Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Finally, My Blogroll

I never thought I would ever get around to it, but I finally done it, added a Blogroll to this site. I know it seems like I’ve been talking about it forever, to the point where I would almost be willing to bet that some people here and there, when I talked about it, would probably start rolling their eyes.

Still, like I explained, I wanted to take some time, and made sure I put on nothing but quality sites, which means I required myself to traverse the Internet until I found what ended up being more than I actually thought I would find, to be honest. In fact, I didn’t put all the good sites up that I found, though I might add some more later.

To begin with, I wanted a balance of political ideology, and at the same time I wanted sites that went beyond mere political discourse. Being a pagan myself, naturaly I wanted to find some worthwhile pagan blogs, and here again, I found more than I thought I would.

In addition to quality, I wanted something that updated on a fairly regular basis, that allowed readers comments (though I did make a few exceptions, reluctantly) and that wasn’t too stringent on comment moderation.

Also, I didn’t want to end up putting way too many sites up. After all, I have been to a lot of blogs, and I have seen some blogrolls that I know had to have numbered in the hundreds. I just wanted to keep it small, or at least moderate, for the time being. I like the set-up of Blogrolling, incidentally. Once you get the hang of what they are al about, and what you are doing, it’s a whiz. Getting that hang is the problem. But, I got it, finally. I like the way a blog that has recently been updated will show you this with the word new beside it, though I might have to adjust the timing on that particular feature.

I also like the layout choices you get. You can arrange them in groups of whatever number you prefer, so I arranged mine in groups of four, in alphabetical order.

At any rate, that is why I went a whole week without updating my Blog, I wanted to finally take the time to invest in some research into exactly what kinds of blogs I wanted to include. Overall, I am well satisfied with the finished product. There are a few more, as I said, that I might add later on. The Huffington Post is one probabal addition I might add in the near future. Maybe a few more, as the mood strikes, but for the most part what new ones I add will be new discoveries, and I intend to keep them to one hundred or less.

But for now, I think I have just about the right number. If you made it here, consider yourself special. There are few things in the universe I have higher regard for than my own eye for literary or journalistic quality.

Technorati Tantrums-Or, Why I (Sometimes) Hate American Big Business

Two sites I have almost decided I can definitely do without are Site Meter and Technorati. Why? The simple, short answer is, they have no respect or appeciation for the value of their customers time. True, they are both “free sites”, so in a sense you could make the argument I don’t really have a complaint coming. Or, I could stop being the fucking cheap ass that I am and pay for the upgraded versions of both sites. But this isn’t so much about the sites themselves as much as it is what I consdier to be the reaon for their shoddy, poor service, especially Technorati. And, while I’m at it, I might as well add yet a third offender to my list of oppressive sites-Yahoo Mail.

I have spent an hour today, at least going back and forth between these three sites and have accomplished next to nothing. I’ll take that back. Somehow, though it took superhuman reserves of patience, I managed to keep from tearing my hair out. It was an effort though.

So what is the problem with these sites? And why is Tehnorati generally the worse of the three? The problem, in my opinion, can be answered with just one word-advertisements.

The next time you are on one of these sites, or any other “free” site, for that matter, notice how long it takes a fucking page to load. Notice what happens if you, out of frustration, click on a link before that page completes loading. Notice what happens when you angrily click on that link three or four times in sucession.

In the first case, the more complicated the ad, if it ever eventually appears, the longer it takes the page to load. If you end up with an ad that is flashing or rotating or doing any number of crazy things meant to reach out and grab yourattention, you are in for a real problem. You see, if you fail to wait to see the ad in it’s entirety, you quixkly find, in a lot of cases, you are a captive audience. And you have no choice but to wait, or back out of the page, with the hopes, as often or not the vain hope, that you can start all over and the bug will straighten itself out. Alas, this is all too often not the case.

All too often, you will get a page that will urge you to try again, the page is not loading, the site might be too busy, the page was reset, etc. The best thing to do is not to click on the little tab at the bottom of this box, more often than not, on most of thesesites, you wil just get a repetition of the first time. The best thing to do is back out of the page, then try again. And this, unfortuately, is where Technorati becomes the worse of a bad, sorry bunch. It’s almost impossible to back out of these motherfuckers. It’s like they have purposely set up their site so as not to allow you to do that. You may well end up having to just x out, then start al over again. Good luck. If you haven’t given up in disgust by now, you are either a real trooper, or a real gluttonfor punishment.

But this is only the beginning of Techoratis lack of professionalism. I sent an angry e-mail off to them once, about a coupl of weeks ago, compainng about their slowness, and in particular pointing out to that they could afford to cut down on their steps they make you gp through to arrive at any given page. I also pointed out that I, for one, tended to not look kindly on businesses that set up their advertisements insuch a way as to make me waste my time, which is valuable to me, and that maybe they might want to point that out to their advertisers. I mean, it should be a simple matter to tool these ads in such a way that it doesn’t take you forever to get from page to page, right?

Well, since then,the people of Technorati have demonstrated exactly what dicks they are, and can be. I have made two updates since that time, and have been credited for neither one. The last update for The Pagan Temple, was, in fact, almost a month ago, according to them, the last time I WAS ABLE TO CHECK. Yet, my true last update was not quite two weeks ago. They are refusing to reflect the accurracy of my updates on their pages. That is called being childish dicks. Because I contacted them to lodge acomplaint, I am being punsihed. I am being given the cold shoulder.

Site Meter is not really much better, in the speed department. I used to have to wait tow or three minutes for this one fucking ad to load before I could proceed, wit any assurrance of moderate speed. When it finally loaded, it was more often than not an ignorant amateur quality film of some fat ass bitch with a dog on a leash, who suddenly lurches forward and pulls hr flying into the air. The only thing funny about this, to me, was that it was supposed to be funny, so much so that you should want to pay to download this and other such crap from whatever company this was. What wasn’t a bit funny was the time I had to spend waitingfor this tripe before I could proceed.

Thankfully, that ad has been removed, doubtless through lack of interest. But that has not solved the problem with site-meter. Now, the worse offender on this site is from It also has sites from Napster and Coke, but thankfully they aren’t as bad as Monster.

In general, I have a philosopy. If a company pisses you off, don’t patronize them. And I for one encourage everyone who has experienced these difficulties to adhere to that philosophy. It says a lot about American business that they think so little of their prospective customers time. For so long, American business had the entire American population all to themselves, and in the heyday of America business competition, this encouraged a rush to come up with the best possible product. Over time, however, American business grew ever greedier, and worse, ever lazier. American consumers began to pay more and more for less and less. “The customer is always right” philosophy became gradually replaced by,” if you don’t like it fuck you”.

