Don't let the assholes hijack it any more.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Malawi-Truth Or Dare

Well I was all set to slam all the different Human Rights Organizations in the world, except I don't know exactly who I'm slamming here, but it seems to be something called The Human Rights Consultative Committee, which on it's web-site bills itself as more or less an umbrella organization for at least 40 different human rights groups. According to another source, it is more like sixty. And, they seem to be mostly, maybe all, Malawi based groups, made up of religous leaders, teachers, womens and childrens groups, etc. Who knows who is involved in this group? You would think they do, but if so, they are saying as little as possible.

Their problem with Madonna seems to be pretty straight forward. If you want to adopt a Malawi child, then you have to follow a certain proceedure. You have to stay in the country and establish a documented relationship with the child, and this must be on-going for a period of between eighteen months and two years.

Yeah, let's do that. I can't wait to go to a country on a continent that scares the living shit out of me just reading about it and living for two years surrounded by people that live in huts that make less than a dollar a year on average. Hell, who would worry about kidnapping, rape, murder, mutilation, starvation, famine, pestilence, in a country that is one of the most populated in all Africa, and where as a white person I'll stand out like a sore thumb? Why should I care, after all, the country isn't at war yet. Now if I'm a big enough person to do that, what makes that prissy Madonna think she's too good, right?

After all, she's only started an orphanage for displaced children, with a special emphasis on AIDS victims, and has generously contributed to five other pre-existing orphanages in this, one of the poorest, most destitute countries in the world, according to this Wikkipedia article.

The child Davids father, Yohane Banda, by all accounts seems to be in favor of the adoption, and is incensed that the human rights group mentioned is standing in the way. Of course, some of his relatives are not so happy about it, and are saying Banda is illiterrate, and doesn't understand the consequences of adoption.

This is all a lot of rubbish, and I propose the following explanations.

One, that the family doesn't like or appreciate Madonna's celebrity lifestyle, which they as devout Christians consider hedonistic and amoral.

Two, they want to dig a little deeper into the pop stars bank account.

Three, they, or somebody else connected to the human rights group, are wanting to somehow end this adoption in the vain hopes they can parlay this into a later adoption of somebody close to them, say for example, one of their own family members.

Four, they are wanting to draw this out to gain continued publicity for Malawi and for their cause. In the last case, this would be limited to the human rights group in question.

In that case of number four, however, it seems odd they rarely update their web-site, in fact I think they have done so maybe twice this year, the last time in August. Plus, no mention on it whatsoever of the recent Madonna controversy, which I find remarkably strange.

I tend to think it's all about the money, or some other perceived potential benefit, but I could be wrong. Whatever the reason, the child is the one who stands to suffer for their actions.

Strangely, the UN angel Angelina Jolie didn't have to go through anything remotely like this. I guess it helps to bribe-I mean, have all the right connections.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Race To The Bottom

One of the most important Senate races this year will be the one in Tennessee between Congressman Harold Ford, Democrat, and Republican Bob Corker, Republican. This in fact could well be the race that decides which side controls the Senate. As such, the RNCC is pulling out all stops to win this one, which is for now too close to call in the polls. They may have went way over the line. Unfortunately, that tactic might well work.

In this website, FancyFord, where the Congressman is pretty much made out to be an uppitty negro living high on the hog off of his campaign contributions, the tactic is all too clear, as is the recent campaign ad featured on YouTube. It can be summed up as follows-

If you elect Harold Ford Jr, to the Senate, he will fuck every good looking white girl in Tennessee. Or he will try to, at least. Of course, they don't come right out and say that, but the subliminal message being relayed here is pretty obvious. Harold Ford is a young, virile and well connected negro from a political family with some past ethical problems, he is unmarried, and he has a thing for-gasp-white women.

He has even in the past been connected to former Georgetown University sex columnist for The Hoya, Laurie Baugher. Apparently, Ford ended the relationship after it appearred in danger of becomming public knowledge and suppossedly didn't even bother to call the poor damsel to inform him of his intentions to end the relationship.

