Jonathon Sharkey insists on his website that he is very serious indeed about his promised Presidential campaign in 2008, despite the fact that his previous run for the governorship of Minnessotta was earlier derailed. Of course, most people that are aware of this individual do not take him seriously. After all, he is a self described Satanic Vampyre and "Hecate Witch", and has vowed to, when elected President, impale all criminals, terrorists and enemies of America on the lawn of the White House, much after the fashion of Vlad "The Impaler" Tepes of Romania.
He promises to rule in the style of this Medieval Prince of Wallachia, upon whom was based the title character of Bram Stokers "Dracula", and has even taken to calling himself Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey. He also, much like Richard Nixon, has an enemies list of personal foes whom he has also vowed to impale upon becomming President. Included on this list is the Speedway Police of Indiana, and all other law enforcement agencies who abuse their positions of authority and prosecute the innocent. The streets will flow with their blood, promises Jonathon.
And to accomplish this goal, his main enforcement agency will not be the FBI or Secret Service, but instead, a group of fellow vampyres that he refers to as The Death Dealers.
Also among the promised targets are American Indians, promising to end their gravy train and make them pay taxes from their casino profits, like everybody else. After all, they did side with the British during the Revolution. No more special privileges for them, by gum.
Add to the list Islamic terrorists, as well as their allies and enablers, as Jonathon promises he will level Mecca with a series of hades bombs.
And of course, there is Mexico, which has raised Jonathon's ire not so much due to illegal immigration as for their treatment recently of Duanne "Mad Dog" Chapman. It was recently decided, by a federal judge, that Chapman should be turned over to Mexico for going into their territory and arresting Andrew Luster, the accussed rapist who had fled the country and sought refuge in Mexico. As Jonathon here makes it clear in his blog
"Additionally, I will have my special elite group of military trained soldiers, capture Mexico’s President, and bring him to The White House. I will torture him, and then Impale him for the entire world to see, what the consequents are if you wrongly imprison an American".
Nor is Jonathon a solitary practitioner of his dark arts. He has recently taken a wife, and has introduced the future First Lady to his fans and followers of his Yahoo group of which, yes, I am a member, and the link to which you can access by clicking on the title of this post. Here he describes their marriage night with all the childlike glee of a teenager describing his first sexual experience:
Greetings My Friends,
I am happy announce that the Vampyre Community has a new member. Tonight I turned my Beloved Wife Spree into a Vampyre.
This was the 3rd feeding upon her, and she feed upon me as well.
She is presently resting in bed (I think she is feeling a pint or two low). I hope those in the Vampyre Community will welcome our newest member with open arms and fangs.
How's every ones weekend going so far?
So there you have it, a Presidential candidate who believes in and practices family values, and doesn't just preach them. Face it, you aren't going to ever hear George and Laura go into any detail about their wedding night, are you? Or, thank God, Bill and Hillary.
Just tonight I sent Jonathonan an e-mail by way of his group in which I suggested that he announce a random drawing for his Vice-Presidential running mate. There would be a registration fee, which might well bring money into the campaign, in addition to added publicity, while making the point that Jonathon is a true man of the people, and has faith in the judgement of the average American citizen over and above that of the elitist corporatist politicians who are the usual candidates for important public office.
No word as of yet from him, though hopefully he will not consider my idea silly or innapropriate for a serious Presidential campaign.
Be that as it may, he is supposed to appear tomorrow on Troop Talk Radio
So there you have it, a Presidential candidate who believes in and practices family values, and doesn't just preach them. Face it, you aren't going to ever hear George and Laura go into any detail about their wedding night, are you? Or, thank God, Bill and Hillary.
Just tonight I sent Jonathonan an e-mail by way of his group in which I suggested that he announce a random drawing for his Vice-Presidential running mate. There would be a registration fee, which might well bring money into the campaign, in addition to added publicity, while making the point that Jonathon is a true man of the people, and has faith in the judgement of the average American citizen over and above that of the elitist corporatist politicians who are the usual candidates for important public office.
No word as of yet from him, though hopefully he will not consider my idea silly or innapropriate for a serious Presidential campaign.
Be that as it may, he is supposed to appear tomorrow on Troop Talk Radio
Who knows, perhaps I might be honored by having him announce my suggestion tomorrow as a part of his campaign.