So the American consumer began buying Toyota, and General Motors and Ford blamed the unions for their problems. And they still haven’t learned. They still are working under the asumption that the American public is a captive audience, and if they can force us to sit throug their fucking commercials, whether we like it or not, whether this is on television, or now the internet, somehow their messages will resonate into our subconscous despite ourselves. They actually think, what is worse, that we can be brainwashed into accepting inferior quality, while they pay their workers less, and at the same time their CEOs and other corporate bigwigs draw ever bigger salaries, and wreck the environment in the process. What’s the big surprise about that? They pollute the airwaves, and bandwidth, the same way they posion the earth, air, and water.

At times, I think they don’t merely advertise on sites like Technorati, I think they own them

Jolie Will Dump Pitt, Marry Bono

Angelina Jolie and husband Brad Pitt have recently reftuned to their California mansion courtesy of the private jet of Tom Cruise, at a cost of 250,000 dollars. In the meantime, Cruise is reportedly engaging in an attempt to proselityze the coupleto the rlgion of Scientology. No word as of yet as to the degree of interest expressed by either Jolie or by Pitt, who is soon to begin filming yet a second sequel of the poular movie series Oceans Eleven.

So, in true pagan witch fashion, I’m going to do something a little different from the ordinary, for me, I’m going to make a prediction as to the future of these celebrities the world can’t seem to ever get enough of.

Jolie, I feel, will express some initial interest in Cruises attempts at conversion, but wil quickly coo to the idea. Pitt, however will maintain a degree of interest, to the point that he may well end up finding himself swept up in the movement, if a little bit at a time.

If true, this may not bode too well for his relationship with Angelina, who aside from an occassional mvie and her African charity work wants no more than to be a mother. In fact, she has expressed an interest in one day having yet more children.

Not that the two will just drift apart from lack of interest. Far from it. Pitt will find himself ever more drawn to keep their two worlds as much as one as possible, but alas, it just isn’t meant to be. He may find himself becoming more and more possessed by the ghost of Tom Cruse, to the dismay of our heroin, who will seek silent refuge in other friendships, and in her work for United Nations African charities.

And it is through this that she will meet her future true love of the year-the Irish rock star Bono. Really, who could possibly make the more perfect couple? I say their wedding is a virtual assurrance, if for no other reason than being a calculated publicity marriage which would garner an amount of attention second only to that of Prince Charles and Diana. Cruse will be at the wedding that he inadverdently helped bring about. Pitt, who will have by now settled into an reserved acceptance of thesituation, will not be in attendance. He will probably, however, take the opportunity at this time to promote his latest movie, havig by now made a number of mostly forgettabel ones of mostly moderate box office success. This one wil turn out like his present and soon to be ended marriage. A lot of promise, a lot of hype-but in the end, a flop.

Not that he won’t try to salvage the relationship, but perhaps not in the best of ways. Word will get to him of the ever growing bonds between Bono and Jolie, and he will come to realize that a then current U2 hit had been written by Bono as a romantic ode to Jolie. He will eventually confront the two in a bistro, and an altercation will ensue, resulting in Bono having a teeth-or a cap-knocked loose, before they are seperated by their security personnel. This will happen indoors, at a posh club, free from the pryings of the papparazi, which will initiate a lawsuit against owners of clubs that ban cameras and recording equipment inside their environs, one that will be summarilly and huffily dismissed.

Cruse will try to patch things up between the two, to no avail. Within a period of a few short moths of this event, the by now legally seperated couple will finalize their divorce. Two months or thereabouts later, Bono and Jolie will be married.

The two of them can then travel the world together, meeting with heads of state and advocating on behalf of various African initiatives of pressing urgency. They will adopt many African children, and will have some of their own, and will even establish their own village there, a self sustaining enterprise devoted to feeding, clothing, and educating the poor of Africa, and becoming a center for medical treatment and research. They will receive myriad humanitarian awards, including a Nobel Prize.

Pitt and Cruses friendship will soon falter, and they too will go their seprate ways, following a shared movie flop disaster. Cruse will then devote his time to his by now legally insane wife, in the aftermath of at least two half-hearted suicide attempts, while Pitt will hit the Broadway, and then the Dinner Theatre, circuits.

In the meantime, Jennifer Anniston and her then current husband, will maintain their status as Hollywoods most boring couple.

The Private Life Of Laura Bush

There are times when the silliness of Washington descends to the level of a Hollywood gossip magazine. Still, I have to admit, it’s fun, if pointless, to join in on the speculation as to the priate life of public figures. Lately, certain people have made much ado about the nothing, that could be something, pertaining to Laura Bush’s recent excusions to a Washington area hotel, the Mayfield, where she spent at least one night.

Curious though this is, I find even more amusing the conclusions some have jumped to pertaining to George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice. Actually, they are late to the bandwagon on which I have been neary the lone rider for months. I’ve always wondered at the degree of closeness between Rice and Bush, though this can be traced back really to the elder President Bush, who established a murual friendship and loyalty for Rice that goes back to possibly H. W.’s days as Vice-President., or maybe before, and seems to have originally been based on her credentials as a Soviet expert and scholar.

Still, Boy George is indeed fond of Ms. Rice, and may in fact be as much of a rock to the Presidents emotional stability as is his wife. So yes, there could be something here. Or, there might not be. Whichever, it’s a little much to reach this conclusion based solely on the appearrance fo Laura Bush at a hotel, which could have come about for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are innocent. Some not so innocent. Some, if they turned out to be he case, would be disturbing, could even be sisister. I now present to you my list fo possibilities for Laura Bushs brief stay at the Mayfield Hotel.

