Friday, January 07, 2011

Christine O'Donnell vs The Forces Of Evil (II)

When Christine O'Donnell lost the Delaware Senate race, I was greatly disappointed, not so much in her loss-she was always at best a long-shot candidate-but in the way her defeat came about. Not too long after the election was over, there was an analysis at the blog Protein Wisdom that pretty much summed up my feelings over the matter. Here is a portion of it-

Why would we want a Senator Castle?

Seriously. Why? I mean, clearly the Republican primary voters of Delaware didn’t want him, and this was their election. So why do so many GOP cheerleaders wish Republican primary voters of Delaware would have been smart and savvy enough to vote for a guy those voters didn’t want representing them, casting their vote instead for a woman they believed would?

There is nothing “extreme” about the Tea Party message, and there’s nothing in that message that should put off “moderates.” O’Donnell did well with independents, despite having no support from her own party machinery. And yet because GOP establishment types were so quick to scoff and sniff and run away from O’Donnell or Angle (and, initially, Rubio), they lent credence to the idea that the Tea Party is “extreme,” and so obviously racist, fascist, nativist, populist, and anti-intellectual. Not to mention, longing to squeeze into tight black goth garb and couple with the Beast.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if sold on its merits, classical liberalism — and the Tea Party’s message is essentially a classical liberal message — crosses party lines and appeals to anyone who believes in individual liberty, smaller government, equality of opportunity, and the rule of law. It is constitutionalism — legal conservatism / libertarianism — substantively alienated from the rudderless country club Republicanism of Lindsey Graham, or the vote-counting gamesmanship of Karl Rove, for whom winning temporary majorities and chairmanships is more important than governing from a coherent philosophical base.

We don’t need slicker candidates. We need committed candidates.

I myself am not an ideological purist, so there are some issues where me and the Tea Party part company. But by and large, i agree with them far more often than I disagree, and this post in question pretty much sums up my feelings.

But it goes deeper than that. Mike Castle is a perfect example of what is wrong with politics in general. What we have bred is a political class that feels its entitled, both to rule over the unwashed masses, and to protect their own perceived turf by any means imaginable. Castle's membership in the good old boys club of Washington politics made it almost a sure thing that other establishment Republicans would in large measure turn on O'Donnell, or at the very least, turn away from her. She was plainly not one of them, and represented a greater threat to their hegemony within the Republican Party than the Democratic candidate, Chris Coons, or, for that matter, Beau Biden, who had earlier declined to seek the Democratic Party nomination.

There is also something about Delaware that can't be stressed nearly enough. It takes pride in the motto "First In Freedom" because it was the first state to ratify the constitution. It is technically speaking our first state. But it is now, and has been for some time, a wholly owned subsidiary of the banking and finance sectors of the country. It has developed and maintained a corporate friendly environment, this mainly for the benefit of those banking and financial interests.

Those same interests have also propped up the political establishment of the state, and this includes both parties, and their most important leaders. This would include the Bidens, both the current Vice-President, and his son, formerly the state's Attorney General, who declined to run for the seat formerly held by his father when Joe Biden became Vice President.

And, it would also include the man who is now the state's senior Senator, Tom Carper.

One of the people who has been a strong supporter of Joe Biden, in addition to being a former staffer of the Vice-President, is Melanie Sloan, who head of an organization called CREW-Citizens For Responsibility For Ethics In Washington. CREW us funded in part by George Soros think-tank Think Progress.

And it is Crew that has filed an ethics complaint against Christine O'Donnell, which you can read in its entirety here.

Crew filed the complaint on behalf of one Leonard S. Togman, a Delaware citizen and voter who also just happens to be Melanie Sloan's father. Not only is Togman also a supporter of Joe Biden, he has also contributed to not only his past campaigns but also to those of Carper, whom most people think O'Donnell will challenge in 2012.

Is it any wonder Christine O'Donnell, who vociferously denies the charges in the complaint, thinks Joe Biden is pulling strings in an effort to put an end to any of her potential future political aspirations?

It's been established that CREW, despite its claims of being non-partisan, is actually a schill for the Democratic Party and other progressive groups and causes. The report at Weekly Standard is chilling, if true.

Several news stories have pointed out that much of CREW's [Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington] funding comes from liberal groups and big donors to Democratic candidates and causes. And all but a handful of its complaints against Members of Congress have targeted Republicans.

But in some cases, there appear to be deeper links between the agenda of the donor and CREW's attacks. In February 2006, CREW asked the Senate Finance Committee to investigate the Center for Union Facts, an anti-union group, and its sister organization, the Center for Consumer Freedom, which CREW claimed are "front organizations for for-profit industry entities."

The complaint noted that the Center for Union Facts Web site had "negative information about unions," including the Service Employees International Union. Later that year, CREW launched a Freedom of Information Act request, followed by a lawsuit, to get the Department of Labor to hand over documents regarding the department's contacts with the founder of the two centers.

On Sept. 1, 2006, CREW received $75,000 from the SEIU, according to documents that the union filed with the Department of Labor.

CREW has also received hundreds of thousands from ARCA, an organization which favors reopening trade with Cuba, and has filed ethics complaints against individuals and companies which favor the current policy. The Executive Director of ARCA has served on the board of CREW, and is now running for Congress as a Democrat. (CREW has attacked her opponent.)

If you need further proof that Sloan is far from non-partisan, all you have to do is visit the website of CREW, where she has posted her bio. It states plainly that she was minority counsel for the House of Representatives, where she worked for both John Conyers, and then New York Representative Charles Schumer.

I think al the above lays to rest any notion that Sloan, or her activist group CREW, are impartial or non-partisan. The question then becomes, why are they after O'Donnell. And why was the FBI brought into it to the extent that they released the news of the investigation of O'Donnell to the press, before O'Donnell herself was even informed about it, in what American Spectator describes as a smear operation?

However, I think Stacy McCain might be actually closer to the truth than anyone else thus far, in pointing out that there's not a whole lot of daylight in Delaware between the Republican and Democratic parties. In doing so, McCain points the finger at Delaware GOP Chairman Tom Ross and the "state GOP insiders".

And it is a fact that there is little difference between the two. Mike Castle, the former Republican House member who Christine O'Donnell trounced in the Delaware Senate primary, probably voted with the US House Democrats AT LEAST AS OFTEN as he voted with Republicans. The majority of the Delaware Republican electorate had understandably had enough, and turned down his bid to run against Chris Coons. When he lost, national Republicans threw a hissy fit. People like Karl Rove were clearly upset that Christine O'Donnell might blow the one clear chance the party might have had to win the Senate seat formerly held by Joe Biden. They became so agitated at the prospect, so infuriated, and frustrated, that they not only refused to support O'Donnell-in many cases they outright spoke out against her.

Had they supported her, stood by her, perhaps she still would have lost, but possibly not. She might have pulled it out, or at the very least she would not have, through no fault of her own, been a drag on the down-ticket Republicans in the race, almost all of who lost handily due to the depressed GOP turnout in Delaware.

Is there any doubt that Castle would like to run for the Senate against Carper in 2012l, and would much prefer not to have to face yet another primary challenge from O'Donnell. But if he had to, he would much prefer a damaged O'Donnell than the conservative darling of the right-wing Republican base, most of who would gladly vote for her again. That is a problem the club will have to deal with.

There is more at stake in elections than merely winning or losing, you see. There is more involved than bragging rights. All of the Delaware political insiders are well-connected, from both parties, and stand to lose little in the way of legitimate political influence in the event of the victory of an outsider like Christine O'Donnell.

Ah, but the operative word here is, after all, legitimate. And when it comes to the shadowy corridors of political power, it's not whether you win or lose, or even how you play the game. All that matters is the unwritten rule-don't make waves.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Allen West Tells It Like It Is

Lieutenant Colonel Allen West, recently elected to the House of Representatives from Florida's 22nd district, makes no bones about describing the true nature of the Islamist threat against America and the West. This was in response to a question from a reporter from Red State who prefaced his question with an account of a recent remark by leftist reporter Helen Thomas, who had stated that the Islamic radicals had "perverted Islam" in order to carry out their war on the West, with the goal in mind (according to Thomas) of securing their independence from Western domination.

Colonel West made it clear that, far from being a perversion of Islam, the Islamic radicals were following the exact road map laid out centuries ago in the Koran itself.