Of course, it could also be because he found out the hard way that Laurie Baugher is a fucking whackjob whose weekly columns for The Hoya were edited in fact by her mother, and who was acussed in September '03 by another Hoya columnist, Cara Tarone, of being more adept at self-promotion than at any kind of actual sexual expertise.

On one occassion, Baugher tried to get out of paying for a seven dollar grapefruit at a Washington restaurant by claiming to be with a party for the Washington Post, a claim which she was caught and called on.

Fords relationship with Baugher goes back to her days as a sophomore at the college, and she was reported to have made the statement that she never understood what Ford had seen in her to begin with. It is tempting to wonder if she has not been brought into this campaign at the urgings of the RNCC on the grounds that it might well jumpstart her writing career, which seems to have ended with her graduation from Georgetwon.

Whatever the case, it might well work. And that's a shame. Harold Ford Jr. is one of the few Democrats in Congress I actually feel good about. Hell, he's one of the few Congress people in Congress I have good feelings about. I think he has the potential to be a future President, possibly the first black President of the United States, as I think Barak O'Bama is a flash-in-the-pan. All image, little if any substance, as of now.

Ford I can see making it, maybe not for a few years, maybe not until about 2016, after a ten year career in the Senate. Or, if he looses this race, after a full two terms as governor of Tennessee.

He may have made one slight mistake in crashing a recent Corker press conference in response to the Republican ads. Then again, maybe not. It may be seen as indication of a fiery temperament, one who will fight back when wronged. Or, it may be seen as juveile, out of control petulance. And, it might be seen as another example of an "uppitty black" who doesn't "know his place".

Personally, I almost wish he would fuck Corkers wife, or his daughter if he has one. Yeah, let 'em put that on their shitty little web-sites, and YouTube.

Personal aside to Laurie Baugher, presumably the front and center nut job pictured above-if Ford looses this race, your main footnote to fame may well not be your writing ability, so much as your impact on Tennessean voters perceptions of you as a "nigger lover".

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sting-The Highland Lout

Old rock stars never die, as long as there is classic rock radio, anyway, but they sure as fuck do get boring and pretentous as hell. Well, what the shit can you expect from a guy that goes by a moniker like "Sting"?

The former front man for the late seventies and eighties rock band "The Police" (when Sting had something to say that was fucking worth listening to), has recently said he finds rock music of today boring.

I would suggest there are three main reasons for that. One, the recording company executives put more emphasis on flash and style, and sex appeal, than they do actual creative substance. Two, there are a disproportionate number of fans that prefer the kind of pablum that results from this in comparison to fans that actually have taste.

Then, there is number three, a most overlooked factor. The artists themselves are boring. After all, art is suppossed to be a reflection, more or less, of the society that produces it. That's why rap music tends to be so creative, the better rap artists are themselves creative, talented, driven, and far from boring.

Ergo, the better heavy metal. True, there are pretentous, superficial aspects of these and in fact all genres of music. But, there are the true gems. It just so hapens that when it comes to more traditional hard rock, or rock and roll, you don't have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get to the atrocous. It's more like a pond, one that seemingly holds promise, but the scum rises to the top and eventually chokes the life out of anything worthwhile.

The only thing left is the bottom feeders that live off the rot of the decay. In a way, they do it well. They are survivors, and they seem to be getting not better, but bitter.

But enough of this tangent. Here's an even better comparison. Have you ever happenned across some old coot, sitting on his front porch waving at the passers-by, drooling on his shirt, looking at turns, angry, forlorn, or amused? If you engage him in conversation, you will find that he has little to say that is relevant about the modern era. If he tries, as often as not he is way off the mark. And I'm not meaning this as a slam at old people either, I'm talking about a particular kind of old person, one that simply has no respect, tolerance, or undertanding of the world as it is today, in any of it's aspects. He only knows he don't like it too good. He makes that all too clear. It makes no sense to him. Therefore, what he says about it will make little sense as well.