  1. This put her in convenient proximity either to an early morning function or event that she was due to attend, or to transportation to same.
  2. A great many of her personal quarters were in the process of being renovated.
  3. Some important official though closed function was on-going at the White House, one of a serious nature, and for whatever reason she did not want to be around.
  4. There have been recent figures at the White House she is having a problem with, may be uncomfortable around, or even greatly dislike.
  5. Her and Bush could indeed have been fighting over any numbers of issues, singly or in combination.
    1. His womanizing, his aduterous sexual daliances, with Rice or others
    2. His dry drunk temperament, which can be arrogant, and possibly even physically, emotionally, and/or verbally abusive.
    3. He may have actualy resumed drinking, which under the circumstances would not be a shock.
  6. This is potentially the most serious. She could discover that Bush is ideed culpable in any number of questionable, illicit, or immoral activities. She may be distraught at this, angry at it, or just desirous to distance herself from any involvement in it.
  7. Finally, here is the one explanation which, though seemingly the most unlikely, is possibly the one I most like to imagine, and I can’t understand why no one else has thought of it. And I do not intend to beat around the bush (honestly, no pun intended) about it. This reason:


I mean, come on, look at her. Forget she’s Bush’s wife. If you were a straight man-wouldn’t you? Who the hell wouldn’t, honestly? Do you honestly think the thought never occurred to Teddy Kennedy, when they were working together on Bush’s second rate at best education proposal, early on in his administration? Or Clinton?

I’m telling you, this is one hot fucking woman, in my opinion, and I would be willing to put money on the notion that her and Bush’s sex life has been all but non-existent over the last few years of his Presidency.

Okay, I admit, it’s not likely, but it damn sure isnt impossible. It’s likely, however, not to be a political opponent of the Presidents, though,come to think of it, what better way to stick it to Bush than by sticking it inhis wife. More than likely, though, if she has been engaging in such shenanigans, it is with nobody of any importance, probably no public figures, no friends of the Presidents.

Come to think of it, though, what better way to gain support for a Presidential initiative, or whatever Bush might needs support for, than by fixing up a potential, sought after ally with-but no, nevermind.

It’s probably a foolish idea. Laura Bush would, no matter where she was at, have no chance to engage in sexual dalliances, with anybody, no matter how high up and well placed, or how ordinary and commonplace.

After all, she is constantly surrounded everywhere she goes.

By Secret Service Agents.

Jersey Girls And Adams Apples

Ann Coulter has to a great many finally stepped well over the line of good taste, but she don’t mind, it seems. In fact, it could well be argued that she prefers that position. In her recent book, Godless, she has placed the widows of 9/11 on the same par as Cindy Shehan, yet another set of poster children that can speak for the liberal philosophy in such a way that the average conservative can not dare to question their integrity or motivations. Of course, making such an insinuation to Ann Coulter is like throwing red meat to the wolves, and Ann Coulter is ravinish in her displays of contempt for all matters liberal, and for those liberals who promote them-nomatter who they are.

On a recent appearrance on the Today Show, however, she seemed genuinely stunned, and even thrown off balance, by the questions of Matt Lauer. She never quite recovered from his acussations of insensitivity to the 9/11 widows, though she insisted that their loss, their grief, did not give them a free pass to, for example, support John Kerry in the last Presidential race, and not be questioned for it.

But what she never explained to my satisfaction is exacty why they should not have a right to support any position they choose, without having their integrity questioned. She made some vaque remark about being used by either the Demcoratic Party, or the Far Left, or both, as though they were purposely sought out, recruited for this, much like Cindy Shehan seems to have been recruited by Micharel Moore and, after having initially met with Presidnt Bush and expressed a belief that he was sincere in his grief for the loss of her son Cassey.

In Shehans example, one could conceivaby make such a case. In the case of the 9/11 widows, however, she offers no evidence of any kind of collussion, of any kind of opportunism, other than the evidence of what she considers the apparent symptoms, that being their support for Democrats and their oppossition to the policies for the Bush Administration.

Well, the only problem with that idea is, a lot of times what might appear to be the symptom of one ailment might well turn out to prove to be something entirely different. And, sometimes, a symptom that might obviously point to one malady might in fact turn out to be just what it is.

An example of the first deceptive type of symptom might be what has been construed to be an adams apple that adorns theneck of Ms. Coulter, which some wags have suggested is an indication that Ann Coulter in reality is, or at one time was, “Mann Coulter”. A cleverly ingenious satire of this theory is to be read in this article. Of course, the adams apple is either not truly an adams apple, or if it is, it is an obvious anomaly, perhaps some kind of birth defect, which is a misleading symptom, one pointing toward a different explanation than tothis one that is often profferred in satire, more often than not malicoulsy so.

An example of the second type of symptom might be applicable to these particular widows of the 9/11 disasters. Until proven otherwise, it should just be surmised that their liberal sympathies might be an indication of-surprise, surprise-they are democrats, with a liberal predisposition. Nothing more, nothing less. In some cases it may or may not be at least a partial result of the 9/11 disaster that they sufferred through so traumatically. That is certainly understandable, if so.

And, it is fine to disagree with their position. It is quite another thing to question their motivations, or their integrity.

The Love And Reality Of Nicholas Berg

I was all prepared to disparage a letter recently written by the father of the late Nicholas Berg, the unfortunate young American who two years back had been brutally executed by the terrorist thug Zarqawi, based on having read two or three lines of excerpts from the letter, in which he seemed to express disdain for President Bush, blaming him for his sons death, while seeming to not only forgive his sons killers, but to offer some seeming degree of sympathy towards them.

Then, I got around to reading the letter. The entire letter. And let me say, this is a perfect example of how merely reading two or three carefully chosen lines can serve to cause you to see these lines completely, or at least somewhat, out of context.

This is a man that is obviously, to this day, heart sick over the loss of the son he so loved and admired, and this comes through in the letter, at least it did to me. And he is obviously to a degree correct in assigning a great lot of the blame for his sons death to Bush and his Neo-Con crowd, to the extent that it has become obvious quite some time ago the war was an unnecessary diversion from, not an integral part of, the war on terror, and more importantly, was entered into ill-advisedly, without the proper planning, troop levels, and supplies, amd may have been enterered into on the strength of false allegations, if not outright deceptions on the part of various members of the Bush Administration.

Still, that does not explain exactly what his son was doing there to begin with. Nicholas Berg was not in Iraq in any sort of offical capacity. He was not even there as a part of a recognized contactural enterprise such as Halliburton. He was, in effect, a free agent, on his own, travelling about the country with no degree of protection or any kind of assistance. He believed too strongly, it seems, in the innate goodness of all mankind, that he could be a force for peace and understanding, in at least a small way. It seems to have never occurred to him how it might look to a typical Arab Muslim, for an American Jew to be travelling their country in an attempt to make money in the aftermath of the American overthrow of their government.