I agree with West wholeheartedly, although I would add the caveat that, in my opinion, the Islamic radicals, though they do follow the Koran in the way it was intended, are nevertheless a minority. At least I hope that's the case, but whether I'm right or wrong, its irrelevant. The so-called "moderates", whether they are in the majority or the minority, are themselves irrelevant. They just do what they're told, and otherwise shut up. Not all the outreach and interfaith dialogue in the world is going to change that fact one iota, not now, not in the near future, and not decades or centuries from now.

Keep your eye on West. He's one of the few willing to call it as he sees it, and at least in this case, he happens to be one hundred percent correct. Hopefully, we're going to hear a lot more from him in the years to come.

Hopefully, we will have the wisdom, and the courage, to listen.

John P. Wheeler III-How Did He Really Die?

Is it possible he died from natural causes. I know it sounds unlikely, given the circumstances by which his body was allegedly discovered, by sanitation workers in a landfill (when it was supposedly seen falling from a garbage truck), but this whole story is riddled with contradictions.

For one thing, Wheeler was seen over a period of some two days or more wandering aimlessly in the street of Newark Delaware (about ten miles north of Wilmington, where he had supposedly been traveling to). He seemed greatly disheveled and disoriented, and claimed at one point to have been robbed of his briefcase. He was holding a shoe in one hand and wore no coat. He was seen by various people, who asked if he needed help, which he refused. At one point he blamed his circumstances on his mother and brother.

This sounds like the ravings of a man caught in the throes of dementia, but this doesn't seem to be the case. My guess is more than likely he suffered a stroke, or series of mini-strokes, possible the result of the stress of his being robbed. If he had imbibed even a slight amount of alcohol previous to this, that might well have intensified the effects of the strokes.

What happened next is anyone's guess. He could have climbed up inside one of the dumpsters, to sleep or get out of the cold, or he might have had an idea his briefcase might have been in one of them and sought to retrieve it. At this point, under this scenario, he would have died of natural causes. If there is any merit to this theory, an autopsy should provide sufficient evidence.

Of course, there is also the possibility that he could have fallen victim to a second assault that might have lead to his possibly accidental death, whereupon his assailants, probably two or more, deposited his body in the dumpster in a desperate attempt to hide their unintended crime of manslaughter.

I also have to wonder, concerning the first robbery, whether he was lured someplace by a prostitute, possibly one with whom he had some familiarity. Or possibly another person he trusted, someone he had previously thought to help.

It's certainly a strange story, and the conspiracy theories are already flying full force.

But I will delve more deeply into them later, and in so doing offer my own version of what might have happened in the event Mr. Wheeler's death actually was the result of murder and conspiracy. I know there is a temptation to jump the gun here. After all, this was no ordinary guy, but a man of great accomplishment and influence in a variety of areas of public life and service. Here is a detailed account of his life, career, and accomplishments, including his more recent endeavors.

For now, I leave this open for consideration with no further comment, for now. After all, those more mundane explanation that people tend to overlook oftentimes afford the most likely answers.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


Special Note-Join the Support Captain Owen Honors Facebook Page

Now that Captain Owen Honors has been relieved of his command of the USS Enterprise, its only a matter of time before his entire career is brought to an inglorious end, despite the fact that he has dedicated his life to honorable service to the US Navy and to his country. He now languishes at an obscure desk job, but no one has any doubt as to what the ultimate outcome will be. Nor do many question the reason. Honors is being persecuted for the crime of producing a humorous video, meant for the entertainment and morale of his crew, parts of which could be interpreted as insulting and denigrating towards homosexuals.

Honor's superiors in the Navy knew about the videos years ago, and there have been intimations that he was disciplined. Some even today say that what he did, while over the line and inappropriate, should not be a firing offense. And evidently, it wasn't, until the videos, which have long been available on the ship's computers, surfaced in the way of complaints made by various service personnel up the higher chain of command. But the difference between now and then is, of course, the repeal of DADT.

Since the repeal, I guess its only to be expected that there would be some kind of ritual sacrifice that would serve to usher in the new age with its new policy of tolerance and inclusion, and to be sure, Honors made himself all too easy to use as a bad example, even going to the extent of convincing actress Glenn Close to make a cameo appearance in the video. Close claims she was wholly unaware of the true nature of the video, and now she has also come out against Honors, calling the incident "insulting".

Whatever the merits of the case against the now former Enterprise Commander, we can only hope this does not also herald the onset of a new era of repression against those who do not tow the pc line, because if it goes too far, it will not bode well for the long-term health of the US military. In fact, some estimates of the numbers of those who will not re-enlist because of the change in policy run as high as forty percent.

Seeing as how that's the case, it seems unwise to me to remove from service a man who has served honorably and well, having at one point proved instrumental as a commander of another ship during the Georgian-Russian conflict. He commanded a ship that delivered humanitarian supplies to the Georgians, in a mission Honors was quoted as calling a "show of solidarity". It was his work in this capacity that earned him his promotion and eventual command of the USS Enterprise.

Many see what's coming down the road and what has happened to Honors might be just the first shot across the bow. You can expect, probably sooner than you think, a flurry of lawsuits alleging abuse of gay service members, in all branches of the service. There will be such lawsuits based both on alleged past indiscretions, as well as accusations pertaining to such conduct in the future.

And you can almost make book on how long it will be before several gay service members file complaints alleging they were passed up for career promotions to higher rank due to, supposedly, their homosexuality. That one is so obvious you could almost shrug, yawn, and go on back to ignoring it were it not for the obvious implications that you also have to figure what will also be coming down the road-demands from the political hacks in Washington to promote x number of homosexuals to the higher chains of command. This will mostly be the work of Democrats (of course) but a few RINOs as well are likely to get in on that action.

And of course, you can most definitely expect demands from the homosexual activist community wing of the far left fringe to make demands as to future cabinet appointments. Do not be in the least bit surprised, especially if Obama wins re-election in 2012, if he does not appoint an openly gay former military official to the post of Secretary of Defense, or Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or National Security Adviser, etc. There will be such open and insistent demands for such appointments, in addition to other posts, such as Secretary of State and Attorney General, a Supreme Court Justice, etc, that it is bound to happen sooner or later. This in itself would not matter to great extent were it not for the fact that such appointments will be mainly political, with the merit of the individuals involved being of secondary consideration at best.

But even this, in addition to everything else, will be of minor concern in comparison to the overall atmosphere, which will be poisonous. Now it starts to come into focus, just exactly what many military officials and experts were warning us about for so long related to military cohesion and combat readiness. The effect on morale is going to be so all-pervasive and thick you can cut it with a knife. There should also be concerns about the potential for the abuse of heterosexual soldiers at the hands of homosexual superiors, something that was punished severely by none other than George Washington in 1778. in the case of a homosexual Lieutenant he drummed out of the army after he was convicted of attempting to commit sodomy with an enlisted private.

But that was then and this is now. Will there be such abuses in the future? Or if there are, will they be the exception? Is the whole thing a matter of gross exaggeration, just the other side of the same political game piece?

The good news is after so long there should be at least the semblance of a return towards normalcy. Before long, the majority of gay soldiers, that majority who are patriots and who just want to serve their country, or at the very least just want the career opportunities the military provides, will see the radical left in as negative a light as the typical heterosexual soldier tends to see them. They will avoid the gay service members clubs and off-base gay activist organizations like the plaque. They will keep their personal lives private, and devote their on-duty time to nothing more or less than simply doing their jobs.

Most of them will come to see the wisdom behind DADT, which might be best described by another old axiom-MYOB.

But for the time being, and very likely for a long time to come, the US military will be suffering unduly from what will turn out to be a serious wound. I don't think it will die from the conflict, but it might eventually suffer greatly from a serious case of PTSD.

That would be POLITICAL Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

New Years Prediction-The Strong Horse

I know this comes a few days late, but who says you can't take the time to think it over. Since today was the first New Moon of the New Year, I thought it provided an appropriate type of energy to meditate on the matter.

And the more I thought about it, the more I kept coming back to something I read on one of my favorite blogs, GrEaT sAtAnS gIrLfRiEnD, where blog owner Courtney made a prediction regarding the GWOT to the effect that we will finally capture or kill Ayman L Zawahiri.