But, get him going down memory lane, and it can be an interesting experience. You can learn a lot from the old coot. The problem is, those days are gone, ain't ever coming back, and the old coot just can't deal with it. After a while, listening to him gets old, and even looses what original historical value it may have had, if any.

You see, peoples memories with age tend to get faulty, and they seem to dwell overly on either the good or the bad. There is seldom any balance in their attitudes. That is because people who have a balanced perspective tend not to dwell so much on the past. Which in a way is a shame, becasue you could learn more of actual value from them than you ever could from the typical "old coot".

And so it is with Sting. One of the few exceptions to this rule was John Lennon, and even he temporarily fell into the trap of musical reminiscing about the past and the so-called glory days. They all do it.

"Oh, when we were young and had all these fans and the world at our fingertips, and people hung on our every words, and chased us down the streets and tried to rip our clothes, and we had all these groupies who followed us from concert to concert, and we had all these wild parties, drinking, drugs, and sex, and we tore up all these hotel rooms.

"But we're older now and we see the world differently now, and now we wish that we-"


Create something relevant, already. Sing about shit that people want to hear about, because it speaks to their inner thoughts and feelings. Who the fuck do you think can relate to your past experiences? Just what is the percentage of the worlds populations that travelled the country and stayed at first class motels, performed before tens of thousands of people at once, and engaged in drunken, drug saturated orgies on a regular basis?

That's the first problem with the aging rock star. He's so pretenous, so full of his own self-importance, he thinks that his intropective reflections on his own life are interesting. And they might well be, for one fucking song. Not, however, for a full fucking CD of them. Or two, or three.

Number two: Nobody gives a rats ass what you think about politics, or about world issues. So shut the fuck up about it. You're not Ghandhi. You're not Chruchill. You're a fucking entertainer. You're views about the dangers of nuclear energy are based on what you believe based on the very limited perspective of the crowd you play to. They are no better than my views, in fact, they're probably not as good. When I hear you run off at the mouth like the expert you are not, you make me want to vote Republican. Go smoke a fucking joint, then drop some acid, and then cut your tonque out.

Finally, here's number three, which might be the most offensive of all. What is it with the fucking strings and orchestras? What in the holy name of fuck do you think you're doing? Why in the hell are you constantly driving up the price of your music by adding in between fifty and two hundred professional violinists, cellist, trombonists, clarinetists, and scores of others, all under the direction of a conductor? How in the hell does this qualify as "rock" music. Who wants to listen to this syrupy shit?

Okay, then, let's talk about the good old days? Remember when you were in a group, and you wrote your own songs, and there were like five of you total, a couple of guitar players, a bass player, a drummer, and a guy on keyboards, maybe every now and then one or two of you doubled on other instruments, and rarely, rarely, for a change of pace, you added orchestra music?

Yeah, those were the good old days, weren't they? Fuck you.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Making Good Things "Better"

Somebody somewhere is always wanting to fuck with a good thing. Always wanting to make something better, when there was never anything wrong with it to begin with. Football is the best example I can think of.

When they started the Instant Replay years back, people bitched and moaned about what is probably the one example of an improvement that I can think of. So they dropped it for awhile, but within a year or two it was brought back. Now, I like this one concept, for the simple fact it rules out the potential for human error,and more importantly, the possibility of corruption.

An ump on the field makes a bad call, or the team that is on the receiving end of the call thinks it is anyway, and so they demand a review. If the play stands, then the team that initiates the review is charged with a timeout. As timeouts can be vital, this has the effect of discouraging frivolous challenges. If, however, the play is overturned, the team is not charged, as well they should not be.

Like I said, this is an example of a good excpetion to the changes that have been made over the years.