Nicholas Berg had some admirable, if in this case misplaced qualities, and doubtless he derivedsome of these attributes from his family upbringing. Perhaps it is understandable that the senior Mister Berg can’t bear to look at his own contribution to his own sons demise, in what seems to have amounted to a suicde mission for peace, only conducted by a person unwilling, and perhaps as unprepared and ill-equipped to face the realities of the situation as were the American forces in those initial first months.

Yes, all parties bear some share of the burden for the death of Nick Berg, but none more so than Nick Berg himself. I hope his father, for his own sake, can come to grips with this reality, and find some solace in his sons life and beliefs, his dreams, out of place though they were in this one instance, fatally so.

He also did not totally forgive Zarqawi and his band of merry murderers. He called them what they were, thugs and killers. Yet, in the aftermath of the death fo Zarqawi, I find it interesting,the comparison he made to Bush and to these heinous men. Bush,he said, never looked into his sons eyes. His sons killers did, and he felt certain that, in those brief last few minutes, after having spent so much time with him, they knew they had a good man in their midst, and, in those last few seconds, a part of them regretted, did not enjoy, taking his life.

But actually, they did take his life, bottom line. Furthermore, having viewed the film of his execution, for the first time it was shown up to the exact second Zarqawi began hacking into Bergs neck with that thick, dull blade. They pounced on him, pinning him to the ground, in a manner of seconds. It was like releasing hungry lions in the vicinity of a helpless moose, one they had been restrained from for several weeks, while salivating over it.

Killers who respect their prey, to even a small degree, tend to be somewhat merciful. There was nothing merciful about Zarqawis sadistic execution of Nicholas Berg. Maybe one day the elder Berg will be able to come to grips with the reality of his sons true fate. But I can’t really fault him much for not being able to deal with it right now, or for that matter, if he ever does.

The Death Of Al Zarqawi

Americans have good reason to applaud the death of Abu Mussaub Al Zaquari, and many of them have. This is true even among many of the Far Left, though with reservations, in many cases. The death of this vile human cancer, unfortunatly, may be somewhat like the removal of a tumor that has already metastisized, and spread. The major harm that he may have been doing, however, was not merely to any potential middle east peace hopes, which are already slim at best, but to the reputation of Al-Queda as a force for the protection of Islam in the hearts and minds of a good many Arab Muslims, at least among the more traditionalist minded Sunni populations.

His targeting of not only Shi’ite but Sunni civilians, particularly in Jordan, but in Iraq as well, and the massive causalties among all Arabs that he was to a large degree creditied for, had earlier brought about a reprimand from number two Al-Queda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri, who cautioned him that he might be turning Muslims against the cause in ever increasign numbers.

Yet, not too long before his ultimate demise, Al-Zawahiri issued a videotape, in which he briefly mentioned Zarqawi as a valued friend and ally of the cause. This almost can be construed as a cover to hide any involvement in the procss by which the Jordanian terrorist mastermind was betrayed to the American forces by a close associate, who informed him of Zarqawis whereabouts.

Hopefully, the 25 million dollar bounty that this informant would have been entitled to will not by him be turned over to some degree to the Al-Queda organization. Even two or three million dollars, to say nothing of ten or twenty million, would greatly serve to bolster and enhance any one ongoing terrorist cell operation, whether that might be in Iraq, Europe, or here in the US.

It would certainly go a long way toward possibly enabling the cancer that is a metastises of fundamentalist Islam to seek to engage in it’s own brand of radiation and/or chemical therapy.

Despite this, no one should question that it is a good thing that this vile excuse for a human beig has been destroyed, and there can be no question that he has been. Yet, some have questioned it, wondering aloud how it is that the DNA tests that confirmed his identity were done at a far more rapid rate than would normally be the case, a matter of a couple of days as oppossed to the two week orlonger process that isusualy required. I can only assume that samples of his DNA have all ready been tested and compared, which made the process much easier than normal.

Nor do I take too seriously reports that Zarquawi, initialy alive, was brutaly beaten upon his recovery by the American forces. In fact, I absolutely don’t believe it in the least. The troops who recovered Zarqawi were relativly fresh, the operation amounting to the mere dropping of two five hundred pound bombs on his hideout. There was no huge, high pitched, hard scale battle to force up the adrenaline of American soldiers to dangerous levels, so there would be no reason to suppose that their professionism was compromised, as it may have been in a handful of unusual cases.

The worse thing about all this is, it may be too little too late. Someone will rise to take Zarqawi’s place as leader of Al-Queda in Iraq, though hopefully this will be someone without the former leaders operational and planning skills, charisma, and brutality. At any rate, the violence is likely to continue, and may temprorarily even worsen as his followers seek to exact revenge as a statement of their unwillingness to surrender. They will continue, and will make that obvious.

Still, operations already in the works have been compromised by the discovery of computers, hard drives intact, which seem to have vital information stored. Also, Zarqawis main focus, the driving of further wedges between Shias and Sunnis, in the hopes of instigating all out civil war between them in Iraq, may as well have been serously thwarted, at least in the long run.

But for the time being, there is going to be little apparent difference.

The Politics Of Murtha

In one very surprising move, Pennsylvania House of Representatives member John Murtha has announced he intends to run for the postion of Democratic House Leader, which would make him House Majority Leader shoud the Dems take over the House after this falls election.

It couldn’t be bad for the Democrats if he were to win, in fact it might signal a return to control by the faction that made the Democratic Party great, back when they actually legitimately represented the dreams and hopes of average working class Americans, a class which now has little to no legtimate representation by either of the major parties. But, the fact that current Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, a longtime friend and sometime ally of Murtha, has offerred no known objection to his intentions to run, demonstrates that, if true, she is not too worried over the prospect.

I tend to wonder if Murtha might not be eyeing an even bigger prize-a potential second spot on the Democratic 1908 Presidential ticket, possibly behind Hillary Clinton.

It would certainly explain his recent out of character behavior. The usually hawkish Congressman, known to be heavily pro-military, has come out forcefully against the slaughter at Haditha, well before all the facts were actually known. Of course, if the facts as presented are correct, it is not only the politically correct thing to do-it is the right thing to do. Yet, Murtha seems to have arrived at his conclusions before all these facts were legitimately validated, and the fact that he has done so publicly is even more stunning than his earlier pronoucemnts against the war he had early on so strongly initially supported.

Of course, Murtha, as he pointed out, has the trust of the top military brass, in addition to the rank and file military personnel, so he is in a position to know the facts, more so than most, certainly more than most if not all Democrats. And this I can assure you would be the major point to be made for his inclusion in any Dmeocratic Presidential ticket.