I'm going to take it a step further. I think we might also capture Bin Laden himself, or possibly kill him. Seen from the perspective of the Obama Administration, killing him would be far better. If we kill him, the deed is done, and Obama can brag that his tenacity and leadership got the job accomplished, the job he will be sure to point out his predecessor in the White House could get done in eight full years on the job.

If he is captured alive though, that brings up a whole different set of issues. Do we try him in civilian or military court? Do we stick him in Gitmo where he will be a hero to his fellow Islamist prisoners, or do we stick him in solitary confinement, and if the latter, where? Will the Left, especially the Democrats, be demanding he be tried in accordance with the same legal and constitutional rights an American citizen would be granted without a second thought? What will be the reaction of CAIR to the news? Will they strongly condemn Bin Laden and demand he be tried and if convicted executed, or will they talk out of both sides of their asses, demanding relative leniency and issuing veiled threats if he is not granted special protections and considerations. Will they or some other Islamic advocacy group even go so far as to spring for his defense? And what about those threats? Will there be worldwide repercussions if Bin Laden is captured. Even if he is killed will there be an increased threat of terrorist attacks on our embassies abroad, on traveling citizens, on our shipping, maybe even within our borders? Will citizens be kidnapped and held for ransom, with demands that Bin Laden and other Islamist prisoners be released?

Maybe most importantly, how will this influence the political atmosphere? How will Obama handle the challenges this would pose, and how will the Republicans react to his handling of his responsibilities?

Left unasked up until now-will Obama actually deserve credit for capturing Bin Laden, or will it actually be more the result of behind the scenes maneuvering by Hillary Clinton, pulling strings and twisting arms among the power elites in Pakistan, who will actually be the one responsible for Bin Laden being found-and delivered. After all, it would be a win, win, win, for her. There would be no downside. She would take the lions share of the credit, or could obviously if she so chose, while Obama is left with all of the never-ending and increasingly painful headaches, which might well be enough to keep him up at night, and possibly even cause him to have to call off a vacation or two.

One things for sure though, if this does happen, most especially if Bin Laden is captured alive, for all the pain and agony this would induce in the Obama Administration, it would render the potential of a political challenge from his left in 2012 highly unlikely to gain as much traction as it ordinarily would. With all the problems that would be manifest by a Bin Laden capture, especially if it resulted in a serious increase in violent terrorist attacks here or abroad, no one would be interested in a far left candidate's take on the matter.

No, at that point, the problem would be from his right. And the woman responsible for the capture would be holding all the cards.

Justin Bieber Despondent, Suicidal Over Selena Gomez Abortion Plans

That's right, Selena Gomez is as of this writing just under three months pregnant with with Justin Bieber's love child. No word on whether its a boy or a girl, but Gomez is determined to end the pregnancy sometime within the next two weeks. The Bieber is beside himself, and even intimated a vague threat to commit suicide if Gomez goes through with her plans.

It certainly hasn't helped matters that legions of his teen and tween fans have actually threatened to kill Gomez. Not because she's pregnant with his child, which is not yet widely known, but because the two have apparently been dating, and were photographed kissing recently, despite the fact that Gomez at eighteen is legally an adult, while Bieber is still technically a minor. Following is a sampling of the hate hurled via Twitter at Gomez, courtesy of TMZ-

- roses are red, violets are blue, @selenagomez if you'll break @justinbieber's heart I'm gonna kill you :3

-- @selenagomez I'll kill you I swear on GOD!!!!

-- @selenagomez If you are the Girlfriend of Justin I will Kill you I HATE YOU :@ !!!

-- @selenagomez whore cancer i'mm kill myself cuz i saw you and Justin kissing well thankyou Selena thankyou now i'm killing myself

-- @selenagomez stay away from Justin pedophile, retard wait i'm gonna kill ya in the night underneath your smelly bed

Bieber was even more agitated at this latest development.

"Who does that?" he mused openly. "It takes a psychotic bitch to threaten somebody like that. Are all my fans psychos? Hell I think I might take up golf."

The only thing important to him, he added, was his child and its mother.

"If I lose that, I've lost everything that matter."

According to Gomez, however, the whole thing was a big mistake, and a child at this stage of her life would just be much too great of an inconvenience.

"It wouldn't be fair to the child", she explained.

Heat Balls

No, it's not me three days after New Years, its a product currently marketed in Europe. Red State tells the tale-

very ingenious things, heat balls: they work by converting electricity into heat energy, with an impressive 95% efficiency, which makes them perfect for warming specific spots in the house. They’re also absurdly simple to make: glass, tungsten, some argon to keep the device stable - it’s all very cheap to make, particularly since it’s all off-the-shelf technology. Best of all: heat balls fit in a standard lamp socket, which means that you won’t need any kind of special equipment to use them! They’re not perfect, though: the extremely small amount of energy wasted by a heat ball ends up generating photons, which means that you don’t want to look at a heat ball directly. But even that can be mitigated by using exterior shades. Really, on balance it’s a great little device: as Instapundit (H/T) notes, very green.

Let's be clear, however, in that we're not exactly talking about a new invention. In fact, its been around for a while.

Of course, its illegal in Europe, but only if you market it and sell it as a light, not as an extra heat source. Pretty clever way if you ask me to look the man in the eye and say-


Monday, January 03, 2011

Gaea Manifest

The Global Warming Climate Change movement is manifesting, actually, as a religious cult, yet again, though striving to maintain its thin veneer of a seemingly legitimate, yet in reality pseudo, science. On a recent broadcast of The Science Show on Australia's ABC, host Robyn Williams (not the American comedian but the Welsh science lunatic) interviewed fellow Climate Alarmist Tim Flannery, Australia's 2007 Man Of The Year, Chairman of The Copenhagen Climate Council, a university professor and generally all-purpose nutball. During the interview, the following exchange took place, after Flannery made a statement that the earth Goddess Gaea would sometime in the future become physically manifest.

Robyn Williams: So there you've got an image of the earth, the planet as a god, but also a very sophisticated and credible scientific idea.

Tim Flannery: That's right. I was tempted in the book to simply give in and call it Earth System Science, because Gaia is earth system science and in many university departments around the world, as you'll know, Robyn, earth system science is a very respectable science. But as soon as you mention Gaia of course, the scepticism comes out. I didn't do that though, because I think there's a certain elegance to Gaia, to that word and the concept, and also because I think that within this century the concept of the strong Gaia will actually become physically manifest. I do think that the Gaia of the Ancient Greeks, where they believed the earth was effectively one whole and perfect living creature, that doesn't exist yet, but it will exist in future. That's why I wanted to keep that word.

Does he mean that the goddess Gaea will actually manifest within and to the world as a living, breathing Goddess? Some seem to have interpreted it that way, but as tempting as it might be to jump to that conclusion, what he actually meant might be far worse. There is a strong, vital goddess movement, albeit relatively small, that believes that, in fact, Gaea has already manifested. Who is she? Well, she is all of us. The following is taken from the website of Geon of Atlanta-

Who is Gaea? Why, you are. So am I. So are the great whales, and the plants that made the beans for your morning coffee. Gaea is the politician on your television, and the medium by which you are reading these words. Gaea, in short, is the entirety of the living, breathing world we call home.

So Gaea is a kind of collective consciousness of the entire world. Fine, I could be down with that, to a point, but the problem is, it gets problematic the minute you make the jump, a quite natural leap, that since we all share the same collective consciousness, we should all be the same. It not only gets problematic, it can be dangerous.

The Gaea worshipers, at least the ones on this site, are plain in their pronouncements that not all Gaeans will approach the worship of Gaea in the exact same way. The important thing is the end goal. So, what are some of the different ways through which one might decide to best show their devotion to the great Mother Goddess? Thankfully, the site provides some insight-

The stated goals of your basic Gaea devotee are as follows-

* We seek to provide fellowship and spiritual nourishment through reaffirmation of our unity with Gaea.
* We seek to promote the religion of Gaea, and the theaology of natural divinity.
* We seek to promote the ethics of individual liberty bounded only by individual responsibility and justice.
* We seek to promote the community of all earth-reverent religions, nourishing both its unity and its diversity.