However, there is one in particular that makes me want to scream. And, sometimes, I do. Today, in fact, I nearly did, when my Bengals fell behind the oppossing Carolina Panthers, who scored a touchdown that should never have been called. But ah, those rule changes again.

You see, the Panther team player in question, a receiver whose name I can not remember, caught the ball, and was brought down just outside the end zone, but in the process of going down, strethed out his arms and just barely, barely touched the football to the barest edge of the line that marks the end zone, while the players knees went down clearly outisde the end zone, as did the rest of him. The touchdown was challenged by the Bengals manager, to no avail. They were charged with a timeout, and the touchdown ruled on the field stood. Fuck instant replay.

But no, not really. Because, actually, technically, the call was a correct one. The player barely did touch the football to the barest edge of the end zone line before his knees hit the ground, which was the only thing really in question.

So what was the reason for this? Well, somewhere along the way during a bad ratings year, somebody came up with the bright idea that more people would watch football more if there was more scoring, higher scores. And so, this new and to me ignorant rule was instituted.

Look, football was never meant to be a high scoring game. The best football games of years past had amazingly low scores. 3-0. 7-6. 10-7. As far as I'm concerned anytime both teams scores more than twenty points in a game, what you are watching is two teams engaging in an offensive race, in a game the high scores of which is not necessarrilly an accurate reflection of the skill and ability of their offenses so much as it is a pretty sure bet that both teams have shitty fucking defensive squads.

Well, the Bengals went on to win this game 17-14, so they are now at 3-2. They are even better this year than they were last year. With the exception of their last game, they haven't had near as many penalties on average per game. Plus, despite the fact that some of the more seasoned players on the offensive line are out with injuries, the second stringers came through nicely in the second half, after an uncertain and nerve-wracking first half.

One Bengal committed a penalty in the second half. A face mask, a most obviously stupid penalty which I almost believe should be punished by chopping off the hands. It was a fifteen yard first down advance for Carolina in the last four minutes of the game, putting them in positon to either tie the game and send it into overtime, or win it. Luckily, a Bengals corner back, I think, intercepted the Panthers quarterbacks pass in the end zone. Game fucking over.

But, like I said, save for this ignorant rule change, it shouldn't have even been this close.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Don't Be Cruel

Ain't that what the King once advised? Well, so be it. In his honor, I will not name the subject of this post. If he happens across it, he will know who he is. So will anybody else that has been to his blog over the last couple of days. The fact that I'm about to talk bad about him-but at the same time, not mention his name, or his blog, save the fact that it is on the blogroll-will be suitable enough punishment.

Some people have a bad habit of letting tHeir egos get the better of them. They get their heads way up in the air, and then they trip over themselves. They ought to know better to walk with their feet in their mouths, for one thing.

Okay, here's the deal. You are a fucking blogger. You are not mother fucking Theresa. If you are a fucking good little boy, and keep doing what you do best, one of these days you might fucking win a fucking bloggy award. You will fucking not fucking win a fucking Peabody or a fucking Nobel or a fucking Pulitzer. They fucking don't fucking give those fucking kinds of fucking prizes for a fucking blog or the fucking bloggers that fucking BLOG them.

Now here's the fucking deal. You have a fucking good blog and you provide a fucking voice to the fucking people who fucking read it who fucking might be fucking frustrated. And you fucking do it fucking brilliantly.

Otherwise nobody fucking gives a fucking rats fucking ass about your fucking opinions which when you fucking strip it down to fucking basics ain't no fucking better than my fucking opinion it's just a fucking other fucking opinion.

So now you are fucking going to fucking go to fucking colege to fucking be a fucking journalist and fucking learn to be fucking objective. So to that fucking end you are fucking planning on fucking deleting your fucking blog and fucking starting another one, which I have fucking read. Yes, I fucking clicked on the fucking link to your new fucking blog and I fucking read it and I can fucking sum up my fucking opinions in this fucking way.