He has gravitas as a Demcorat noted as a friend of the military, one strong on national security,the military, and defense related issues. And, thanks to his positons over the last year, particularly now, he could conceivably be someone the left wing of the party can not only accept, but maybe even heartily endorse.

Patrick Buchanan On Immigration And Bilbray versus Bisbey

One of the strangest about faces I have ever known of occurred last week on the PBS news show, The McLaughlin Group, a featured regular of which is conservative pundit Patrick Buchanan. As someone who has hrough the years been ver vocieferous as to the dangers of ilegal immigration, yo would think that he would be among the first to tout the recent defeat of Democrat Diane Bisbey in the San Diego area special election for U.S. House of Representatives by the Republican Bilbray.

This had all the earmarks of a classic political upset, and comeback. Initially, Bilbray was far behind Bisbey in the polls. However, when Bisbey made a number of ill-advised statements concerning the legal rights of illegal immigrants being on the same level as that of not only legalized immigrants and naturalized citizens, but of American citizens in general, Bilbray pounced on this, particularly playing up apparrent Bisbeys suggestion that undocumented immigrants should even have the same voting rights.

Though Bilbray was accussed by the left of playing the race card, a case could be made that he was merely playing the hand he had been rather clumsily dealt by Bisbey. There was even a falling out with Arizona Senator John McCain, and a scheduled appearrance for Bilbray was canceled at the last minute.

Bilbray was in effect voicing support for the US House of Representatives version of the immigration bill, which is much more stridently pro border security than the Senate version favored by McCain, and President Bush, which is more oriented toward a long term goal of working out a goal of eventual citizenship for illegal aliens, while containing more modest support for border security enforcement in comparison with the House version. The Senate wants to take an incremental approach, and a simultanoeus one, to both, while the House is more adamant that border security should be implemtented first, and as quickly as is possible.

The result, of course, is that the election was turned on it’s head. Bilbray won, by a margin of about ten per cent, in the first election in at least recent memory that such a margin has been termed, by media pundits and Pro-immigration advocates, as modest.

Despite this, when this reality was pointed out, Buchanan, during last weeks segment of McLaughlin, chuckled at the suggestion, and then went on to suggest that the big untold story of the election was the taxation factor.

It was incredible for me to witness this, and makes me wonder about Buchanans motivations. After all, why would the taxation issue on it’s own make a heavily favored Bisbey lose an election by as great a margin that she was in some cases favored by? Why would this not have manifested in the earlier polls, i which she was heavily favored? Why would Bilbrays supporters suddenly remember the tax issue, seemingly at the last minute, while ignoring the hot button issue of illegal immigration that was in reality the focal point of the election?

Has Buchanan sold out on this issue? If so, it is an amazing turn of events. He has campaigned, as a Prsidential third party candidate, and to a large degree this was one of his major issues od concern, as far back as the year 2000, when he ran as the candidate for the Reform Party. Also, he, like Michele Malkin, has made apppearrances, lectured, and even wrote books expressing his concern about the matter. That is why for him, of all people, to deny the implications of this California special election, is so incredible.

The only question that remains is, if he has sold out, then for what-and to whom?

Bears, In And Out Of The Woods

There have been a lot of bear sightings in Eastern and Souteaster Kentucky lately, and visitors and residents have been appropriately warned against feeding them. More ominously, they have been advised to not leave food out in the yards, either in garbage cans, or even dog food, fo rvery long at a time. A lot of these bear sightings have, in fact, been not in the woods, but in peoples yards.

Amazingly, one area resident in the course of a local television news report expressed the pinion that the return of bears to Southeastern Kentucky was good for the area.

Oh, really? Good for who, I wonder? Good for hikers and campers to the area? Hard to see how. In fact, the more the bear population profligates, the less of them I see coming to the area, and what ones do, the less time I envision them spending. So, it can’t be that good for the local communities, which to a large extent are dependant on tourism, while not as of yet having the facilities that might be afforded in more popular areas such as the Smoky Mountains. Thus, there is not the degree of monitoring of either the tourist population, or that of the bears.

Or perhaps he was referring to the hunters who might be attracted to the propect of a weekend bear hunt, while availing themselves of the comfort of a forrest hunting lodge. Well, Kentucky is not quite as advanced as Romania, in that regard, and bear hunting so is illegal. In fact, it is illegal to kill bears, for any reason, including, evidently, in self-defense.

A year or so ago, a Kentucky native was awakened by the sound of what turned out to be a large bear trying to tear his way into his front door, presumably in an effort to get to his dog. The homeowner killed the bear, shot him several times, and was almost immediately charged with a violation. Suppossedly he should have ran out the bak door and got away, and returned after the bear had satisfied his primeval urges. The bear, you see, at least i Kentucky, is a protected species. This story faded from the news after some time, and I don’t know how it ever turned out, whether it was settled, the charges were dropped, or whether he was quietly fined or jailed or both. All I know for a fact is, the local news stopped covering the story.

At any rate, any propsective hunter of bears would be advised to start out from Bucharest, as oppossed to Buckhorn.

The only other advantage I see to the burgoning bear population is the potential environmental impact. They do indeed provide a necessary balance of nature, and help to thin out the herds of deer, and now elk, that mght otherwise defoliate the forrest areas. Hunters, of course, have helped nicely in this regard, it’s hard to see how bears are that much of a necessity.

Still, I will concede that they do make a vital addition to any forrest eco-system, under ordinary circumstances. Unfortunately, these days, the Kentucky forrests are becoming more and nore denuded by the encroaching of civilization, and by the stated need of mountain communities to expand beyond their traditional environs. Thus, in addition to many moutains being levelled,there are less and less forrests being restored, and less and less original land contours being maintained. This means, of course, that there is ever less land to provide for ever more bears. So, if you live in Eastern or Southeastern Kentucky, you can soon expect to see them in a backyard near you.

Of course, I guess you could make the minimal argument that the less people there are that go traipsing about in the woods, the less likely there are to be forrest fires due to carelessnenss, or outright arson. The only problem with that is, the kindof people that are either low down or stupid enough to engage in this kind of reckless behavior are precisely the kind that would love to set out food for the bears, no matter how often they are advised as to the dangers of such activity.

No, an increase of the bear population is not a good thing for Southeatern Kenucky. A moderate number in keeping with availiability of habitat is a good thing, no doubt. But too much fo a good thing quickly turns from being beautiful and interesting, into dangerous and wreckless.

