Sunday, May 08, 2011

A Good Woman Knows Her Place


It's official, Pope John Paul II is now officially an almost Saint. I guess that means that if you ask him to intercede on your behalf with the big guy upstairs, he'll get back to you as soon as possible. Seriously, whether you believe in the beatification of dead people or consider the Catholic process to be a "cult of Saints", it is nevertheless a nice gesture on behalf of a man who spend a large portion of his life and career as a staunch anti-communist and advocate for old-fashioned values. While contributing to no small measure to the demise of the Soviet Union and freeing Eastern Europe from the grip of communist tyranny, he never missed an opportunity to advocate against abortion and birth control. He was a fierce warrior for traditional marriage and the rightful role of women as wives, mothers, and homemakers. Not bad for an organization that is on balance progressive-which makes his stance on the role of women even more infuriating to his fellow progressives.

John Paul and his successor, Benedict XVI have made it clear the Church will never change its stand on these important issues, but will be a bulwark against the ever-encroaching culture of immorality and death.

As such, Benedict too is to be commended for deposing Bishop William Morris of Australia, for stating he would be willing to allow women to be Priests. Married men, too. Gays, even. Who does he think he is, Rowan Williams?

Look, the Catholic Church is what it is. What would it look like if a pagan used Near Beer to attune with Dionysius, and denounced the consumption of alcoholic beverages? What if someone arbitrarily decided Artemis, as a lover of animals, demanded her adherents become vegans? It wouldn't make a lot of sense, would it?

Well, then, you shouldn't expect the Catholic Church to suddenly start passing out condoms and giving pregnant teens vouchers for Planned Parenthood. And you should not, under any circumstances, expect the Church to suddenly start ordaining women for the Priesthood.

That's just not a woman's place.