Well, that doesn't sound so bad, does it? They even throw in a paean to "individual liberty", responsibility and justice. So then, what are some of the differing paths by which one might choose to achieve these goals. From the same page-

There is no “One True Way” of Gaea. There are several organizations and traditions that hold the basic Gaean philosophy as outlined above, yet differ wildly as to how to pursue the greatest good for the Mother. Some groups call for an end to technology, or capitalism, some for mandatory veganism, some for mass human suicide. The diversity of thought on the subject can be confusing, but it's probably a good thing. Diversity promotes evolution and strength. That principle works as well for ideas as it does for species. This site represents my experience, and compatible views of Gaea. I do not claim to speak as the voice of Gaea, or claim authority over what may someday be coherent opinions on her part. (Frankly, I would be very cautious of anyone who did).

Do note the author here is understandably suspicious of anyone that would deign to speak for the goddess, but evidently she is not suspicious or the least bit concerned that some of her fellow Gaea worshipers might promote mass human suicide. Doesn't that make you wonder just how prevalent such a mindset might be within the Gaea movement? It sure makes me wonder. That doesn't necessarily translate into the broader spectrum of earth sciences and environmentalist political activism, of course, but its worth noting that the influence of such radical philosophies is part and parcel of the whole.

They might well point out that humankind is itself suicidal to at least an extent, and that might well be a valid point. But in this instance, we see suicide as an accepted, and acceptable, doctrinal movement, an actual spiritual philosophy.

We are used to seeing Gaea "manifest", symbolically of course, as a youthful, wild virgin, as a Great Mother figure, and as an ancient wise crone, all timeless representations of various stages of life mirrored in the greater universe of the world and its environment. We have seen her presented as a kindly matriarchal figure, and conversely as a stern, disciplinary mother, even as a passionate lover and temptress on the one hand, and an enraged, vengeful dispenser of divine, impassioned justice on the other.

Now we are gifted with yet another vision, that of a remorseless, crazed murderess of her own children. Or, if you will, as a suicidal cunt.

At her age, perhaps the Goddess is merely suffering from an intermediary stage of Alzheimers. Whether she is or is not, or even if that is merely another one of her many varied and seemingly contradictory manifestations, it begs the question-should we her children not be providing for her care? I think we should, but in an appropriate way that is practical and in taking into consideration the needs of all of her children-seeing as how we are, of course, just another manifestation of her greater global consciousness.

It would seem that even an aged and revered goddess, for all her greatness and power, can suffer from the pangs of delusion and dementia. Unfortunately, with all too many of her followers, that seems to be the most prominent consciousness she has yet to manifest unto us.

What is worse, I have not seen any signs that her followers in the scientific community, or the ones in the world of progressive politics, have any better grasp of reality than those of her devotees that offer her scented candles and incense on Earth Day.

It's The Day After New Years And I Need Another Drink

Now I'm depressed. No, not because Cindy Shehan is back in the news, bitching because Obama is not any more liberal than Nancy Pelosi. It's because if she wasn't so fucking ugly, half the independents in the country and at least a third of the RINO Republicans would be gushing all over her. If she looked like Juliette Huddy, so would I. There, fuck it, I said it.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

California Here We Come

Sometimes things happen that are so impossible to make up, you have to wonder if its an omen. Yesterday, at the Rose Parade, there were a number of extravagant floats. Some of them one awards. So which one do you suppose won an award for being the float that best represents life in California?

That would be the Sierra Madre float.

That would be the float that broke down and had to be hauled through the parade by a tow truck.

H/T Samizdata

Friday, December 31, 2010

For Asgard!

Above we see the Norse God Heimdall, as portrayed by actor Idris Alba, in the upcoming movie Thor, which is based more on the Marvel Comics superhero, not so much on the mythology of Scandinavia. Naturally, a good many people have stridently objected to the casting of a black actor in the role of a Germanic deity, but Marvel has been careful to explain that the Asgardians are not really "gods" in the religious sense. They are actually a bunch of aliens from another dimension. Following is probably the most accurate explanation I've yet read regarding this hair-brained plot line.

the Asgardians in the film are, as they are in the Earth X comics, actually aliens rather than gods. They visited earth in the ancient past, where their culture, language, beliefs and customs influenced the development of certain human civilizations, such as the Vikings

Whew, what a relief. That's a much more realistic view of the ancient gods, isn't it? Much better than actually putting them on the level of a truly religious deity, such as Yawheh, Christ, Allah, or Buddha. After all, that might be a real insult to the adherents of the world's major religions, might it not?

You can see a theme developing here amongst the folks at Marvel. Don't dare to offend anyone. Except, of course, the very people who are the most devoted to the very characters and, yes, gods that you are cravenly exploiting.

At any rate, despite the fact that the Asgardians come from an alien dimension, they are made up of different racial types, somehow strangely identical to those found on earth.

Many of the film's critics are urging a boycott of the movie. Others disagree, and in some cases suggest they are or might be acting out of racist inclination. For example, Jason at the Wild Hunt disingenuously suggests that there is something not only racist but hypocritical at work here. For example, many of the current critics of the film had no problem that Thor, originally red-haired and full bearded, became in the comics a clean-shaven, blond haired hero more similar in appearance to Prince Valiant than to a rugged Norse fighter and slayer of giants.

What makes this argument remarkably disingenuous is that the comic book Thor predates the Asatru movement by probably at least ten years, and the comics creators wanted a handsome, dashing figure that would look good in a tight fitting outfit. This could hardly be considered to be in dire conflict with the traditions and heritage of the original followers of the Norse God. It is probably more a reflection of the fact that the vast majority of the more rabid comic books fans, probably as much as eighty percent of them, are closeted gays. The other twenty percent are so far out of the closet every fucking day is their own personal Gay Pride Parade.

You think I'm exaggerating? One of Thor's better known villains is an indestructible entity created by Thor's father Odin called the Destroyer, who can only come to life when he is animated by the controlling, or controlled, guiding spirit of another. At times he has been portrayed with what looks to be a bulging penis at his crotch. The only problem with this is, he's a magical but EMPTY FUCKING SUIT OF ARMOR!

In other words, in so many ways we see how Marvel has historically manipulated the sensitivities and even the sexuality of its fan base for profit, yet they get a pass from these fanboys, black and white.

This would include now the proprietor of this site which promotes black heroes, who stresses that he is happy Marvel has stood by its decision and is ready to stick it to the racists. The word racist here is doubtless defined as anybody who objects to the casting of a black actor in the role of a Norse God.

As someone who is no longer a fan of comics, this really isn't my fight. As someone who isn't truly an Asatruer or Odinist, it is not my concern. And I am damn sure not a Wotanist, which is in fact a white supremacist religious group devoted to the worship of Wotan (the ancient German spelling of Odin, who was Thor's father). Nevertheless, this leaves me just a little perplexed, and not a little disgusted.

But before I go on, I want to point out, I have no problem with black actors taking on traditionally white roles. For example, when Will Smith took on the role of James West, the role made famous by Robert Conrad in the classic western themed tech-spy series The Wild Wild West, I was intrigued by the concept, and was eager to see it. Unfortunately, the movie itself turned out to be a load of crap, but that's beside the point.

In this case, the whole point of casting Idris Elba as Heimdall, the Norse God and Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, is useless, pretentious, obvious, calculating, and on top of that, silly and unnecessary. And yes, even a little bit insensitive towards people who are, with good reason, prideful of their European heritage and roots, people who are not all racists and bigots, but who nevertheless understandably take exception to their heritage being hi-jacked and subverted for the sake of political correctness, or at least for a wider share of the film audience.

This should also be seen as an insult to the black movie audience. It actually has the temerity to presume that they are incapable of appreciating a film that doesn't feature an African American or black character, which is of course nonsense, and let's face it, fucking racist as all get-out in its own right. If you can even get around to thinking about it seriously, which is to say honestly, you could cut the condescension with a knife, provided you aren't quickly suffocated by the polluting arrogance of sheer elitist gall.

Marvel can spin their wheels all they want about the "true nature" of the Asgardians, and they can certainly give them a multi-cultural history if they want. They own the rights to what characters that they themselves have invented, such as the Enchantress, Karnilla, Volstagg, etc. But no matter how they try to spin it, there's no getting around the undeniable fact that the setting, concept, and for the most part the central characters, are definitely based on the ancient Norse legends and myths. Marvel didn't invent them, they adapted them, and to an extend made them their own.