The Great Fire Of Livingston Kentucky

When a raging, out of control fire destroys a business, home, or organization, as recently happenned in Livington Kentucky, there is not much that can be done but to salvage what mght remain, with an eye to rebuilding and eventually starting all over again. If that person, business, or organization has insurance, good isurance, and that insurance pays off in a timely and honorable manner, then the recovery can be a relatively swift, if not all togther painless, process.

If the home, business, or organization does not have insurance, however, then that is a different story. The recovery process will take much longer, will be that much more painful and stressful, and might even require the aid of some charitable undertaking.

Perversely, it was precisely the lack of insurance, and thus the need for a charitable funding drive, that was the direct cause of the fire that destroyed one of the most important organizations within the city of Livingston Kentucky. This organization, in an effort to raise money, had the intention of having a fish fry, and to that end, had acquired a fish fryer, evidently a deep fryer, which it tested, and then stored overnight in their building.

What happenned one night, the night of the fire, is a little murky. Maybe the machine had faulty wiring, and in the course of the testing got way too hot, or maybe someone had accidentlly left the machine plugged in, though thinkig it was turned off. Maybe there was enough grease inside the machine that it overheated and began to burn, becoming both a grease fire and perhaps causing an electrical fire at the same time.

Whatever happenned, by the time the fire was discovered, and finally extinquished, a great deal of damage had been done, in fact it was almost total destruction. The organizations building was all but destroyed, as well as most of the equipment. One thing that was greatly damaged, though evidently not destroyed beyond repair, was the organizations one vehicle.

As for the fish fry, that would still be on, though it would probably be delayed. Unfortunately, the object of the fish fry would now be geared toward not the continuing of operations, but in rebuilding. It was just too bad, very unfortuate, that the City of Livingston Volunteer Fire Department found itself unable to put out the blaze.

Luckily, the fire truck seems not to have been that badly damaged.

A Clark County Murder Trial

David Dressman is a young man in his early twenties, who might be looking at the prospect of spending the next twenty years or more of his life in prison, if convicted of the charge of murdering Dianne Snelling, the mother of his girlfriend, Stefanie Olsen. Stefanie was herself recently convicted of the charge, and has herself begun serving twenty years for her part in the murder, which she was complicit in instigating for, according to prosecutors, the urge to be free of her mothers dominaton, while at the same time acquiring what would have been her rightful inheritance of a 200,000 dollar life insurance policy.

Still, as of today, a monkey wrench might have conceivably been thrown into the works by the testimony of Timothy Crabtree, Dressmans and Olsens alleged accomplice, who early on in the case plea bargained for a six year sentence, in return for agreeing to admit to his involvement and to that of the other two defendants.

In court today, he testified that he was coerced into making these statements, it was the only way he could get this reduced sentence. He went on to state that he had no part in the crime, and knew of no role by Dressman and Olsen in it as well. The prosecution was aware of this, it’s not like they were blindsided, but they explained their decision to call him by saying it was the only way they could call to the stand a former cellmate of Crabtrees, who told of his confession to the crime.

Crabtree was upset, even crying at times, according to the informant, and expressed concern as to Dressmans ability to hold up, fearful that Dressman would in fact do as he ended up doing-testifying for the state against him and Olsen, in return for a lesser sentence. He even proposed killing Dressman, and then disposing of his body, on the land owned by his cellmates parents.

Still,the fact that this is a jailhouse informants testimony will of course call into question the integrity and motivations of this witness. If Dressman is inexplicaby found innocent of the crime, can a retrial for Stefanie, and possible acquital on appeal, be far behind. It seems unlikely, yet certainy possible.

Dianne Snelling was murdered three years ago in her Clark County Kentucky home. She was stabbed twenty-seven times. When a friend of Dressman and Olsens informed them of Dianes murder, they were both high on pot. According to her, Dressman seemed visibly shaken, upset. Olsen, however, seemed deathly calm, and even cold. Not exactly an expert psychological testimony, true. Still, it is chilling.

Friday, June 02, 2006

They Wait In Darkness

I just saw a report on the NBC affiliate WLEX Lexington news that would make anybody shiver, in fact, this is the stuff that horror movies are made of. Think of “The Birds”, and then think of “Willard”. Need I say more?

The setting is Race Street in downtown Lexington, in what appears to be a run down, predominantly black neighborhood. Yet, the woman who is the main human subject of the story is white. This one lone old white woman has the entire neighborhood up in arms, and yet, in the grip of fear. Because, her house is full of rats. Everywhere. They are living there, and breeding there, and dying there. Her floors are rotted, and under the flooboards, there are dead rats. And, there are living rats.

She feeds them. Every day. A ten pound bag of dog food. There are so many rats, they go through this ten pound bag of feed in just a little over two hours. Then, they start to get active. There are so many of them, she places the full bag inside a big plastic garbage can, into which they climb. By the time they are finished, the container is laying on it’s side on the ground, and has been moved several feet from where it started.

The rats wander about the neighborhood. They seem to be immune to rat poison. The police say there is nothing they can do about it, as the woman has really broken no laws they know of. Other neighborhood residents insist the house should be condemned, burned down, destroyed. Ah, but then, where would the rats go?

So why does the lady feed them? According to one of the area residents, the woman claims the rats are her pets. Truthfully, if she said this, it may have been in sarcasm. When asked why she continued to feed them, her answer was curt,and to the point.

“So they won’t bite me”, she replied.

As Dark Clouds Gather Over Brazil

A woman Brazil was recently acquitted by a jury of the murder of her husband based in large part, suppossedly, on the testimony of a psychic who claimed to have channelled a letter from the murdered mans spirit, which was read in court, and which absolved the accussed woman of any guilt in her husbands death. He did bitch her out though, and declared that he had inteneded to leave her. No word on who the real kiler is.

Don’t bother starting over at the beginning, you saw it correctly. She was acquitted, based at least in part due to this testimony, by a jury. Well, why not, hell, the judge allowed, as a matter of fact, the prosection didn’t even object to it.

Who knows, maybe they have too many pressing issues on their minds right now. The recent gang violence in Sao Paulo, for exampe, where there has been open warfare being waged between criminal gangs and the police, based on gang attacks and in which police have kiled, as of last count, some thirty five gang members. Still, the open attacks, many of them conducted in broad daylight, right in the middle of the city, goes on unabated, with no solution yet in sight.

