If I keep this post to the top of this blog for the next five days, mail a few thousand such announcements to random households in California, and make a few thousand similar calls to citizens of California-men and women-there's a pretty good chance the next election for the governorship of Califoria will end the following way-
First Place-Governor Arnold Swarzeneggar (Republican)
Second Place-Patrick Kelley (Write In Candidate)
Third Place-Phil Angelides (Democrat)
So what exactly did the unbelievably stupid John Kerry think he was going to accomplish to begin with by campaigning for Angelides, a man with as much hope of winning the governorship as Osama Bin Laden has of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize?
More to the point, why did he make the unbelievably idiotic statement at a campaign appearrance for Angelides at a California school to the effect that if you worked hard in school and did well you would not have to worry about being stuck in Iraq?
I think he did the shit on purpose, to tell you the truth. Why? Well, take a look at the people that stand a good chance of being elected to the Senate this year. Most of the Democrats who have a chance to win these races are moderates. Take for example Bob Casey, the Democratic candidate from Pensylvania, some ten points ahead in a race to unseat incumbent Republican Rick Santorum.
Look at Harold Ford Jr. , another moderate who early in his campaign publicly and harshly criticized DNC Chairman Howard Dean for remarks which Ford claimed would drive a wedge between Democrats and the great mass of moderate voters whose support is essential in the winning of most elections, and certainly in national elections.
And there are other moderates, in such places as Montana and Virginia, moderates who are still liberal, or at least left of center, who have a good chance of unseating conservative Republican incumbents. Or they did, until maybe the last couple of days.
Unfortunately, the more liberal Democratic candidates will be less likely to be hurt by Kerrys remarks than such candidates as Casey and Ford and other such more moderate Democrats, who are running in areas where the voters are far more likely to tar them with the association with the likes of Kerry.
That's why I consider Kerry's remarks very suspicous. After all, the potential of a number of moderate Democratic Senators is a threat to more leftist leaning Democrats such as Kerry. They have the potential of moving the party more to the center. If that were to happen, the Democratic Party would become much more competitive nationally, but this would not be a good thing for the likes of Kerry. He would either have to be content to remain a backbencher with little power and influence when it comes to committee assingments, for example, or backing for another potential run for national office , or greater influence on party positions-or, he would have to himself moderate his position, and so look like just another opportunistic two faced politician, which of course we all pretty much know that already.
A large Democratic victory in this years Senate races based on the strength of more moderate candidates would be the death knell for the Kerrys of the party, and I think he just did his part to derail that potentiality. Of course, one good thing is, he has pretty much destroyed whatever slim chance he might have had to be the party's standard bearer in '08, which leaves me to believe that somebody has called in some markers and Kerry has sacrificed his chances in return for something.
Possibly the promise of some future lobbyist position with some liberal PAC, a position which would not be worth much if the party were moved toward the center.
I think a Casey victory in Pennsylvania scares Pro-Choice activists. It's one thing for Santorum to be Pro-Life. It's something all together different for Casey, who is also Pro-Life, to have an influence in the Democratic party, as a Senator. And the same goes for the other moderate Democratic candidates. This is more than just another off-year election. This is a war for control of the soul of the Democratic Party. And those old dinosaurs aren't going to go out without a fight.
Thanks to Liveshot for the picture.
You can keep this up for five days, if you want. But, I for one am curious to hear what you have to say about Ted Haggard and his meth-dealing male prostitute.
Rufus, anytime you don't see a post from me in more than three days, at most, take it for granted I'm having computer or networking problems. Like tonight, for example. I'm glad you brought up Mr. Haggard, it just so happens I was planning to get into that tonight. If not tonight, by tomorrow sometime, I hope.
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