Wednesday, December 22, 2010

EnviroNazis Strike Again

So now what? Government bureaucracy and regulations have made anything made out of plastic more expensive than it should ordinarily be by at least about half. This has created an artificial incentive to move over to soy-based compounds in the manufacture of such indispensable products as automobile wiring. But that's good for the environment, right?

Well, your average rodent would seem to think so.

Believe it or not, this is a rabbit caught feasting on the soy wiring of a car. This has caused numerous problems in the cars that have the new environmentally friendly wiring, usually ignition problems.

The soy based compound now used mainly in automopbile wiring will undoubtedly soon be a growing replacement for the wiring in your home.

This will be greatly appreciated by not only rabbits, but squirrels, woodchucks, mice, and rats.

Mother Nature. Sometimes you just can't please a bitch.

H/T Moonbattery