You're fucking going to be a fucking serious journalist and fucking so you are going to fucking stop fucking saying fucking on your fucking blog?

BULLFUCKING SHIT!!!! Here's the fucking truth. Your fucking head is in the fucking clouds ecuase you've fucking suddenly attracted a fucking bunch of fucking new readers but one of the fucking Christians was fucking complaining about your fucking lanquage and it is fucking getting you fucking down and so you are fucking caving in.

Or maybe she fucking sent you a fucking picture and you are fucking hoping to fucking hit that fucking ass. See, you fucking just fucking can't get fucking away fucking from fucking fucking.

Come back down to fucking earth soldier. Okay, you have fucking sacrificed for your fucking country and you fucking deserve our fucking thanks. So, fucking thanks. But it's only fucking good for so fucking much. One fucking thing it fucking doesn't give you the fucking right to fucking do is fucking bore us to fucking tears.

Okay, I've fucking said my fucking piece. In fucking cnclusion, I will fucking direct you to this fucking link by Maddox. Every fucking blogger in the fucking world should be fucking required to read this article at least once a fucking year, including me.

And by fucking god, my fucking friend, you fucking need to read it this fucking miute.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Sun And Mars Conjunction-The Last Days Of Ramadan

This post is already making me feel like a cross between Chicken Little and the boy who cried wolf, especially since I have posted on this subject, or a variant thereof, several times, notably in this post from October of last year. Seeing as how this then will be an anniversary post of sorts, it seems appropriate to do it again, whether anyone takes it seriously or not.

But consider, the last day of Ramadan is October 23rd. Add to that the fact that the Sun and Mars will be in conjunction the entirety of the weekend from the 21st through the 23rd. To put the icing on the cake, bear in mind the numerous rumours to the effect that there may be a terrorist attack on our soil sometime before the end of Ramadan.

Don't yawn too quickly. It so happens that if you are watching any one of the numerous pro-football games that are scheduld for Sunday the 22nd, the posibility that one of them may be subjected to a sudden dirty bomb assault is frightening enough, and I admit unlikely. Homeland Security has advised that they feel there is no substance to the suppossed threats.

And true to form,the ACLU has filed suits to prevent what it obviously considers to be unreasonable searches and seizures of sports patrons to ward off such an event.

Me, I don't think it's likely. Why waste time on football games when there are so many other places that are unguarded, and unsuspecting.

And yeah, I know the other times I posted about this, it didn't pan out. But remember, the idea that Al-Queda might use astrological aspects in order to coordinate attacks that had been planned months, or even years, in advance, is no guarantee of their success, any more than the more typical and traditional synchronization of watches would be.

It's not so much an occult magical working as it is a mere timing device, based on an Arabian science of long standing tradition. Astrology, to be exact, which among many early Arab and Muslim civilizations was held in as high esteem as was medicine, mathematics, astronomy, etc.

And again, it will be during the last two days or so of Ramadan.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Korean Riddle

What do you call dogs and cats in Korea?

Before I answer that, I have to say, a lot of people seem concerned about the news coming out of North Korea. When I heard that even The History Channel was doing a series about the country, my initial reaction was to wonder who reported spotting a UFO fying over Pyongyang, seeing as how Kim Jung Il was doubtless way too young to have been on the grassy knoll.

Still, it is an important story, the idea that North Korea has been, and promises to continue, nuclear testing. Evidently, the last test, though a dud, was an actual attempt, involving processed plutonium.

The thing to remembr here is that this is a story that by rights should be of far greater concern to the other nations involved in the so-called six-nation talks, than the US. After all, China and Russia share a border with North Korea, as does South Korea, with whom the country is technically still at war, despite a fifty plus year cease fire overseen by some fifteen thousand US soldiers along the North-South border.

Japan, as well, which lies not too far off the coast of Korea, has reasons to be concerned, especially in that Japans conquest and rule of Korea, from about 1910 until the end of World War II, is a definite sticking point in relations between the two nations.