Some of them might be considering the broader impications of Brazils recent successful indoctrination into the seemingly ever growing nuclear club, as they have recently announced their successful results at experiments at enriching uranium.

All this, and not a word from the U.S. Yet, we’re all so worried about Iran.

Mexican Voodoo

An interesting story from out of Mexico involves presidential politics and, of all things, voodoo dolls. A citizen of Mexico can now, for a fee, be involved in the electoral process to an extent never before possible, it seems. The purchase of a doll as a representative image of the Mexican presidential candidate of your choice can serve a variety of functions. All you need in addition to the doll is a needle, a little bit of faith, and a whole lot of resentment toward politicians. That last part should be easy enough, if the truth were known much moer so in Mexico than here. Nevertheless, here is how it works.

If you stick a needle in the dolls eye, it will insure that the candidates true intentions will become transparent.

If you stick the needle in it’s heart, it will make your candidate sincere in his promises.

If you stick the needle in the dolls right hand, it will make him always tell the truth.

There might be something to this. I recall how during the last presidential election, it was pointed out that, over the last few election cycles, the major candidates had been represented by bobble head dolls,which are offerred for sale. In all elections that this has been observed, the candidate whose bobble head doll sells the most units, is invariably the winner of the election. In the last one, George Bush’s bobblehead easily outsold John Kerrys. So much for Diebold.

In Mexico, it might well work in reverse, so whoevers voodoo doll sells the most might want to take special pains at being truthful and sincere, at being as open and transparent as possible. Of course, politicians are skilled at that anyway, for the most part.

Maybe they should just shove it up its ass, or into it's crotch, and hope they don't get shit on and fucked like they usually get in that shitty little country.

The Right To Privacy And Dignity

Imagine just for one moment that your mother has died. You are at her funeral, trying your best to cope with your distraught emotions, trying to keep it together, yet at the same time wanting to grieve, to let it out. Your friends and other family members are there to comfort you. They are grieving too. Not as badly as you are, perhaps, but they share to a limited extent your pain, your barely consolable grief, your anguish. You try to remember the good times, to remember her in all those positive ways. It’s hard, but you try, even though, at times, this makes it only worse. You also feel a sense of guilt. If only you hadn’t had that last argument. If only you had told her how much you loved her, how much she had meant to you over the years, how much you appreciated the sacrifices, the values she had tried to instill in you. You hope that she was proud of you, and more importantly, you hope she knows beyond any doubt how much you truly loved her.

You look out over the crowds of consolers, and you notice a male figure approaching, dressed in a suit. You have never seen him before, do not know who he is, but that’s okay, your mother was a well loved, respected woman. Certainly not perfect, by any means. Like all human beings, she has make her share of mistakes. But she was a good woman, a loving mother, a woman admired and respected by all those who truly knew her. And so, it makes sense that some strangers would arrive to pay their repects. Strangers such as the man you see now, approaching your mothers open coffin, with a determined look on his face, a glint of what you can ony describe as anger in his eyes. Anger at the cruelty of death, perhaps, for having taken one so well loved, so caring, at what many might consider to be well before her time?

He approaches your mothers form, then turns to approach the podium. He seems intent on giving a eulogy, yet it is not time. Still, he announces his presence to the whole of the people assembled at the small town funeral home, with a loud and actually somewhat arrogant sounding harrumph. He addresses everyone as lades and gentlemen, and then he intorduces himself., His name, he says, is the Reverend Fred Phelps. That’s odd, you think. Has he for some reason had to replace your pastor at your mothers service. But why? Soon, as he speaks, his intent becomes all too clear.

“This woman”,He says. “Was nothing but a low down,no account whore. This slut, whom you people are pretending was the salt of the earth, was one the biggest bitches in this town. Was her entire life. Any man could have her, and by god, just about any man did. All her children are bastards, conceived in sinful adultery. This is the kind of woman, and these are the kinds of children, who are going to bring the judgment of God down upon America. You shouldn’t cry at her passing. You should rejoice that she has been no doubt sent down to the pits of hell where she belongs.

“Rejoice and repent!”, he concludes as he waves his arms and, outside the funeral home. you hear a chorus of people. Looking out the window in stupefied shock, you see men, women, and children, carrying signs, some with your mothers name followed by words like “slut”, “whore”, “bitch”, and others with an admonishment to turn from such sins, and declarng Gods curse on America for condoning such lifestyles.

Soon the whole congregation joins you in an expression of outrage, combined with shock and grief at the audacity, the cruel, cold heartedness of this action.

I guess you’ve figured out by now this is my way of saying I am all in favor of the law passed to limit protests at military funerals to within a certain spot and to an hour before and after the service. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the exact same scenario. The fact that one of the funerals is conducted with military honors is to me an incidental irrelevance. Such actions would still be intruding on a families private grief, and should not be allowed in either case.

Besides, this isn't about freedom of speech. There are privacy issues involved here. Their may, however, be one aspect of our constitutional rights that may be pertinent here. The real issue here, in this case, is freedom of association. And if any family decides, in the throes of their very real and very painful private grief, that they do not want to be associated with the likes of Fred Phelps, for good or for ill-including the right to not have him in their presence in a threatening, harrassing manner- then so be it. Their wishes should be honored.

Divine Instigations

Something has got Fred Phelps on this wagon train to nowhere, and after giving it some thought, I think I’ve decided I think I know what it might be. It’s too obvious to say that he is just an insincere jerk, wanting to rattle peoples chains for money and publicity. That would be way too easy. His fame almost immediately crossed over into the line of infamy without a backwards glance, and though he is certainly well known, what good will that do him?

I would submit that Fred Pheps is the William Hung of Conservative Christian ministers. It is the very fact of the intensity of his hatred, which is so absurd, that it stands out in a crowd, though otherwise his words and deeds would be as forgettable as his talent and ability.

When Matthew Shepherd, a young gay student, was brutally beaten and murdered, left to die strung up along a fence on a Montana farm, way out in the middle of nowhere, Fred Phelps had been an almost totally unknown preacher probably barely eking out a living. Even by the standards of the surrounding communities in Kansas in which he lived and practised his faith and profession, he was probably relatively small time. He might even have been the butt of jokes,known by all as that old hellfire and brimstone preacher Phelps. Before this event,he may have even been somewhat moderate by comparison. But one thing for sure-he was definitely small time, and destined to forever remain so.

But Matthew Shepherd changed eveything for Fred Phelps. Matthew Shepherd had achieved a degree of fame he could only pretend to admire from a distance, could only barely imagine emulating.