Let's face it-the Marvel people are free riders who have made possibly tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars from the adapted mythology of an ancient people whose descendants are yet very much alive, and who have a very great degree of reverence and respect for their ancient cultural traditions. This is just as true even if they don't subscribe to any form of religious devotion to their ancestral deities. And in fact this is the case with the vast majority of them.

But they do have the right to object and even to feel offended when their very heritage is disrespected, regardless of the reason or excuse.

If Marvel is determined to change characters from black to white, they could just as easily make Captain America, or Iron Man, or the Fantastic Four, black people. But of course they won't do that, because they know they would never get away with it. People would bitch, and rightly so. On the other hand, they did change Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD, into a black man, portrayed by Samuel Jackson. No one complained that I know of, including me.

But Heimdall, an actual cultural icon from centuries ago, in fact from more than a millennium past? A figure from ancient Norse mythology who was one time himself a figure of devotion, and possibly even the center of his own cult of worship? I'm sorry, but that's just a bridge too far.*

It's too late to change things now. The die has been cast, and Marvel should stick to their guns. We don't need any further Rodney King style riots over something as trivial as who portrays a character in a superhero movie. And no, its not racist to suggest that there are some in the black community who would use such a controversy as an excuse to start something like that. If you don't believe me, wait and see what happens in a great many inner cities if Barak Obama is defeated for re-election in 2012. I'm still surprised there weren't celebratory yet destructive riots in some inner city black neighborhoods when he won.

But Marvel needs to drop the disingenuous excuses and start treating the cultural sensitivities of a probably not insignificant portion of their fan base with equal consideration. Respect for the heritage and traditions of all races and religions should be an equal opportunity endeavor. Otherwise, Marvel continues to look like just what they are-just another group of leftist hypocrites.

I'm not expecting any change from this group of creatively challenged funny book creators. As I alluded earlier, I am a great fan of the concept of the comics, the characters and some of their plots and story lines. But it just doesn't translate well on film, due mainly to the obvious time constraints which work in conflict with the generally over-ambitious scope of the majority of movie adaptations. But even the comics themselves have gotten bogged down with overly complicated tie-ins and overarching plots and story lines that are ridiculous to the extreme. Yes, even by comic book standards. It just gets worse and worse. No one ever stays dead for long, there are so many different alternate realities you have to be an autistic savant to even begin to be able to keep track of them, and there are so many god-like entities, some of whom can create and destroy entire universes with little more than a passing thought, its gotten to the point no one can take them seriously even on a creative level. The irony is, the movies might well be their last best chance of survival, and could pave the way for a creative renaissance. But it looks like they are determined to screw that up as well.

The comics industry has just dug itself a hole, but that's the nature of the beast. They are cultural thieves, in addition to free-riders, and that's what thieves do. More often than not, they do not end well.

*Haw Haw Haw see what I did there?

Cap And Trade Is Here As Of January 2nd

The Environmental Protection Agency has set new regulations that apply mainly to seven states, including Texas, which according to the EPA would, if it were a nation, be the eight largest carbon producer in the world. It is the largest polluter in the US, accounting for 11% of the pollution produced here. But what does that really mean?

Rick Perry isn't having any of it, and has sued to stop implementation of the EPA's guidelines, but a federal court has refused to block the EPA until such time as the matter is resolved.

What really matters is the price at the pump. When these new rules take effect, on January 2nd, look for the price of gas to rise dramatically. Frankly, the Republicans in the House can put a stop to this by simply refusing to fund the EPA.

The administration didn't seem to get the message that the American people are against Cap And Trade. If Obama doesn't get what he wants through legislative action, evidently he thinks its appropriate to force the issue through a dictatorial regime.

That's not only legitimate grounds to withhold funding from the agency, it might also be a legitimate reason to proceed with impeachment proceedings.

Barrett Brown Makes His Mark, And Leaves It

This is some depressing shit to watch on the day before New Years, so you've been fairly warned. Barrett Brown actually seems to have set up a confrontation with his girlfriend's roommate, and recorded it, and then uploaded it (and a follow-up continuation) onto YouTube. The roommate is pissed because Brown left his condom in the guys bathroom, and there was something said about keeping the guy up on a work night. So here he is with his laptop conveniently recording the guys reaction. I don't know why Brown didn't just whup it out and start pissing on the walls.

Oh well, kudos to him at least for having the guts to call the guy a faggot. Barrett made sure to point out to the guy, who he calls a computer designer and giant pussy, that he writes for Vanity Fair. Maybe soon he'll upload a video of himself on the receiving end of a good tongue lashing from Andrew Sullivan here in a few days.

Like I said, depressing. Now I need a beer.

H/T The Other McCain

Would You Or Wouldn't You?

Be honest. Don't be afraid to tell the truth. You'd do this, wouldn't you? At least, if you were drunk, or desperate, or both, provided she promised not to tell, right? Just for the record, I would in a heartbeat. Why?

Because this is Katy Fucking Perry, and I don't give a shit that she's ugly as homemade sin without her make-up. She's still just as beautiful as ever where it counts.

On the inside.

Of her underwear.

Pardon Denied

UPDATE-New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson decided not to pardon Billy The Kid after all. That means William Bonney will remain officially a felon. He'll never be able to cast a vote for a Democratic candidate for any public office, anywhere in New Mexico.

I don't know what your game is, but you aren't fooling me, Richardson.

RIP Rose The Riveter

Bye now

The most famous two week job in the history of the world, although the model pictured, real name Geraldine Hoff Doyle, wasn't widely known until this poster was used in the nineteen eighties as a symbol of the women's movement. Formerly, it was part of a Westinghouse program that trained young women workers. The original Rosie quit the job after two weeks, because she wanted to become a cello player and was afraid she'd injure her hand. She wasn't aware of the poster herself until years later. Her husband died earlier this year.

Akhmed Knows Best

Katie Couric in a recent end of the year round up suggested to a guest, comedian Mo Rocka, that America needed a television program that would be a Muslim version of The Cosby Show. This, she claims, might help Americans overcome their prejudice of Muslims by showing them in a positive light.

I have an idea some network head honcho someplace might try this eventually, maybe this year, but it won't work. Americans are tired of the media and political elites glossing over the inherent flaws that infest the religion of Islam, and the undeniable problems they cause, and its going to take a hell of a lot more to change their minds than just-well, more of the same.

They can certainly make a program that depicts the head of a Muslim family as a loving, concerned parent and husband who wants what is best for his family, and they can make him a lovable, curmudgeonly goof-up for the lulz. The family will be dealing with the bigotry and prejudice they will face, and no doubt we can look forward to hearing speeches by daddy Akhmed denouncing terrorism, and stressing the need to act with respect, tolerance and friendship towards those of different cultural and religious backgrounds. I bet one of his best friends will be Jewish. The kids will be fun loving, savvy kids who just want to make friends and get along. The girls will all wear the hajib, but will do so willingly and cheerfully, while whiling away their time doing their homework, what time they aren't shopping around for potential husbands on Facebook.

Naturally, there will be problems with the kids, who will at times express resentment over the prejudices they face in their lives, but papa Akhmed will set things right with inspiring monologues about the greatness of America and the overall goodness of the American people.

Of course, this will go over like a lead balloon. Just because something presents a pretty package doesn't necessarily mean there's anything inside. Such a program will be seen for what it is, an idiotic attempt to convince Americans that Muslims are "just like us" in every way that is important, and that we should not judge them or their religion.

Fair enough, but we are not concerned about a few individuals. We are concerned about a movement, and its affects on large numbers of its adherents. The fact that Doctor Akhmed might cure your flu with a sincere smile on his face means little in the grand scheme of things.

For such a program to be successful, it must strive for intellectual honesty in its attempts to portray Muslims, and their faith, which is the single most important influence of their lives, even if they themselves are not personally religious. It defines who they are and their most important life experiences. It frames the cultures in which they were raised and influenced. And that influence, while arguably positive to some extent, is undeniably negative and destructive, coercive and intimidating, in so many different ways it is impossible to hide it, and ridiculous to try to do so.