Personally, I'm calling dibs for Attorney General. There's a few people I wouldn't mind seeing impaled on the White House Lawn. Yeah, I know, I'm not really qualified, but I always say, the best way to learn is by doing.
Personally, I'm calling dibs for Attorney General. There's a few people I wouldn't mind seeing impaled on the White House Lawn. Yeah, I know, I'm not really qualified, but I always say, the best way to learn is by doing.
You'd probably be surprised that I know him personally.
A charming guy underneath the hoopla.
I learned about publicity from him. He is a publicity machine.
Really? Damn, that's interesting. You should do a post about him, Renegade. You know, he used to be a professional wrestler, and went by the name of Rocky Flash. I guess that's where he developed his flair for publicity.
I don't think things went too good for him on his radio appearrance today. He said the hosts were nice, but a lot of the call in listeners complained about him, and finally he had to end his appearrance early.
I think it's great fun myself, but there will never be a shortage of people that just don't have a sense of humor.
However, he really is a "Satanic Vampyre and Hecate Witch", as he describes himself. At least I assume that much is true.
I remember reading about this guy from his governor run.
May sound odd coming from me, but he sounds like just what we need right now! : )
I'm all for an occasional public impaling! Might keep the rest of the punks and goblins in line after awhile.
He's making plans now to make a trip to the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, where he will tell the leaders of those countries of the consequnces when he becomes President if they don't straighten up and fly right.
And he is soliciting members for his special elite corps of "death dealers" to accompany him on this "diplomatic mission". I think I'll pass on that, but I will keep everyone updated on Jonathon over the following months.
1) At this time, my VP Candidates are; Christine Todd-Whitman (R-NJ), Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Elizabeth Dole (R-NC). I want a woman as VP. I am not taking applications with or without a fee!
2) Spree and I were wed on; 4 Nov 06. I decided to turn her, after she asked me to. We did have a very romantic Wedding night, if you must know.
3) Bush while Governor of Texas stated he didn't recognize Wicca nor Paganism as a protected religion. Him and his cronies would burn Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Vampyres and other Kins at the Stake if he could.
At least I will protect the Communities, and allow everyone to worship as they see fit!
4) I have an Attorney General already in mind for the position.
5) UNITY we better stand. Or if we're DIVIDED, we die!
Nel Sangue,
Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey
Jonathon The Impaler Sharkey,
Is nothing more than a con artist.
Woman stalker,and cross dresser. I should know I am his only legal wife (Unfortunately ). He has refused to give me a divorce he is also a dead beat father who has refused to pay any child support, for as long as i can remember it's now been closed to a year or longer and before he would send what he wanted when he wanted to.
He stalked Susan and He stalked me when i first left him
then he shows up at my house in Tampa dressed as a woman, to included fake breasts, and hair cut like Kathy Lee, I told him to get the hell out. That's when he left Indiana and violated probation. He drove all the way to Tampa dressed as a woman. He actually told me, He wanted to get a sex change, But wanted me to continue to live with him in a lesbian relationship to which, I responded that he was crazy.
And left him He abused his own kids and my children from a previous marriage, phisically, when I found out it gave me another reason to leave him. I don't know how many restraining orders I have had to get against this man in New Jersey and Florida. He is mentally unbalanced, And there is no such person as Kat.
That's a persona that he invented and used his poor dead little sisters name. So he could harass women under that name. The man is a full blown psyco, and he is dangerous. How the election board would ever let someone like him run for governor or president is beyond me. They must need to have their heads examine. This man is the worst thing that can happen to any woman or child. And as far as feeding on women and having fangs he is so full of it, He does all this just to get in the spotlight, because he knows people love to chase on drama and lunatics like him. He is nothing more than a Dead Beat Father, who refuses to send his kids child support, and a cross dressing lunatic. That's all the White House would need. Like we don't already have enough problems
But I would love to see him all dressed up for a party at the white house fake breasts and all. It's a hilarious site to behold. He makes the ugliest woman this side of the world.
If you want anymore info you can contact me. 813-420-7247
Thank you
Lourdes-Hi. Is it your daughter that ran away? Or is that something else Jonathon made up out of whole cloth? He mentioned something about a former step-daughter, a teenage girl, running off. Is she all right? Has she been found yet? He mentioned it once and I haven't heard anything else about it, and it's been two or three months ago.
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