True, given North Koreas past record of success, or lack thereof, in the matter of it's recent tests, it seems unlikely that Bin Laden or the Chechen rebels are beating a path to their door in order to dicker for the acquisition of their weapons. Still, they are still determined, and have let it be known they consider the recent UN anctions against their country tantamount to a declaration of war.

So what exactly is it they want from the US? Why are they so determined to engage in bi-lateral talks with Washington? They claim to want all sanctions against them lifted, and of course they demand security guarantees. Obviously, this is all a lot of rubbish. They would have no need of bilateral negotiations for that. What they are after is what they have been after since the end of World War II, when Russia occuppied the North, and the US occuppied the South, resulting in a controlled experiment in the contest of communism versus capitalism.

They want reunification. They want a return to the days when Korea was one country, in fact, one of the oldest nations on the face of the earth, with the original capitol of the nation situated in Pyongyang.

Easy to see why. Without the Souths far more fertile agricultural base and greater natural resources all around, the North without the South can never be more than, at best, a second rate little backwater country dependent on aid and handouts from China, or Russia, or whoever they can get them from.

Nautrally, concurrent with that concern is the determination that the communist government of North Korea remain in power over the country as a whole, possibly and even probably with guarantees of a level of autonomy for the South and an allowance for capital investment and private property and ownership rights.

The way it stands now, the northen half of the country that may have been the first nation on the earth to utilize armored ships, fought successfuly for centuries against the Chinese, Japanese, and Mongols, and exported Bhuddhism and other innovations and cultural advancements to Japan, is, due to the divided nature of the country, standing at deaths door. The country with the fifth largest military in the world is so destitute, their people are becomming smaller as an adaptation to lack of sustenance.

About the only thing they have going for them is, they have no problems with obesity and it's related diseases. Nor do they have much concern with overpopulation of stray animals. Which brings me back to the subject of my original riddle.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Belated Anniversary Reflection

If I ever get married, I have a good excuse for not remembering birthdays and anniversaries. Hell, I can't even remember my own. When June 12th rolled around, I had completely forgotten that I had in fact had this blog for a full year. Worse, I had planned on marking the occassion, but circumstances ended up seeing the day come by, go, and completely slip my mind. Well, based on the assumption that late is better than never, I guess I should take the time to pat myself on the back. It's now about one year and four months since I started this blog.

Not much has changed, but some things have. I decided to limit my political postings, for one thing, while not entirely avoiding politics. I look at it like this. Nobody is going to change my mind, and the chances of my changing anybody's mind is like slim and none, and-wait a minute, what's that, over there in that cloud of dust that just left town? Fuck, it's Slim.

In other words, I figure the only people that want to hear what I have to say about politics is people that either already agree with me, or not, but I ain't going to make no big mark on the world one way or another. I might get linked here and there on a few political blogs, but I'm pretty unlikely to be interviewed by Larry King or Keith Olbermann, so why bother?

On the other hand, if I feel I have some unique perspective on things, yeah, I'll still chime in here and there. But for the most part, I've decided to just take it as it comes. Just write about whatever I feel, when the mood hits.

Anyway, I thought, well, since this is a late anniversary exercise in ego, I'll just go over some of my past posts, with links. Of course, there is the dilemna of what to choose from, but the obvious answer quickly presented itself. Why not post a link to one post from each month?

Hopefully, somebody somewhere might find my bizarre ramblings on varied subjects over the last roughly one and a half years worth clicking on to. And so, without further ado, I once again embarass myself with some of the most oddball reminiscences I could collect under one post.

This June 05 post falls under the category of "Do as I say, not as I do". It was a technique for the gradual cessation of smoking that I called The Way-I Hope-To Stop Smoking. I failed, but don't let that stop you. The formula, and accompanying year long ritual observances are still sound, in my opinion. The problem was not with the message, it just needed a better messenger.