In portraying the lives of such a family, of such people, by drawing on the model of a familiar American cultural icon and giving it an Islamic flavor, such a program should draw more from Archie Bunker than from Doctor Huxtable. But then, that would be defeating the purpose. It would be difficult to portray, in a positive manner, a man who demands abject obedience from his wife and daughters, whose lives he rules with an iron hand, forbidding them from leaving the house without his express permission, other than for work and school, making sure they dress the way he wants them to, threatening to disown them if they dare speak out of turn, or without permission, particularly to a young man who might be a potential suitor. There might be some real laughs if he somehow gets the idea his middle son might be gay. But it wouldn't be so funny if it turned out to be true. Well, that is, if this were a realistic portrayal.

Or, suppose Akhmed's wife were to surreptitiously plan a surprise party for her husband, only for him to overhear her making her plans over the phone and get the idea she was carrying on an adulterous affair. He broods about it for days on end, and of course certain other things happen, and certain seemingly innocent remarks are made that intensifies his suspicions. Then, on the night in question, Akhmed comes down the stairs, when all of the sudden the lights come on and there are all of Akhmed's family and friends standing around singing "for he's a jolly good fellow" while he stands there cradling the limp body of his strangled wife, looking the fool with a stupid shocked look on his face. Ha Ha Ha how hilarious would that be?

This being a comedy, of course, he would not have been successful, so she will revive, and obediently claim she was attacked by a stranger. They embrace and all is well. This might lead him to make amends with his recently disowned oldest daughter, who he habitually calls a slut, whore, and devil woman, all because she divorced her former husband and married another man without his permission. Of course, he will have to restrain the older son from killing her on sight, which should also be good for a few laughs.

And what about that younger son, the one who stabbed his teacher for implying somehow that Mohamed was not a greater prophet than Jesus? A real little spitfire, that one. And there's the youngest daughter, who wants to be like Miley Cyrus when she grows up. Akhmed is going to really have his hands full with her. Patience, Akhmed, patience, she's still young, she's only seven, and if worse comes to worse maybe you can marry her off to your cousin Massoud, who at fifty-five can't seem to find a suitable wife. Just wait a year or two and see if she calms down first. Oh, but shit, he forgot, he's in America now. Oh well, Massoud is a relative, just let him move in the house. He will have to keep his pet nanny goat tied up out in the back, but otherwise-

Yeah, you get the picture. It's not going to be much help to portray Muslims as accepting and tolerant towards other peoples and cultures, when the reality is they treat their own family members like shit, especially their wives and daughters. But of course, when Couric talks about the need for an Islamic television Huxtable family, she doesn't have anything approaching reality in her mind. She wants to present a vision of something that doesn't exist in the real world and hope it will influence us, even though most of us know its crap.

In their vision, Muslims would be portrayed as basically good, honorable, caring, and tolerant of others, and what ones are bad, well that's the fault of us bigoted, zenophobic, racist, intolerant white Americans, especially fundamentalist Christians and conservative Republicans who are infested with hate and who cause the poor oppressed minority people to react sometimes in a violent manner, out of nothing but pure frustration over the hopelessness of their lot.

This is the difference between liberals, and most of the rest of us. Conservatives, and other rational people, see things the way they are, and act and think accordingly. Liberal progressives see things the way they want them to be, and think if they promote that vision long enough it will eventually take root and become reality. Muslims will be encouraged to embrace this more positive vision, and white people's hatred will gradually dissipate, and be replaced by a more understanding, kind, and gentle acceptance.

That's why white people and black people have such a deep, abiding mutual love and respect for each other these days. It's due to nothing but the hard, dedicated work of liberal Democrats, and progressives like Katie Couric who work tirelessly to show us the way.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

He Was Born On A Christmas Day

Congrats are in order for the most famous parents of any child born on December 25th, Christmas Day, of this year. Yes, I am talking about the husband and wife team of-

Mr. and Mrs. Elton John and David Furnish. Now those boys can rock and roll. Elton succeeded in his quest to be the recipient of the sweetest gift of all-the birth through surrogate by way of induced labor of little Zachary Levon Furnish-John. According to unnamed sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, the conception was the hardest part, as it involved the splicing together of the genetic material within the donated sperm of the British superstar and his longtime spousal companion, whom Mr. Fantastic himself playfully refers to at times as his little "Brown Dirt Cowboy".

Like the lad in the song "Levon", the newborn son of the pair was born on Christmas Day, yet Elton named him Levon, and not Jesus, whom Elton claims was gay due to the noted compassion and forgiving nature of the Son of God. Elton might have been mindful of the potential curse of the lyrics of Levon, such as the following.

"And Jesus, he wants to go to Venus
Leavin' Levon far behind"

Obviously, Elton and David intend to be great parents to little Zachary Levon, raising him with love and discipline, and instilling in him the Christlike principles of forgiveness and compassion.

Let's all join together then in granting David and Elton a hearty congratulations and best wishes for the years to come.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Love That Whirls

Earlier this month, here, I related how a group of international Global Climate Change Proponents had gathered in Cancun to try to hash out an agreement to tackle the growing problem (of growing disbelief in their bullshit scam). Someone there opened one of their meetings with an invocation to the Mayan Jaquar goddess, Lxchel, pictured below.

I later ran across a post on Belchspeak that went into some detail about this ancient Mayan cult. If you are at all familiar with the old Meso-American culture of the Mayans, you will not be at all surprised to learn that the nature of its rituals are as blood-curdling and terrible as the jaguar itself.

They sacrificed a young maiden ever year, but cutting out her still beating heart.
It doesn't get much worse than that ordinarily, but this cult managed to turn an already murderous ritual into one that is as macabre as anything you will see in any horror movie.

After her death, the priests proceeded to flay her. In other words, they took her skin completely off of her. So what did they do with it?

The Chief Priest dressed himself in the dead sacrificed girl's skin. Yes, you read that right. But that's not all. It manages to get worse. While wearing the dead girl's skin, he would sit around in a darkened room-sewing. While he engaged in this act, probably for hours upon hours into the night, the other priests would stand around the room. Dancing, singing, chanting, praying, playing instruments. I don't know why. Possibly to scare off some perceived demonic spirit by disguising himself as the goddess Lxchal. Or possibly thinking to trick Lxchal herself into providing some hoped for blessing that only she could supposedly grant, by pretending he was the girl who had earlier been sanctified to her. Ancient people's, while imbued with an unhealthy terror of the power of their gods, and even their wisdom, conversely had a naive and perhaps a childlike tendency to underestimate their general intelligence, which would seem contradictory. But remember, these people had a rudimentary knowledge at best of the natural world.

People will argue this point unnecessarily, but the American Indian, including Meso-Americans, are all descended from hunter-gatherer tribes that came over from Asia at a formative time in human development.

The discovery of fire and its uses were wide-spread. Certain tools had been invented, notably the bow and arrow, and had likewise spread far and wide. The rudimentary knowledge of agriculture had taken root, though was not greatly developed. One thing that hadn't happened before they came over her-or at least it hadn't been widely disseminated-was the invention of the wheel.

People argue this point, again, pointing out that the wheel would have been impractical, but while that might be true with wide areas of Meso-America, the lack of the wheel is also notable throughout the Americas, including the tribes of North America, even in the Great Plains and Southwest and Pacific coastal areas, and other such places where the use of the wheel would have proven a great boon.

The wheel? These people didn't even know how to ride a horse. That's something they learned from us, albeit very quickly and well.

The point to all this isn't that they were inferior. It is that they were simply stuck at a stage of social development they were in at the time they come here due to lack of outside contact. Their discovery by Europeans were in a sense a very real window into a world of utter savagery and barbarism, with only the rudimentary promises of a flourishing civilization. Advanced in some regards, to be sure, but in other respects, harsh and unrelenting in its callous disregard for basic human decency towards its weakest, and even its most average members.

This is the world discovered by Christopher Columbus. A world where the young boys of one tribe were captured by the warriors of a dominant tribe, raised in cages, castrated, fattened, and eaten. It was not a world of noble innocence and attunement with the divine aspects of nature. It was a world of wanton violence, capricious bloodshed, and superstitious fear of a natural world that more often than not portrayed a demonic aspect.

