This post is from unspoken request by way of SiteMeter, especially from some unknown reader, or readers, from the Seattle area who seems very interested in the search phrase "Nuns Fucking". Never one to pass up an opportunity, I did a little search of my own, and was amazed at what I found. I now present for the edification of my readers three sterling examples of why the Apostle Paul was full of shit, as was those priests who in about the eighth century or so decided to take him literally, when he said, and I paraphrase, "let a priest be a husband to one wife"
This one wife was interpreted as being, of course, not just one ordinary ol' human bride, but in fact the Catholic Church-the "Bride Of Christ". From this time forward, priests and bishops, in addition to monks and friars, were required to engage in vows of chastity, and swear not to marry.
Over the last few months, the results have become self-evident. Does anybody think this is a relatively recent phenomenon. I don't. Nor do I think it is entirely limited to cases of pedophilia. I never did. In fact, I knew a Priest who was said to have carried on an ongoing sexual relationship with one of the nuns in his docese. Because I do not know this for a fact, or becasue I don't have any proof, I will not mention any names.
But compared to what I have uncovered through the magic of Google, this little affair would have seemed quite innocent.
Take for example the case of Father Carmello Monteros, of Roccalumera, Sicily, a little town near Mesina. Though 70 years of age, he had engaged in a four year affair with 39 year old nun Sister Silvia Gomez De Sousa, who recently caught him in bed with another woman-a married woman-and was so outraged she set fire to his house, and then threatened him with a machete.
She was finally restrained by passers by and the house was saved. At her hearing, she was granted bail by Judge Antonio Gracobello, who probably had a slight degree of pity for the poor woman. Because of the lustful Father, to whom she was also a housekeeper, she had twice had to have an abortion.
That brings us to Oregon, where the Catholic Church has recently been named in a lawsuit by a woman who is seeking child support due to being impregnated by a Priest. The reaction of the Church to this lawsuit is most interesting. According to the article in Fact-Esque:
In 1994, then-Archbishop of Portland William Levada offered a simple answer for why the archdiocese shouldn't have been ordered to pay the costs of raising a child fathered by a church worker at a Portland, Ore., parish. In her relationship with Arturo Uribe, then a seminarian and now a Whittier priest, the child's mother had engaged "in unprotected intercourse … when [she] should have known that could result in pregnancy," the church maintained in its answer to the lawsuit.
Huh? So now the Church is suddenly an advocate of birth control?
Well, considering this story out of Ireland, it might be about time. According to Bishop Beckley, who is the founder of the Bethany Organization-for women who have been involved in sexual relationships with Priests-the common term for a Priests collar on the Emerald Isle is "bird catcher".
Beckely states that at least one out of ten Priests in Ireland have at one time or another betrayed their vows of celibacy by engaging in sexual relationships. He further alleges that if you include the total number of bakcsliding Preists, including those engaged in homosexual rlationships, the toal number of Priests that engage in on-going sexual relationships is something like forty percent.
As you might well imagine, Father Beckley is not looked on to kindly by the Catholic hierarchy.
But how I wonder do they justify all this? Let's see, they are the Representatives of Christ. They are married to the Church. So, if a female parishioner is a part of that "Body of Christ"-well, I guess it would only be adultery if she was a Baptist, Methodist, etc. Now, of course, they have to xplain the young boys, but I think I've got that figured out. It's called, when you openly pursue a policy whereby you don't allow your Priests to marry, just exactly what kind of person do you think you are going to attract to the Priesthood?
The answer, of course, is on the one hand, a bunch of people that don't take it seriously, and on the other hand, a bunch to whom it is irrelevant.
Kudos to TechnOrgasmic for the photo.
Yeah, I love how not only does the church suddenly support birth control when it could save their ass, but that it was the woman's fault for not thinking of it.
Cheddarina-exactly, and the operative word here is "the Church", as in the hierarchy, as oppossed to just a number of backslding lay members,which would be bad enough.
There are 100,000 people in the US, who claim to have been molested by a priest. There is a documentary that is coming to the theaters about that.
Sally Field was the greatest nun, "The Flying Nun".
Renegade-The Flying Nun will probably be coming to a theatre near you as well, what with all the tv movie remakes, I just hope they make it into a supernatural thriller instead of a comedy, and have the nun have an affair. Maybe she can investigate that Priest that was her superior on the show for molestation.
Hell I think I'm onto something here. As the plot progresses she uncovers the buried trauma that she, in fact, was molested by the Priest, and this somehow in combination with her faith caused her to develop her flying powers.
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