In July of 05, I conducted a little experiment in Tarot reading, to try to ascertain who George Bush was going to pick for his first Supreme Court appointment. It ended up being John Roberts, and if I say so myself, the reading I conducted on this post here, while not perfect, came awful close in describing Bush's eventual appointee. You read it, and you be the judge of it's overall accurracy.

In August 05, I delved into a little bit of my ancestral heritage as a pagan eccentric in this post I did about my great-great granfather, Ira Wells Senior-Satanist. I never actually met the man, he was long long dead and gone by the time I was born, but this might be proof that certain things are just in the blood.

In September 05, which for the most part was dedicated to rages and rants involving Hurricane Katrina, I took enough time out to conduct a rant against the political correctness agenda of the folks of Court TV, in which I decided that it was more Court TV for Soap Lovers than it was for those actually interested in equal justice or the law.

In October of 05, I decided, after careful consideration, to relate an experiment that I once conducted with marijuana and anise seed essential oil in The Ritual Uses Of Anise. It was an experiment that proved most interesting and provocative. I may have also inadverdently as a result learned the identity of a murderer. Too bad I have no way of proving it.

In November of 05 I was somewhat amazed as well as amused at the spectacle of so many people who were heading to a certain cathedral near Sacremento California, in hopes of viewing, and receiving healing, from the purported miracle of a statue of the Virgin Mary that cried tears of blood. I have never learned exactly what the truth was concerning this, but I did posit a list of very possible reasons as to Why Is Mary Crying.

In December of 05, I decided to be the Al Gore of Kentucky, in an environmental post that I called Pikeville And The Vanishing Mountains.

Janurary of 06 was a boring month, filled with pretty much useless rants, but some good posts as well, but for now I'll stick to this simple little propserity ritual of my own design. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to cut your own hair by candlight at night? Read this and wonder no more.

In February of 06, I uncovered a sinister plan of George W. Bush and the Neo-Cons which he revealed in his State Of The Union Address of that year in what seemed to be an exercise in plausible deniability. Watch out, I declared, for Those Evil Human Animal Hybrids.

In March of 06, I reminisced about the evil plan I could have made my own, but passed up the chance for power, fame and infamy in The Cult That Never Was.

In April of 06 I finally posted the story of Washington DC councilman Jim Graham, Aaron Burr, and the skull of James Wirt in the bizarre mystery I called The Place Of A Skull.

In May of 06 I made the mistake of copying and pasting from my Yahoo Group, Paganbitchslap, a short story that I should have rewritten and posted directly from Blogger, and to Blogger, as the printing is smaller than usual. Still, it's a good short story, in my opinion, though I do probably need to rewrite it. The name says it all, and if you have the stomach you can read here The Curse Of The Pussy Eating Vampire.

In June of 06, I delved into what seems to be the second childhood of Neil Young, as he bemoaned the lack of protest singers. It's the gold records, stupid, I more or less explained in
The Times They Have A' Changed.

Well, that should have been my anniversary post, but why leave well enough alone? Since we're on the subject of celebrities , might as well delve into this July 06 post I did in response to Mel Gibsons drunken anti-Semitic rant, in which I explain the background and historicity of Chrisitian Anti-Semitism in Anti Semitic Conscousness And Consequences.

That brings us to August of 06, and one of my own personal all time favorite posts, in which I extoll the red-blooded, all-American virtues inherent in A Teenage Sexual Fantasy.

Finally, I guess we'll end it with this one post from last month, September 06, in which I come clean and admitted my own past indiscretions-er, sort of-in Confession-MeAnd Debbie LeFave.

Well, so I guess that's it. Happy Birthday to me. Please take the time to read some of this inane crap, and feel free to comment as usual, preferably on this post, about any of them. Your regular readership and friendship, your praise and constructive criticism, is always appreciated. Hell, I think if I was to have you all over for a party some time, I might even have to add an extra room to the house. I must be doing something right.