This is the world the most rabid pro-environmentalists want to bring us back to. Not them, of course, just the masses. These are people that hate technology, at least on an industrial, world-wide level. When Arnold Schwarzenegger in his capacity of governor of California made ready to approve a massive solar energy plant in the desert of California, these are the people who, far from voicing approval of the project as one would ordinarily expect they would, voiced strenuous objection to it, adamantly opposed going ahead with the project, for the sake of a few hundred salamanders which might be adversely impacted.

They are against anything that will truly advance mankind in a positive direction, because they are in fact against any and all progress. Their hopes for what they see as an ideal world does not include mass travel and communication, or a strong and bustling market economy on a national or international level. There are no room for modern conveniences or comforts. They see that as mankind taking unnecessarily from the earth at the expense of other creatures, all of whom have the same rights as any human being.

I consider myself a friend to the environment, and a believer in animal rights and welfare. But there is right, and there is reason. And then there is modern environmentalism. I recall once a debate on CNN between a conservative pundit and the then head of PETA, whose name I don't recall right now, nor do I see the need to look it up. The gist of the debate that I saw involved the right of rats to not die painful deaths at the hands of humans. Somewhere in the debate the conservative asked the PETA head if he believed humans had the right to kill head lice. Unbelievably, the PETA guy never answered the question.

He. Never. Answered. The Question!

These people don't even know what they're doing half the time. At one point, members of the radical animal rights group ALF released a large number of minks slated to be killed for their fur. Minks, if left unchecked, breed in numbers that are comparable to rats or rabbits. You can kill and skin a thousand a day and probably barely make a dent in the population. Yet they let these things loose, and they went around killing people's pet cats, and small dogs.

And of course I've already written numerous times about the time a man in Kentucky killed a bear which tried to break into his own house, and was charged with a crime. I have still never heard how that case turned out. The news media in Kentucky ceased covering the story, and good luck getting anybody to comment on it to this day. In return for protecting his own home, and his pet dog which was in the house, the poor schmuck may as far as I know be in some insane environmentalist Kentucky Democrat version of a forced labor/re-education camp.

Yet, these people still have an inordinate power and influence on world politics, especially and most ironically within the advanced nations of the world, and even more especially they exercise that influence through the more so-called "progressive" parties, including but not limited to the Democrats here in the US. Nor is their influence limited solely to progressives. Even some Republicans have fallen prey to their subterfuge and propaganda. That's one reason we call them RINOs. Recall how John McCain, speaking in support of Cap And Trade during the 2008 campaign, remarked that "if we are wrong, the worse we will do is leave our children a cleaner world."

That is one major reason, though not the only one, that even Sarah Palin was unable in the end to drag his crusty old rotten ass over the finish line to victory. That is also precisely the reason why there might yet be a civil war for the heart and soul of the GOP. The rank and file Republican base rejects the ideology of Global Climate Change and its implied vision for the world, but there is no denying that the influence is there, and it is a considerable one. And it is all-pervasive, growing almost omnipresent in scope.

Leftist environmentalists want you to believe that the world of tens of thousands of years ago was a world of peace, love, and reverence for mother nature, and they want to extend to you a cordial invitation to join them in a return to those times. Otherwise, they will sooner or later simply drag you, and all of us, kicking and screaming back to those times. And I would remind you, just in case a casual perusal of the news of the day at any given place and time is insufficient as a reminder-we are not so advanced from the days of prehistory as we sometimes like to pretend we are. We still have a tendency towards violence and aggression. It is true that over the years we have learned better to repress our more violent urges and instincts, to some extent. This is partly through the better angels of our natures, yes, but those better angels have always been with us, side by side with our more ruthless personae. We have made great strides towards allowing our better selves to gradually become more predominant through, and perhaps chiefly because of, the technological advances we have made through the centuries that have made our lot easier to bear, as a culture and society.

Yet, the environmentalists of the modern era would gladly rip out the heart and soul of civilization and display it to their maddened, indoctrinated mass of fanatic followers, while they vainly attempt to cloak themselves in the mantle of something they are most assuredly not-friends and protectors of humanity, nature, and the earth.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Message From Somalia

The two major rival insurgent factions in Somalia have made peace and joined forces, determined to drive out the UN supported government recently installed in an attempt to finally bring peace to the ravaged, war-torn country. They also have a message for President Barak Obama-

Convert to Islam, or else!

Its hard to imagine what they could be thinking. Are they actually backwards enough to think that if Barak Obama converted, all Americans would just blindly follow his lead, because he's the fucking President? Is it just the idea that if he converted he would look more favorably upon Islamic causes, to the extent he might end the war in Afghanistan and more forcefully support the Palestinian cause?

Or is it possible they really believe, like many do here, that he secretly already is a Muslim and should just be open about it?

There's only one thing we know for sure, even if some of us don't feel comfortable admitting it. They are, like all Muslims-even the best of them-mentally enslaved to the mentality of a savage, seventh century death cult, and the only peace possible to achieve with them is going to require the shedding of a hell of a lot more blood than has thus far been shed.

Lazy Slam

Ariana Forster, or "Ari Up" as she was better known, died of cancer the day before this video was posthumously released (as per her request), around October 19th or 20th. She was the step-daughter of punk rock legend Johnny Rotten, formerly of the Sex Pistols.

She formed The Slits at the age of fourteen in 1976, appearing nearly nude on the cover of band's debut album "Cut" (pictured above) at the age of 16, dressed in nothing but a loin cloth-and mud. The all-girl band broke up in 1981, but she had just recently reformed it, along with Palmolive, the original drummer.

This is actually a good song, even if you don't particularly care for reggae, and the video is good too. Tell you the truth, I didn't even know who this woman was until I happened across her death notice from October 20th at New York Daily News.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sacred Nuclear War

Who in the hell goes around saying things like "we are fully prepared to launch a sacred nuclear war". Why do despots say stupid things like that? Nothing good can come of that kind of rhetoric. It makes you look desperate. To say nothing of stark raving mad, especially when somebody like New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, a former Congressman and diplomat, says North Korea is a "tenderbox" and the worse he has ever seen it, in the wake of a recent visit to Pyongyang.

This is all due to the recent joint military exercises held by South Korea and the US just off the North Korean border. The North Koreans are convinced it is some diabolical plot by the US and South Korea to invade, and they are really ticked off about it. But that kind of over the top rhetoric actually just demonstrates their inherent weaknesses and insecurities. At best, people will laugh at them. At worse, even their allies come to realize they can not be reasoned with and must be dealt with sternly.

If they have to be assholes, why can't they at least be semi-reasonable ass-holes? Something like "we're going to beat you like a red-headed step-child". Or, "we're going to kick your asses up one side of the street and down the other". Maybe throw in something like "we're going to chew you up for breakfast and spit you out for lunch". How about "military exercise these nuts." Anything that would sufficiently demonstrate their agitation while demonstrating something of a human touch in addition to the braggadocio. Maybe even a hint of a sense of humor.

Then folks might say something like, "all right look, just calm down, let's talk this thing out".

But when you go around threatening a nuclear holocaust, you're pretty much asking for somebody to take you out.

Now, Let's See You Come Up With A Pick-Up Line That's More Original Than This!

Meet Mark Anthony Richardson, 21, of Oklahoma City. He has what one might call a very unique way of picking up women. Since we recently passed the Pagan Yule, in which we celebrate the rebirth of the Sun God in the form of a newborn baby, I thought this man's story was deserving of honorable mention in the annals of the most bizarre stories of the year.

Some people are capable of doing almost anything to get their rocks off, but this guy takes the prize. In another example of "reasons you shouldn't trust strangers you meet over the internet", Richardson put an ad on Craig' List, pretending he had an autistic son who had to be treated like an infant. He took baby formula, from a bottle, for example. But more importantly, he still wore diapers, and needed to be cleaned and changed.

Of course, nobody ever met the "father", because father and son were one and the same. He would just arrive at the house of his new employee, in a cab, in one case in dirty clothes and already needing to be changed, carrying a note from his "father", along with money for payment. In this one case it is noted that he also carried a backpack, which contained baby formula. And diapers!

He would take the baby formula straight up, with no problems or obvious signs of discomfort, but when he soiled himself and needed to be changed, he would resist, and run, necessitating his being chased, held down, and cleaned, an activity which served to sexually arouse him. At one point, he grabbed the breasts of the eighteen year old daughter of the woman who had been hired at one point to babysit him. The girl was told he didn't know what he was doing.