Matthew Shepherd had been crucified. Now, after sufferring through his horrid ordeal, he was in the process of being deified. The crime against Matthew Shepherd was a crime of hate, and was being identified as such. Fred Phelps identified with that hate, for he felt it himself, and when he saw Matthew Shepherds photograph, and considered how he was now being given honor and dignity in death, how this crucified gay man was now being ressurrected and deified, he could not stand silently by and watch his ascension to heaven in the mind of his followers and sympathizers. It made the bile rise up in the heart and mind of Fred Phelps, and it utterly disgusted him. It made him sick. And he could just not stand idly by and allow it to go unchallenged.

After all, he had followed in the footsteps of Christ, in his own meager way, to the best of his all too limited ability, and had received no thanks for it. Indeed, he had many times received scorn. But now, Fred Phelps understood. A special calling had been reserved, just for him. Now, he could truly follow in Christs footsteps. Yes, he would still have scorn heaped upon him, yes he would still be ridiculed. But the lord his god had prepared him well for this mission in life. And he would fufill his destiny come what may.

Where In The World Is Jimmy Hoffa

He’s been buried under pro football field endzones. On other occassions, he has been buried under apartent buildings, high rises, and various other sundry construction projects. He’s been weighted down and/or stuffed into various receptacles and dumped in lakes, rivers, ponds, and oceans. He’s been ground up with a meat grinder. One time, after this occurrence, he temprorarily became an ingredient in the nationally known dog food brand Alpo. A few times before and after this, he was run through a scrap metal compacter, once or twice while inside a junked vehicle. He was incinerated, at least once or twice. His body has been chopped up and scatterred all over the place. At other times, he was left intact and buried in graves, some shallow, some very deept, and left to rot, thogh from time to time after being treated with lye to hasten decompisiton and minimize the scent of decay.

He is of course Jimmy Hoffa, the former Teamsters Union boss and Maffia racketeer asociate, who disappearred in 1978, never to be seen again. NEVER-I repeat-to be seen again. You see, when Richard Nixon pardoned him during his first term, it was with the understanding that he would seek no further ofice with the Teamsters or any other Union, and would stay away from gangsters. This deal was said to have been brokered by Nixon supporter Frank Fitzsimmons, Hoffas sucessor as head of the powerful Teamsters Union. Hoffa didn’t like the deal, and was detemrined to make a comback. This probably was not why he was killed, of course, he was killed because, in the course of it, he seemed detemrined to make waves.

This of course, was basically the same kind of thing that got Johnny Rosselli a trip to the Gulf of Mexico in his own private one man oil drum. But you see, Roselli, the notorious Las Vegas mobster repsonsible for the presenceof Howard Hughes in Vegas in earlier years, was discovered due to a simple fluke. Or, perhops he was meant ot be found, as a warning to any peson that might consider testifying before the Congress, as Roselli was suppossedly scheduled to do soon bfore hisdemise. Otherwise, it could just easily have been assummed that Roselli, not exactly a household name, simply skipped off for parts unknown.

This od course is something that could never be assummed about the highly popular and influential though controverial and corrupt Hofffa. And that is why Jimmy Hoffa will never be found. Precisely because they know this.

They know you’re looking for him, still, after all this time.

Vacation Aruba-A Year Of Getting Away With It All

It’s been a year now, and those bones are still ot ther somehwere in a remote spot of Aruba, screaming to be found. Well, okay, they’re not screaming. They’re not even stinking any more. Not even if they were all long ago turned to animal shit. But when the kalpoe Brothers and Joran Van Der Sloot, in my opinion, dumped the dead body of Natalie Holloway, whom they raped, and continually drugged until they accidentally killed her, in a remote area of the small island, surrounded by trees and bushes, possibly just dropping her from their car fromtheside down a hilly slope into oblivion, they knew she would never be found. All tey had to do, if they were questioned at all, about thir association with her, was lie, insist they had dropped her off. If she were later found and seen to have sufferrd a blow to the head from when Joan hit her, they would explainthis ahead oftime by saying that as she left the car, she stumbled and fell flat onher face. Brilliant plan. Just point out that there are niggers o the sland, in fact ty saw one fo them, a security guard, escort her to her feet, and out of their sight. And yes, of course she had sex with them willingly, they would say, hell, if you find her body you’ll probably find semen with our DNA all over it. But it was consensual, you see.

Yes, it’s been over a year, and still the well in the yard of Paulus Va Der Sloot, the father of main suspect Joran, has yet to be searched. He will not allow it to be searched. Of course, by now, it is probably too late. After this one full year, there is probably nothing left in the well, no bloody item of womens clothing, or a male gym shoe. They may have been retrieved long ago, if possible. But why don’t they look? Just for the hell of it? Why aren’t they allowed to look?

Whatever the case, probably nothing left but a few old bones, scatterred here and there, the rotting flesh and muscles and fat and organs long ago gnawed away, the remainder scorched by the sun, the heat, the wind, the rain.

Missing: Breanna Eversole

An attractive fourteen year old from Richmond Kentucky, Breanna Eversole has now been missing since May 21st, twelve days as of the writing of this post. So far, the only thing I’ve heard about this is a ntice in my local newspaper. I’ve seen nothing about it on television, nor have I seen any amber alerts issued. Yes, she is a white girl, a very pretty one. One that I would imagine would easily catch the eye of the many potential predators that inhabit the envirojs of Richmond, including but not limited to the sizeable population of Eastern Kentucky University, to say nothing of the many passers-by to the area by way of Interstate 75 and surrounding counties, for many of whom Rchmond is the closest “west state” in which they can legally purchase alcohol.

Yet, despite all these considerable factors, I have yet as to hear cetain things that should be publicly explained. Where was she last seen, for example. At what time. Who was the last person known to have seen her, and when and where. Did she frequent the Richmond mall, or any fo the many stores and shopping centers, restaurants, etc. Yet, none of this informationhas been made availiable.

All of which leads me to question is this girl possibly a runaway? Is this just a desperate attempt to try to find a young girl who may, as far as I know, have pulled this knd of stunt before.

Still, twelve days is a long time for a girl this age to be missing, with no clue as to her whereabout, or evidently, her associations. And it might be appropriate to point out, in this and other such cases, that a good many of the times, runaways have one important fact in common with kidnapping victims. They can both easily end up raped, murdered, and their remains disposed of in out of the way locations.