Well, eventually the authorities discovered that he knew exactly what he was doing, and charged him with one count of sexual assault, and seven counts of outraging public decency.

His mother claims he is mentally unbalanced and needs to be in a psychiatric ward instead of a prison.

I don't know about that, but he most definitely deserves an award. No word on whether or not he is a Wiccan, or plays World Of Warcraft.

H/T Belchspeak

Zombie Cop

Yep, might as well go that extra mile here. Since zombies seems to be a big fad, with the A&E series The Walking Dead being one of the breakout hits of this year's television series, it stands to reason that someone should point out that, after all, it is fiction. Nobody would take that shit seriously, right?

Well, guess again.

No, this is not a story from Weekly World News, it actually happened somewhere in Colorado.

A man pursued by police for a traffic violation actually shot at a pursuing police officer because, according to his later statement, he honestly thought the cop was a zombie. Thankfully, the fool missed, whereupon the officer returned fire, wounding the suspect, though not seriously enough to permanently incapacitate or to kill him.

This was covered on at least one local news report, but unfortunately, the website for the local news outlet does not archive their articles, so it's vanished into the ether. But I think the guy copped an insanity plea.

Zombie Christmas Precautions

Hot N' Cold

Katy Perry should be ashamed of herself!

YouTube should put some kind of warning page requiring folks to agree that they are eighteen years old or over before they watch this smokin' hot video. No wonder PBS decided not to air this shameful clip. Look at those breasts! What are people thinking? Don't they know three and four year old kids the world over will start engaging in mindless, gratuitous, meaningless sex if they're allowed to watch stuff like this?

Yes, I'm being sarcastic. This has got to be one of the stupidest so-called "controversies" of the past year.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

How Do Democrat Politicians Reward Those Who Vote For Them?

That's easy. There are many ways Democrat politicians will express their gratitude toward a constituent. For example, if you're New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, and someone who "votes" for you is a known outlaw, you might grant him a pardon.

Congratulations are therefore tentatively in order for the individual pictured above, one William Bonney, aka Billy The Kid. Good for you, Billy. Glad you turned your life around.

And on the off chance somebody might take exception, bear in mind that we do have to make sure that everybody listed on the voter registration roles are legitimate voters, right? Felons are not allowed to vote, ya know.

Ymir's Chateau

I don't know whose this is really, only its a chateau somewhere in France. I just thought it was a beautiful winter picture. You have to click on it in order to really appreciate it.

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting To Kill You

HaHa according to this website, there's a pretty good chance your cat is plotting to kill you, and there are ways you can tell for sure. For example-

So what's the chance in terms of percentages? Yep, they got a quiz for that.

Is your cat plotting to kill you?

For the benefit of a couple of morons who will probably take this seriously-this is a joke.

Friday, December 24, 2010


The Germans and Austrians go that extra mile to impress on their children the importance of being nice. If they're naughty, they might get something more than a mere lump of coal in their stocking. They might get something much, more worse.

Krampasnacht is a Germanic tradition, celebrated with festivals and parades, such as this one here, in Graz from a few years back.

H/T Quim from Blogging Isn't Cool

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bob Dylan Sing The Little Drummer Boy-Music Fit For Kings, Gods, And "Titans" LOL

Here it comes in 4, 3, 2, 1, and-

Merry Christmas

Dude, I Hate To Break It To You But-Well, I'm A Bull

Ymir makes his presence known. Here he takes his nourishment from his magic cow, which is itself busy licking from the ice the form of Bore, who would go on to father Buri. Buri in turn would father Odin, Ville, and Ve. Ville would go on to father the Slavic race, while Ve would become the progenitor of, probably (though I'm not sure) the Celts, Gauls, and maybe the Mediterraneans (ancient peoples of course only touched on what they knew well, so Africans and Asians probably didn't figure into the equation). As for Odin, he would go on to become the father of Gods and men, meaning of course he founded the Aesir-in human terminology, the Nordic and Germanic peoples.

But before going their separate ways, Odin and his brothers made war against Ymir and his progeny, the Frost Giants. They killed Ymir, and afterward constructed the earth and heavens out of his body and blood. His skull was used to form the earth.

This was the explanation for the predominance of snow and ice in the northern areas, and its extension during parts of the year throughout large parts of the earth.

Now "Ymir" is exerting his influence once more throughout the earth. He is dumping massive amounts of snow and sleet throughout the US and Canada, and where it is too warm, such as in most parts of California, massive amounts of rainfall will doubtless precipitate dangerous mud slides. Colorado might get mote than eight feet of snow, maybe up to fifteen feet in places. Soon, the current system will wind its way to the east coast. Nor is Europe immune from the spirit of the ancient Frost Giant. The Old World in fact is in the grip of its worst winter weather in years, necessitating the need to shut down airports throughout Britain, Ireland, and the mainland.

Finally, there is even some evidence, according to NASA, that we might well be in the beginning stages of another cyclical ice age.

As for the melting polar regions, that might possibly be the result of undersea activity. Even Charles Johnson now says man does not control the climate. This amounts to a real sea change in his attitude, but it is based on the very real possibility that the seas have actually been storing excess heat for years, and is now releasing it.

Global Climate Change? Global Warming? Yeah, sure. The ancients were wise enough to realize certain things are beyond the complete control of even the Gods. Man for damn sure can never control nor subjugate the awesome forces of nature. The best he can hope for is to adapt to it, and learn how best to make use of its majestic bounty.

In other words-

Drill, baby, drill. Dig, baby, dig. Yes, we need a comprehensive energy policy, at long last, one that does not punish the producers of traditional forms of energy, but in fact encourages and rewards their efforts, while at the same time clearing the regulatory burdens in such a way that other, alternative forms of energy might also be efficient, and, yes, (gasp) profitable.

A heaping helping of nuclear energy also couldn't hurt.

New Regulatory Burdens On The Horizon (As If We Didn't Already Have Enough)

Al-Queda in the Arabian Peninsula might be planning to poison our food? The FDA issuing warnings to restaurants about the potential of a coordinated attack?

Sounds like a perfect excuse time to pass a new law.

Of course, this law granting increased regulatory powers to the FDA is going to make it hard as hell on small farmers, farmer's markets, and regional food producers, but what the hell. Big Ag will make out like a bandit, so we should be grateful we have Big Brother looking out for our safety and well-being, right?

And if it puts small producers out of business, well, that's a small price to pay, I guess.

If one wished to be snarky, one might suggest that the current Democratic Administration was with the assistance of Congressional Democrats conducting a false flag operation in an effort to declare all out war on American small business, with the aid and support of a large segment of the establishment wing of the Republican Party joining in with the intent of helping their cronies in Big Ag corner the market.

But to suggest such a thing as that would be almost as un-American as-well, as a typical American politician.

Key phrases-

*Incoming Republican House Majority
*Tea-Party faction

Let's hope something is done to rein in these abuses before potentially thousands of American businesses go under or are reduced to begging for donations like the Estrella Family Creamery.

Bear in mind, Estrella's problems began before this new law was passed. Once it goes into effect, how much worse will it be?

Isn't it time our government's regulatory agencies devoted their funds and resources to helping American businesses instead of harming them?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Four Loko Banned

Why has the FDA banned Four Loko? After all, its just another caffeinated alcohol drink like Red Bull. In fact, the study they cited as a prerequisite to ban Four Loko was in fact a study of Red Bull. Yet, Red Bull has not been banned. So why single this drink out?

Could it be-

Yep, I think that just might have something to do with it.

Tree Huggers Fantasy

And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor

EnviroNazis Strike Again

So now what? Government bureaucracy and regulations have made anything made out of plastic more expensive than it should ordinarily be by at least about half. This has created an artificial incentive to move over to soy-based compounds in the manufacture of such indispensable products as automobile wiring. But that's good for the environment, right?

Well, your average rodent would seem to think so.

Believe it or not, this is a rabbit caught feasting on the soy wiring of a car. This has caused numerous problems in the cars that have the new environmentally friendly wiring, usually ignition problems.

The soy based compound now used mainly in automopbile wiring will undoubtedly soon be a growing replacement for the wiring in your home.

This will be greatly appreciated by not only rabbits, but squirrels, woodchucks, mice, and rats.

Mother Nature. Sometimes you just can't please a bitch.

H/T Moonbattery